Dan Z   Copenhagen, Staden Kobenhavn, Denmark
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About Me
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Personal info
:stars: :abs_surprised:

ㅤHello and thanks for visiting my profile! :abs_happy:
I'm a born-in-1991 years old (<--- saves me from updating it every year) male from Denmark (of Chinese origin), obtained a master's degree in Mathematics/Economics (Operations Research) in July 2015 and worked at the Ministry of Taxation for 2½ years before switching to a private IT consultancy where I've been since.

I've been an avid gamer since childhood and enjoy socializing with people over them, including board games and VR. I also read/watch VNs and traditional books, movies and the occasional anime. I'm shy and introverted but with a strong sense of respect and tolerance towards other people as long as they are trustworthy. I tend to be sensitive and get easily depressed. I value my friends highly and will usually stick with them long after they've given up on me.

Gaming history
:InjusticeGreenArrow: :csgogun:

I have an alternative account formerly used for CS:GO, but it is not being used at the moment.

Current Multiplayer Activity
Any game you'd like to play together if you're a pleasant friendly person (and I'm in the mood)
:d20: Tabletop Simulator :checkmate::pokerchips:
Beat Saber
Synth Riders
Escape Simulator

Past Achievements
Legends of Runeterra EU (Master open beta (Q1 2020), Diamond season 1)
League of Legends EUNE, EUW, NA (:crystal:Diamond seasons 3-5+9, Platinum season 6-8+10)
:csgoglobe: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Master Guardian -ish) :csgoct::csgogun::csgohelmet::csgoskull:
Hearthstone EU (Legend season 1 (April 2014))
Aura Kingdom (level 60)
World of Warcraft EU (vanilla level 50)
MapleStory NA (formerly Global) (Classic level 200, beta level 40)
RuneScape (original) (Non-member player level 60)
Warcraft/Starcraft franchises (Fully completed franchises incl. expansions and most achievements)
Command & Conquer/Red Alert franchises (Fully explored and completed entire franchises (incl. expansions/secrets) on hardest difficulties)

Some experience with
HP:WU (level 40+)
Valorant (:golden_crystal: beta)
Pokémon GO (level 31+)
Grand Theft Auto V (level 70+)
Payday 2 (level I-60+)
:100percent: :100oj: Juice
Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 (completed)
Portal 1 & 2 (completed)
Counter-Strike (all versions 1.6 up)
Half-Life 1 & 2 (completed)
Pokémon franchise (generations 1-3)

As a child I first got into gaming with the old-school C&C RTS series, later expanded into the Blizzard universe (Starcraft/Warcraft/Diablo), and through my classmates, Counter-Strike 1.6 and RuneScape. With EA brutally murdering the C&C franchise in the finale and me having no interest in the current state of RTS, I became gradually more interested in FPS, RPG, MMO and MOBAs. I played MapleStory for seven years and WoW for a year on the side, was introduced to League of Legends when starting university and have been playing that on and off until now, although my interest is waning with the increasingly toxic community and lack of friends.

I dabbled in CoD: MW2 and BF3 for a while but eventually stuck to CS:GO for my FPS desires, and later on some time in Valorant. I also used to play Magic: The Gathering which ultimately made me a frequent player of Hearthstone as well, which I then replaced with Legends of Runeterra for a while. I tried FFXIV on/off for a bit but ultimately I am still hoping for the next big MMO to replace the increasingly over-casual nature of modern multiplayer games without hurting the social aspects. I had high hopes for MapleStory 2, but Nexon managed to ruin everything brutally as usual and the game was mercifully 'put down' in the end.

Recently I've been invested in VR games and have been regularly playing mainly Beat Saber and Synth Riders on the side.

For single player purposes, I try out all kinds of quirky indie games that may capture my interest and I especially adore those with great storylines, i.e. visual/kinetic novels [vndb.org] and similar game types where story trumps gameplay. I'm also a sucker for mostly anything with cute graphics. :machiko: :spirits: But if I don't get to talk to other people frequently, I get lonely easily!

