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My fellow brothers, I, Billy Herrington, stand here today, humbled by the task before us, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our Nico Nico ancestors.

We are in the midst of a crisis. Nico Nico Douga is at war against a far-reaching storm of disturbance and deletion. Nico Nico's economy is badly weakened: a consequence of carelessness and irresponsibility on the part of management, but also on the collective failure to make hard choices and to prepare for a new, MAD age.

Today, I say to you, that the challenges are real, and they are many. They will not be easily met, or in a short span of time, but know this, Nico Nico: they will be met. In reaffirming the greatness of our site, we understand that greatness is never given, our journey has never been one of shortcuts. It has not been for the faint-hearted, or who seek the fleshly pleasures. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the wasted genii, the creators of MAD things. For us, they toiled in sweatshops, endured the lash of the spanking. Time and again, these men struggled, and sacrificed, so that we might ... LIVE BETTER.

We remain the most powerful site on the Internet, our minds no less inventive, and services no less needed than they were last week, or yesterday, or the day before the day after tomorrow. Starting today, we must pull up our pants, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking Nico Nico Douga. Now, there are some who question the scale of our ambitions, who suggest our server system cannot tolerate too many movies. Their memories are short, for they have forgotten what Nico Nico already has done, what free men can achieve when imagination is joined to common purpose. And so, to all the people who are watching this video, from the grandest cities, to the small villages where IKZO was born, know that Nico Nico is a friend of every man who seeks a future of love and peace. Now we will begin, to responsibly leave authorized common materials to Nico Nico people, and forge a hard-earned peace in this MAD world.

What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility. This is the price, and the promise, of Nico NiCommons citizenship. Nico Nico Douga, in the face of common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words: ♂ ASS WE CAN ♂. Let it be said by our children's children, that when we were tested by DOS attacks, when we were refused by YouTube, that we did not turn back, nor did we falter, and we carried forth that great gift of freedom be delivered, and safely to future generations. Thank you. God bless, and God bless Nico Nico Douga.
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Zoli Garsa 16 Apr, 2023 @ 2:02pm 
Przyszliśmy z gór okrytych przez lód
Z lasów i bagien owianych legend mgłą
Wieczne słońce dawało nam moc
W zmaganiach z naturą wspierało nasz krok
Nie było tu nic gdy nastał nasz czas
Szalały żywioły a plony niszczył wiatr
Potem i krwią znaczyliśmy ląd
By wznosić mocarstwa i mieczem leczyć zło

Ogień dawnej wiary czeka w nas
Aby Białym Bogom zwrócić tron
Antychrysta sztandar w niebo wznieść
Podłe plemię krzyża strącić w mrok

W starciu z nieznanym złożyliście broń
By bogom Judei poświęcić swój dom
Walka i prawda nie służą za cel
Bo wiedza i duma zmieniły się w grzech
Wszystkie pojęcia straciły swój sens
Gdy czarne jest białe a dobro jest złem
Nie będzie tu nic gdy minie nasz czas
Gdy runą potęgi zatrute przez jad

Zbliża się dzień gdy uderzy nasz młot
Niosąc swój blask jak pochodnia przez noc
Czekamy wciąż na bitewny ten zgiełk
Młot mówi nam co jest dobrem co złem
Suleiman 19 Sep, 2022 @ 10:31am 
biggus dicus :scribe:
Zoli Garsa 22 Apr, 2022 @ 3:38pm 
Tak (Stado)
Łaka Stado Płomień

Ja jebał moje pieniądz góra, cholera
Teraz ja nie może od-góra
Biegł góra w jego miejsce (miejsce)
Tylko by dostać moje stosy góra
Teraz ja jestem plecy na pokład (pokład)
Więc laska co kurwa ty chcieć?
Słyszał ty mówić gówno (gówno)
Ale to nie jest co kurwa ty chesz
Zamknął jego szef góra
Czarnuchy mówić gówno brat
Powiesić go na lina
Uderzyć z broń automatyczna
Wezwanie to gówno gorące lama
Wezwanie mnie Łaka Stado
Mieć purpurę, mieć kusz, mieć pigułki, mieć biały
W pułapka cała noc z twardy i miękki
Stosy na podłoga, zegarek opiekun, kiedy my bicz to
Wstrząsnął to do lewo póżniej on wstrząsnął to do prawo
Więc lodowa cegła chłopcy mieć to cała noc
Ci kulawi dupa czarnuchy nie mają mieć nie walka
Kopać w moje drzwi, my będziemy strzelać na zewnątrz cała noc

Tak, zróbmy to
Ej, zróbmy to
Ej, zróbmy to
Tak, narkotyk rozdawanie muzyka
Ej, ja wpływ
Ej, ja wpływ
Suleiman 22 Apr, 2022 @ 12:17pm 
Kinree 2 Apr, 2022 @ 7:53am 
how do I make it purple though
EarballsIsLeavingTonightByeBye 2 Apr, 2022 @ 7:14am 
Earballs' Super Bacon Sandwich

* 2-3 rashers of bacon
* 1/4 of a medium white onion
* 1 clove of garlic
* 3/4 tsp smoked paprika
* 1/2 tsp black pepper
* Slices of your meltable cheese of your choice

Begin by frying your bacon over medium heat. In a separate pan heat up some more oil while the bacon is cooking. Slice your cheese thinly and place over both slices of bread. Once the second pan is hot and after you flipped your bacon for the first time add the onions to the pan and stir frequently. When your bacon is very nearly nice and crispy, add the garlic and the spices to the onions and mix continuously. Remove bacon and add to the sandwich, then add the onions and company on top. Close up the sandwich and add the entire thing back to the bacon pan with the heat on medium-low. Fry for a minute on each side, until the cheese is gooey and the bread is very slightly crispy.

Enjoy, then ♥♥♥♥ off.