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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,741.8 hrs on record (1,277.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 24 Apr, 2016 @ 1:07am

CS:GO Review
With over 1 million reviews, majority counting as "overwhelmingly positive", most of the people who look at the "overwhelmingly positive" will think that this game is good.
No, it's not.
With (let's be honest here) probably the most frustrating, annoying game community you could ever play with, this game has become a very popular yet sadly gone to ♥♥♥♥ in the past few years. Creating a game full of people who don't even speak your language, and a game full of people with the most blatant hacks you could ever see. And trust me that isn't very fun. You can't even talk on the microphone most of the time without being called horrible things, and the worst of all you can't even report the people expecting a ban considering there are over 1 million players that have to be dealt with too.
I don't know if it's just me that gets angry each time I get destroyed by a smurf who spams VAC and the lenny face in the chat each time a round starts. But, seriously, this game has become so much.
It has become apart of the MLG tornaments and many other eSport events around the world, that is with the serious players. Not that you'd find them anywhere...

This game has a number of problems related to this one but I will just sum this one up.
I don't know if it's just the servers that I can play on (aus and nz servers), but the rediculous amount of smurfs in this game is horrifying.
Smurfs are players that once were high ranked in the game, and have purposely, or in somecases forced to de-rank down with the other players that are less advanced than them. Which means that when you play on one of the servers with them you will notice that they are much better than you. Not fair!
There was a big decision the devs made a wee while ago, where they wanted to make Global Elite "a little" harder to get and more of a rare rank. Which had to derank all players down as much as they had to, to achieve this. Causing so many smurfs to be on the lower ranks. I have seen extremely good players on my team and on the enemy team that are clearly way above the league they are currently in. It makes me sad to see all these people who once achieved great ranks that would have taken for ever, and then you're stuck in this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ infinate loop-hole of the silver rank. If you see my profile, my highest rank I had ever achieved was Ledgendary Eagle. My current rank now is Silver Elite Master. That's 7 ranks down, and all of that deranking happened in just 2 months.

I hate this game, in my opinion, never buy this. You will regret it.
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