On Steam, I cleaned up at some point and made a new main account (this one) which is why I don't have as many Years of Service as I could (my original account is about as old as Steam itself). But I still hoard games and aim for 100% achievements in everything, which is a curse sometimes. :sfsurprise:

:random3s: :bikini3s:

I've been part of Zealot Gaming [www.zealotgaming.com] since 2012, mainly for LoL, and served as an Officer for some months before getting kicked for drama. The community is basically dead now. These days I stay in local Discord communities for my primary games.

I've been using SteamGifts [www.steamgifts.com] (and related site SteamCompanion [steamcompanion.com]) a lot as well, what less educated people sometimes refer to as 'leeching'. I can recommend the site as long as you are able to cope with the occasionally incredibly elitist users.
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
I do not trade away any cards that are parts of completed sets in my inventory (unless you want to buy the entire set).

Feel free to offer on anything in my inventory including CS:GO skins, backgrounds and emotes, games and coupons (the latter most likely for free if you are a friend and can use them).

Generally I'll trade for anything of similar value in terms of game keys or Steam-marketable items (keys/cards preferred). I accept all offers but don't waste your time trying to lowball.

Steam keys up for trade: (In no particular order, sorry - use search function)
One line = single key (no splitting).

Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC Steam key
Beat Hazard Ultra Steam Key
Crayon Physics Deluxe Steam Key
Killing Floor Bundle Steam Key
Scratches - Director's Cut
Vigil: Blood Bitterness
Psychonauts, Stacking, and Costume Quest Steam Key
Brazen Prototype Steam Key
Ironclads Anthology
Awesomenauts Steam Key
Awesomenauts Cluck Costume Steam Key
Hotline Miami Steam Key
Dungeonland Steam Key
The Baconing, and On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two
Anomaly Korea
Lili: Child of Geos
Iron Grip: Marauders (In-Game Credit)
Crazy Machines 2
Crazy Machines 2: Back to the Shop DLC
Crazy Machines 2: Halloween DLC
Crazy Machines 2: Happy New Year DLC
Crazy Machines 2: Invaders from Space DLC
Crazy Machines 2: Liquid Force DLC
Crazy Machines 2: Time Travel DLC
Magical Diary
Star Wars™ Jedi Knight™: Jedi Academy™
Star Wars™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™
Star Wars™ Empire At War: Gold Pack
Star Wars™ The Force Unleashed™: Ultimate Sith Edition
Star Wars™: The Force Unleashed™ II
Star Wars™ Jedi Knight™ II: Jedi Outcast™
Bionic Heart 2 - Deluxe Edition
Flower Shop: Winter In Fairbrook
Spirited Heart Deluxe
WAKFU + Novice Pack
Relic Hunter Zero
Pixel Poetry
Loren the Amazon Princess
Hacker Evolution Untold Hardcore Package Part 2 DLC
Payday 2 Alienware Alpha Mauler
A Bird Story
Hooligan Vasja - Halloween DLC
Epic Battle Fantasy 4
PAYDAY 2 Party Hat
Memory's Dogma CODE:01
Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition
Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain's Edition
PAYDAY 2 Pen Melee Weapon
Sound of the Human Tanks
200% Mixed Juice!
Neko Navy
War of the Human Tanks - Limited Operations
Machina of the Planet Tree -Planet Ruler-
Fault milestone two side:above
Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition
A Magical High School Girl
Just Deserts
Mafia III: Sign of the Times
Phantom Doctrine Alienware DLC
Deponia Complete Journey
Let it die in-game currency
Cyborg Detonator
The Turing Test
A Sky Full of Stars
CROSS†CHANNEL: Steam Edition
If My Heart Had Wings
Serial Cleaner
Story of a Gladiator Steam Soundtrack (DLC)
PaydayCon2015 Mask Pack
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard
Age of Wonders Planetfall Deluxe Edition
Void Bastards
Railway Empire
Yuppie Psycho
Beat Hazard 2
Sigma Theory: Global Cold War
Metal Unit
Verlet Swing
Kingdom: Classic
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
Darksiders III
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Imperator Rome Deluxe Edition
Crying Suns
Little Misfortune
Smile For Me
Rover Mechanic Simulator
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Origin Battlefield 3
PC Building Simulator
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey
Pathologic 2
Warhammer: Chaosbane
Not Tonight
Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York
Tales of the Neon Sea
The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines
Endless Space 2 Digital Deluxe Edition
Moving Out
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
The Wild Eight
Train Station Renovation
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Lovecraft's Untold Stories
Iris and the Giant
Boomerang Fu
Raw Data
Killing Floor Incursion
Creed: Rise to Glory
Evil Genius
Star Trek: Bridge Crew
Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality
Swords of Gurrah
Espire VR
Sairento VR
Borderlands 2 VR
Origin Battlefield 4
Pinball FX3 Carnivals and Legends DLC
Zero Caliber VR
A Fisherman's Tale
Paper Beast
Arizona Sunshine
House Flipper VR
Adventure of Chris
Get Even

