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Posted: 15 Jan, 2024 @ 1:38pm
Updated: 6 Dec, 2024 @ 2:00am

Early Access Review
this is my first negative review ever. not only the game is not optimized and fps drops when there is a lot of zombies, it also crashes once every 2-3 hours - my monitor just randomly shuts off and i have to force restart my PC. it removes an active quest and you fail it. this has ruined my whole experience and made me rage quit. i've tried everything i found on the internet and nothing has helped, i've never faced this issue before and it happens ONLY with this game. it's fun when you play with friends, the gameplay is quite good and time really flies when you launch it, but those crashes negate all the positive experience. i do not recommend it as of now, unless you're super chill and don't care about constantly failed quests.

UPD: i've managed to fix the problem by reinstalling drivers, so i'm giving this game a second chance. it's not bad after all.
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Darth Taylor 20 Apr, 2024 @ 10:00am 
Зараз би дивитись відоси руснявих блогерів)))))))
Zaromir 20 Jan, 2024 @ 1:18am 
Навіть при хвилях, навіть коли йде хвиля + тімейти лупашать з базук + купа блейд трапів турелей і електрік фенсів.
gegewkaa 19 Jan, 2024 @ 12:04pm 
Навіть при хвилі?
Zaromir 19 Jan, 2024 @ 8:33am 
Хз 0 просадок 70 стабільних фпс.
gegewkaa 19 Jan, 2024 @ 12:41am 
How to take off a responsibility from devs? Just keep the game on early access for 10 years, I have played a lot of games that have much better optimization on early access
Darth Taylor 18 Jan, 2024 @ 11:47pm 
If you do tier 1 missions that take 10 minutes - good for you. Mine was tier 5 that took nearly an hour. Half of my team had died and I barely made it to the end where I retrieved the supply and was ready to leave when the game crashed, so yea I care about quests. It's quite annoying when you simply waste your time and get no rewards because of a bug or whatever
Pouncer 18 Jan, 2024 @ 3:54pm 

I can play this game all day long without a crash. No, it isn't well optimized. It's ALPHA!

If you are expecting a finished product, maybe you shouldn't be playing an early access game? Maybe? This product has endless replay ability and has one of the best mod communities ever created. Do you want to play what fallout 76 should have been? They have a mod for that. Do you want to play in a robot apocalypse? They have a mod for that. Whatever you want your game to be, they have a mod for that. This game is always changing and improving and you never have to spend a dime to have access to all the improvements and changes, EVER. There will never be micro transactions or DLCs.

BTW, why are you so worried about the missions?? They are all optional and only take about 10 minutes to do. The only thing doing missions really helps with is finding other traders once you do 10 of them.
gegewkaa 15 Jan, 2024 @ 1:40pm 
Будем грати через 10 років коли гра буде в беті