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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 859.8 hrs on record (37.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 30 Nov, 2020 @ 5:30pm

I have over 600 hours on Origin at the time of writing this review, and like many, transitioned to Steam as soon as it was available there. This is hands down the best BR to date. It's fast paced with moderate Time-To-Kill (TTK). It uses the Source engine, so it's real familiar for old school Source gamers, like myself. There is travel time, spray patterns and bullet drop for weapons, no fall damage, reduced air strafing / bhoping. The main mode is trios (casual and ranked), there's casual duos, and sometimes a special mode. No singles.

It's set in the world of Titanfall but no mechs, no wall running, and a very loose association story wise... let's face it, there really is no story. Although, they are attempting to add more all the time. I don't actually play for the story, though.

- Free
- Mostly balanced (characters and weapons)
- Active dev team
- Abilities aren't overpowered (think less OW and more Quake Champions)
- Source engine (if you're used to it)
- Decent, although not great, "free" cosmetics (crate / craft system)
- You can earn currency to unlock all characters just by playing
- Battle Pass has free and paid track
- Battle Pass is $9 and you can earn enough coins if you level it up to infinitely buy the next pass
- Zero chance of P2W (purchases are purely cosmetic)
- Cross platform (only if you group with a console player)

- Hardware intensive (as of this review)
- Servers aren't the most reliable
- In-game voice is often too low
- Source engine (dated)
- Lots of junk / throwaway skins, very little genuine content (gets better with time)
- Crafting is "expensive" on materials (although better with BP drops)
- Hitboxes vary drastically by model / character
- Controller aim assist is a bit strong (PC and console)
- Top 100, Master, Diamond and Plat all play in the same ranked lobby, so massive learning curve if you can make it through Gold (this could probably be remedied with a tiered point system, similar to other games)
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