Metro Exodus
Quantum Break
Sunset Overdrive
Fable Anniversary
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Slay the Spire
The Long Dark
PGA Tour 2K21
Kerbal Space Program
Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
Ring of Pain
Crying Suns
Popup Dungeon
Wizard of Legend
Expeditions: Viking
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Endless Space 2
Ryse: Son of Rome
Drawful 2
112 Operator
Radio Commander
Amnesia: Rebirth
Amnesia: The Dark Descent + Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Kingdom Two Crowns
West of Dead
Tooth and Tail
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Iron Danger
Fury Unleashed
X-Morph: Defense + European Assault, Survival of the Fittest, and Last Bastion DLC
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
DV: Rings of Saturn
Slinger VR
Telefrag VR
Say No! More
Post Void
Moon Hunters
Lust From Beyond: M Edition
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Corridor Z
Draw Slasher
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Go Home Dinosaurs
Dagon: by H. P. Lovecraft - The Eldritch Box DLC
We Are Alright
Going Under
Yoku's Island Express
Nex Machina
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Orbital Racer
Lust for Darkness
Broken Age
RPG Maker VX

The Ascent
Hot Wheels Unleashed
Gas Station Simulator
In Sound Mind
Mind Scanners
11-11: Memories Retold
Death Stranding Director's Cut
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Life Is Strange 2: Complete Season
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Founders' Fortune
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Favorite Game
Favorite Game
Hours played
Review Showcase
515 Hours played
A simple but innovative concept that delivers thanks to dedicated and continued effort and improvement, Tabletop Simulator is the first mainstream product to explore an unique class of customizable simulation in the field of board games. From a basic setup with a floating table and a background, it provides a physics engine capable of simulating intermediate to advanced tabletop dynamics - from solitaire card games to complex RPGs with hundreds of elements. With a lobby system, up to eight players can play virtually any board game imaginable (unless it involves needlessly complex physics or requires unsurmountable space) in multiplayer across the internet.

Tabletop Simulator thrives on one simple concept: To provide the tools necessary for people to be in control of whatever combination of objects that make up the game they want to play, in any way they so desire. The game has no "AI" in the traditional sense, in fact it has no rules or scripting at all. It is a large sandbox that allows you to spawn a table and a background as a foundation for a room, then populate it with you-name-it: Smaller boards for traditional games such as chess, a larger one for hour-long social games, a wide array of pieces, blocks, figurines, dice, markers, the list goes on and on. You can add custom objects easily: Custom 2D pictures can be directly incorporated as game objects on flat templates such as card backs and card holder cards, while more advanced designs allow you to incorporate any three-dimensional object you could possibly make.
With later updates, you can now also add custom tables (limited) and backgrounds.

