Don   United States
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DonTheDime 5 Dec, 2015 @ 7:28am 
@VII Aquilifer, I played Rise of Nations long before getting Steam. I have considered picking up the Extended Edition on Steam, though. I originally posted most of my mod work on Rise of Nations Planet, and when that site went down, among other life events happening, I moved on to other things. Perhaps one day, after picking up the Extended Edition, I will see if I can continue what I started. Thanks for the interest, I am definitely not dead.
Vaakalintu 12 Nov, 2015 @ 3:35am 
Hello! Why don't you have Rise of Nations: Extended Edition? You were known to be a modder back in the day. :)

This cracked me up at ron.heavengames: "I'l tell you right now, the last time I heard Don was dead. If anybody has any proof otherwise, please tell me. If he is in fact dead, then all of his work is public property."