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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 81.6 hrs on record (76.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Oct, 2023 @ 3:38pm

A 2D platforming masterpiece. There's so much praise I can heap onto this game:

+ For the first time since 1994, a proper new old-school 2D Sonic. Imagine if the Saturn had a 2D sonic, that's how this feels and plays, with a modern touch on top.
+ The Zones are well designed. Returning Zones in Act 1 have set pieces from the originals (Chemical Plant DNA ramps, Hydrocity bubbles, Green Hill's loops and tunnels) while Act 2 takes the Zone's main themes and re-imagines them with new mechanics and ideas. These flow excellently and never feel out of place.
+ There's no weak Zone of all the new ones. Studiopolis is a feast for the eyes and will definitely represent Mania in a future Generations/Mania style game, Press Garden is a cool twist on a factory level in Act 1 and Act 2 is a massive love letter to the Shinobi games, Mirage Saloon is a Zone a long time in the making and definitely makes a fun impression, and Titanic Monarch is a satisfying final level that feels amazing to make your way through when you've really got it down.
+ The sprite work is phenomenal along with the colouring - every character, every badnik, every boss, every part of the Zone just pops off the screen.
+ Fanservice is off the charts, with well known and obscure references alike tucked everywhere. Christian Whitehead, Headcannon and Pagoda West are clearly massive fans of the whole franchise and it shows in both the gameplay and the feel of the game itself
+ The Drop Dash is that good that any future 2D/2.5D Sonics without it will be taking a massive step back. There's a reason Origins made a point to put it in 1-3 and CD.
+ The game's fully playable by all 3 characters (5 if you own Encore). Every stage is catered well to Sonic, Tails and Knuckles individually.
+ Online leaderboards for Time Attack is a great idea and adds replay value especially for speedrunners or those who are competitive.
+ You can play Blue Spheres (these are also in the game itself) and Mean Bean Machine once you unlock them both, and they both play just as you remembered.
+ It's a Sonic game. The soundtrack bangs. Even 06's soundtrack did. 'Nuff said.

There are some minor moot points, although they are small:

- The game is locked at 720p 60fps. Your high refresh rate, high res monitors will still show this at 720p, and while it does not look bad personally on my 1440p 165hz monitor, the game could quite capably run with all of that working and still be fine, so it's weird that it's like that.
- Most of the Zones do return from past Sonic games (they all get at least one each), which, while many are welcome (Oil Ocean, Flying Battery and Metallic Madness were amazing ones to bring back that no one would've guessed), does feel like a tiny cop-out when they could've honestly made the game with entirely just original Zones. You leave Studiopolis/Garden/Saloon/Monarch wanting more original stuff. Even some of the Zones that do come back (Lava Reef, Hydrocity in particular) I'd have happily swapped out for other Zones like Mystic Cave, Sky Sanctuary or Marble Garden.
- Encore is great and all but other than adding Ray and Mighty it does little for the game, it just rejigs some of the existing Zones. Only one new Act is added at all, in Encore you start a run on Angel Island Act 1 pretty much almost identical from StH 3.

All in all though, one hell of an amazing title. Clearly made with love, Sonic Mania stands alone (or with Frontiers, depending on who you ask) as a modern Sonic game that's an enjoyable experience. Buy Origins if you must, but buy Mania because you must.
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