Once the objects have been spawned into the world, you can interact with them in a variety of useful ways: For card games, an entire subsystem allowing decks to be shuffled, searched, dealt from and kept hidden in pre-placed player zones enables you to perform most standard actions with a breeze. All objects can be grabbed and moved, locked temporarily or permanently in place in any position on the ground or air, raised and lowered, flipped, rotated along every possible axis, thrown or flicked, joined together etc. A variety of miscellaneous actions help with clarification such as an arrow that each player can spawn at their cursor to make sure players are looking at the same thing, a ruler for measuring in-game distances at will, and so on. Hosts and promoted players can easily spawn, duplicate (by Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V none the less) and delete objects at will. And while the signature option to 'Flip The Table' is always present, it never takes longer than a simple Undo to return the entire room to its state a few seconds ago.

Apart from simply interacting with objects, the world itself, as well as any individual object, can be manipulated in gravity, looks, material, opacity and other behaviour - to be experienced for yourself as the variables to be changed here are very limitless.

The game world - that includes all progress - can be saved at any time, and a load will automatically restore everything just the way you left it. Aside from making long complicated games a breeze to pick up at a later time (hugely beneficial compared to many real-life board games) this is also the main (and only) way you can publish your creations at the Steam Workshop - you simply save everything you want in one file that is then published as a game mode - including all custom objects you include with it, in exactly the position you left every item, down to their names and physics settings.

Every single object or collection of objects - custom or not - can be saved separately as well. These go to a player's custom 'Chest' inventory, which is account bound. If the player has host permissions, he can spawn any object saved here (in addition to all the objects included with the base game, obviously) to the shared world. By storing frequently-used objects in chests, you can spawn them in any world and make your own hilarious crossover modes, custom player figurines or whatever, only limited by your creativity. This is also a much faster way of accessing certain objects you need rather than having to open a new mode entirely, which both resets everything and usually takes some time to load.
With a recent update, Tabletop Simulator now supports loading partial objects from gamemodes, and many experienced Workshop authors now store load-heavy objects (such as card decks) in the bags that are included with the base game so that they can be loaded on a per-use basis after the world itself has finished loading. Speaking of which, the game also provides a old-school (alarm) clock that beeps when you tap it (for time-keeping), recently an object-based Notepad for scattered variable-keeping (in addition to the external Notepad from Early Access), a simulated tablet(!) that can access webpages and e.g. provide you with custom music from YouTube or whatever.

Developer Updates and Steam Workshop
I've moved this section to the comments since I apparently reached some character limit for reviews (WTF). Please read it there.

There is no story. Period. It's a simulator and it does what a simulator should. Still a better story than Twilight many less serious simulators are awkwardly trying to tell.

The base tables and backgrounds are assets that serve mostly as foundation, and are not especially aesthetically appealing. However, your focus should be on the board itself, on which every object is as lifelike as you make them. All items from the base game are perfectly modelled and the Workshop provides loads of custom additions, good and bad alike. The game does suffer from performance issues thanks to its very realistic handling of each individual object, but this is negligible in all but the largest scenarios.

The objects have very smooth and lifelike sounds when connecting with each other or the board, reflecting their size, type and material which is of course also customizable to an extent.
There is no music. You can incorporate some with the Tablet object if you so desire. They added a fancy opening cutscene when you start the game but it feels awkward.

Tabletop Simulator is the overall go-to solution if you want to play any imaginable board game (with very few exceptions) with friends over the internet, in a perfect environment with full control over everything and several benefits compared to the real-life alternative. It is best suited for card games and traditional style turn-based board games, though it also supports lesser physics-based games quite well. You have to handle all the details yourself (just as you would in real life) as there is no script support. You'll have to pay for the simulator, but then you get to immerse yourself in a world of almost endless entertainment whenever you feel like it (and can convince some friends to join you).

