:shcshield::SLH::shcshield: Deus Vult!!! :shcshield::SLH::shcshield:

Damn, here I was minding my own business, just enjoying my Second Amendment rights and you people have to freak out on me.

Beaten Surf maps:
Tier : ✰
surf_beginner ✅
surf_utopia ✅
surf_boreas ✅
surf_mesa_fixed ✅
surf_kitsune ✅
surf_whiteout ✅
surf_nyx ✅
surf_mom ✅
surf_ace ✅
surf_benevolent ✅
Tier : ✩✩
surf_rookie ✅
surf_summer ✅
surf_skipalot ❌
surf_slob ❌ (Stage 5/7 ✅)
Tier : ✰✰✰
surf_iceworld ❌
Tier : ✰✰✰✰
Tier : ✰✰✰✰✰
surf_elysium ❌ (Stage 1/4 ✅)
Tier : ✰✰✰✰✰✰
surf_hades ❌ (Stage 1/7 ✅)
Artwork Showcase
Review Showcase
2,005 Hours played
This game is broken.

CSGO does not deserve half of the praise it gets and should in no way be considered a "pro" game.

- The gun mechanics are completely unrealistic, cones of fire do not work like that and bullets do not leave the chamber at a 45 degree angle, but for some reason the spray pattern is exactly the same and players have learned to side step with the spray pattern. Finding a way to get around a games massive flaw and exploit it is not skill, you found a workaround for a flaw the devs should have had fixed on day 1.

- Smurfs are ruining this game, every single match has them, the ranks work so you can pair with players that have the same skill as you, yet smurfs make new accounts, buy the game and decimate new players, the only way you have a chance is if you somehow get a smurf in your team. Smurfing LITERALLY DEFEATS THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF THE RANK SYSTEM. By allowing smurfs there is seriously no point at all in having a rank system. Steam will never do anything about smurfs though, because of the money they made from the copies of CSGO bought on smurf accounts.

- Hackers are rife, and this isn't even "get gud" ♥♥♥♥, being shot through doors, sitting stationary and not moving for ages and guys magically know you are there, even had a match where I knew a guy was hacking so I would hide in random parts of the map until I was the only guy left and the guy would come straight to where I was, always knew where I was, even if I made no noise. And players whose aim actually snaps to people (seen this many times spectating guys in my own team) is extremely common. A game that has this many hackers is in no way a pro game.

-The report button is just for show. You can report hackers, griefers anyone, all you like, all day every day, and literally zero gets done about it. Steam do not look at these reports and they do not do anything about them. Don't bother with the report button, steam just added it to the game as players would complain if they didn't have the ability to do this, but steam does nothing with these reports.

- £400+ for a ♥♥♥♥ING KNIFE and also skins that are worth a months wages. Shut the hell up and stop trying to capitalise on imaginary items when literally all they do is make your gun look " little bit cooler".

- The rank up system involves you winning so many matches in a row, meaning that you need to roll the dice and hope that you get another 4 competent players in your team X times in a row in order to rank up. This system is based on luck, not skill, you could be the most skilled player in CSGO but if you are with 4 incompetent people you won't win. This means ranking up by joining random matches is more luck than skill. The only way to rank up where skill is involved is if you make a premade team and arrange dates and times where you are all available to play together. But even then you need to hope and pray that there isnt a smurf or hacker on the enemy team so even this method kinda comes down to luck.

- The community is the most cancerous community I have ever come across in my entire life. Combine Barrens Chat, a COD lobby, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and a bunch of angry russians together and you have the CSGO community. This community could actually give cancer cancer.

Overall, this game is broken, the smurfs and hackers make the competitive mode far from enjoyable, the only way to win matches is to hope a smurf or hacker is also on your team or (and this very very rarely occurs) you are lucky enough to have actual genuine players who are actually at your skill level in your match.

This is a luck based game now, not skill, in order to actually have a decent match you need to have all of these things:

No smurfs on your/enemy team
No hackers on your/enemy team
competent players on your team
Players on both teams are truly at a similair skill level

All of these are what is required for a fair game, and all of these factors can only be achieved by luck. In order to win and progress in CSGO you have to hope that your match meets all of the above requirements and these requirement can only be achieved by a lot of luck.

And as long as CSGO keeps making fat money from crates and CSGO copies bought on smurf accounts, they will do nothing to fix any of this. This game is not pro, it does not deserve the praise it gets and it certainly does not deserve the title of a "pro esports" game. It just really is a bad game, and the community are cancer.

INB4 git gud, I actually play very very well and acknowledge there are players much better at the game than me, I recognize true skill, but I don't recognize blatant hackers or smurfs killing noobs because they are getting wrecked in their own division.
Screenshot Showcase
Dead by Daylight
Favorite Game
Hours played
devilmen 15 Nov, 2024 @ 2:17pm 
ahh, you must be the salty steve that got obliterated by my nurse haha
hamburgir 15 Nov, 2024 @ 2:15pm 
you suck buddy
Pitzâ 7 Nov, 2024 @ 3:30pm 
+rep good choker
H. 27 Sep, 2023 @ 11:31am 
+rep sorry for running into u :(
Sniper 1337 9 Aug, 2023 @ 10:58am 
+rep very good surv:whiteward:
hopshooot 27 Jun, 2023 @ 6:52am 