Unlimited variety
Performance stuttering
Extreme customization
Fixed table sizes
Extensive object physics, card game support
No AI or rule scripting support
Dedicated developers, frequent updates
Some game types incompatible
Internet social
Real life anti-social
Creative community

Gameplay: 9/10
Story: N/A
Graphics: 8/10
Media: N/A

Overall: 9/10
Review Showcase
22 Hours played
Studio Élan (and former Studio Coattails) is a fusion of amazing writers and voice actors and other fantastic talents, producing unique quality works of magical worlds, endearing characters and wholesome romance, getting better and better with every iteration. Heart of the Woods immediately became one of my all-time favourite VNs, and I can safely say that Please Be Happy easily beats it. Can we also take a moment to appreciate that absoutely insane (at this time of writing, not counting this review) 99.3% positive reviews rating, quite possibly the highest I've ever seen on Steam and beating every other game in the all-time top charts!

In my opinion, great people have stood on each other's shoulders for a decade and refined storytelling & VN strengths to create increasingly better and more fluent, touching, wholesome titles with great characters and ambience, and this is just the beginning.

Mechanically a fairly simple VN engine with modern quality of life. Save slots sufficient for frequent use. It offers easy access to specific scenes for revisiting, full time travel logging for jumping backwards during scenes, runs as borderless fullscreen, shows OST titles as they play, customised voice settings for all characters and cute audio excerpts for menu buttons, unlockable extras for images/music and credits.

Furthermore, the menu is structured as navigating an open book complete with adequate bookmark text summaries for every new scene, completely fitting both the narrative and overall theme (though occasionally providing accidental spoilers if you happen to open the menu at the beginning of a scene).

Branching is mainly done through two major splits for the latter two chapters as well as a very minor subpath for each of these, governed by a very limited amount of choices throughout the entire game (about five in total). Other than that, there are three cute side stories to be unlocked parallel to the main plot, of which two are obtainable per playthrough. These are handled by a map system where you choose destinations during free time. However, this system feels disappointingly like an afterthought as it mostly makes it blindingly obvious where to go or contains weak filler, which is a shame considering its potential.

Please Be Happy is a heartwarming urban fairytale with casually interwoven fantasy elements, set in a modern society with a subpopulation of naturally integrated mythological, mostly human creatures, supplying a backstory to a fictional world closely resembling our own. I would love to see more stories taking place in this setting! This allows for various magic to aid the plot and for protagonists with more vivid backgrounds.

The characters are introduced in natural ways slowly uncovering their quirks, personality and flaws through a first person perspective, gradually progressing the story at a pace that manages to constantly add just a little more curiosity and warmth to the interactions to keep the reader going, elevating seemingly mundane conversations to meaningful levels of trying to decipher each character's actions and behaviour, throwing in vital drama and plot points at the right moments. The depth of the story from the onset shows that despite marketed as a yuri novel, it shines foremost as a wholesome slice-of-life "coming-of-age/new adult" (my research shows these terms are hotly contested) fantasy with romance sprinkled on top, with a lot of familial love in the mix as well.

Despite its mixed execution in terms of branching mechanics as mentioned earlier, it deserves great praise for its consistency across paths. Whereas most VNs resort to almost twisting reality based on player choices, decisions in Please Be Happy actually feel like they are only affecting what they should, and creating long-term consequences only through clear chains of causality. Though a bunch of minor cliffhangers are left unresolved, there are no apparent plot holes.

So how good is the story, then? It's so good that I'm getting moved multiple times in between subplots. It's so good that it makes me realize uncomfortably well how bad my own life is, yet provides a tiny message of positivity, care and hope. It's so good that I knew I would feel a hole in my heart when I inevitably finished it, delaying my final plays and taking breaks between scenes to make the experience last longer. It's quite good.

Super solid across the board. The use of predominantly bright colours adds to the overall theme of positivity, bringing the scenery to life both in the sprawling urban streets, the main interior buildings, and the hills, forests, parks and waterfront surrounding the city. The amount of backgrounds are largely unique.

The characters are beautifully drawn in high resolution with modern animation for natural speech, expressions, blinking and common poses. Every single character (with just one exception) is voiced and has multiple sprites to go with them.

Cutscene drawings mix up multiple different drawing styles by presumably a variety of different artists, which promotes diversity at the cost of some drawing consistency.

If story is the heart of the VN, then the audio is the soul. With beautifully composed OST by Sarah Mancuso synchronised with the plot beats and strong theme melodies for the protagonists, there's feeling in every step of the journey.

I really easily admire all of the talented voice actors in the industry, and this title just proves it further! Characters are powerfully brought to life; protagonists are provided with unique quirks in their manner of speech and accents, and even the occasional hiccups (intentional?) sound perfectly natural. Side characters all get plenty of love and having this completeness is just so important in bringing the whole world to life.

Finally, I must praise the main voice more - this is the first time I've encountered Dottovu and I'm already fanboying over here and tracking down more upcoming works. She not only adds to adorably tugging the heartstrings throughout the game, but plays an entire melody - namely, singing the icing on the cake, the ending theme, which you'll have the pleasure of hearing at least four times during playthroughs (unless you skip... but why would you?!) Like in classics such as the To The Moon series, I consider a powerful, reflective song an amazing finale to an already great story.

At first glance, Please Be Happy seems like your above average run-of-the-mill yuri romance novel, but don't be fooled! This is a potent all-time masterpiece with storytelling in focus, and I will without hesitation recommend it not just to people who enjoy yuri content, but to everyone that appreciates an amazing, wholesome, heartfelt fairytale, which also happens to have ladies falling in love and kissing (and nothing beyond that).

As previously mentioned, I believe this is only the beginning for great works to come for Studio Élan, and I will be stalwartly following them.

So get out there and immerse yourselves in the company of the lovely cast and the main character, who... is very pleasant... but for some reason, I'm having trouble recalling their name and appearance...
Oh well, another playthrough should probably fix that!!

Storytelling masterpiece
Slightly slow paced
Amazing voice acting
Some branching and gameplay filler
Deep characters and personal growth
Some inconsistent art and scenery
Strong themes of positivity, caring, belonging, hope - wholesome!
Great soundtrack and ending theme song
Beautiful artwork and strong VN engine

Gameplay: N/A
Story: 9/10
Graphics: 9/10
Media: 10/10

Overall: 9/10
Screenshot Showcase
Salien Stats
Level Reached
Bosses Fought

Experience Earned
Favorite Guide
Created by - suniki
My English translation of the poem and the 2 cutscenes.
Awards Showcase
Awards Received
Awards Given
Recent Activity
19.1 hrs on record
last played on 13 Mar
2,450 hrs on record
last played on 13 Mar
509 hrs on record
last played on 13 Mar
Gori 27 Dec, 2024 @ 11:33am 
Hello Dan, how are you?

First, I would like to thank you for the game guide "School years", as I don't understand Chinese, it was of great value. I'm going to research this visual novel and if I know of any material it was based on, I'll let you know ok!

Ah, my name is Igor, I'm just a simple public health professional in Brazil, I'm a dentist specializing in orthodontics and just like you, grew up in the midst of video games, anime and manga that shaped my personality to what I am today!

Let´s keep in touch, I am an avid reader and like to learn and experience new things, from other cultures, even if from other people's perspectives.

Thank you for your time! See you later!
Malalabar 25 Dec, 2024 @ 12:17pm 
Stellar performance
Faejin 20 Dec, 2024 @ 11:21am 
Add me now!
Malalmaran 12 Dec, 2024 @ 10:46am 
+rep good profile, solid support player
Androjurus 24 Nov, 2024 @ 9:00am 
nice tactics
☂️Zaswyn🔮 23 Nov, 2024 @ 11:12am 
another match?