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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 160.3 hrs on record (41.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 14 May, 2021 @ 10:39pm
Updated: 14 May, 2021 @ 10:48pm

Early Access Review
Well. This is a nice and exciting game for me to play with friends but let me tell you a story.

I think this game's algorith works aganist you. Why i am thinking like this ? (Also this story includes spoiler. If you didn't play the game yet better don't read it for now)

So we made a Karve with my friend. We only killed first boss but made some bronze. So we decided to explore the world with our level 2 troll armors. We found swamps and wanted to explore there and as you can guess we are died.

Where story start is i wanted to make a boat to get back to the swamps and take our goods. So i needed to find some boar skin to make a new boat and as you know boar only spawns at meadow. I ran for an eternity in dark forests to find some meadow. Finally i found.the mewadows but my next challange started there. It took me 1 hour to find boars and whenever i found i got 4x boar head instead of any boar skin. After an eternity later i finally found the boar skins and reached to the shore then i made my boat.

Part 2 of the story. This is funny part. So i wanted to take my friend then go to the swamp with him. On the middle of ocean an eternal storm is started and wind was always aganist me. So i am stuck on middle of ocean with full naked(Only 2 woods on my backpack) and started to praise for the wind or the storm goes away. Finally wind changed a little then started to go slowly. BOOM a level 2 sea snake there in middle of storm. It started to follow me till he rip off my boat then i fell down the ocean. I was so hopeless that was thinking if i can reach to the shore with swimming. Then snake came back and killed me.

Here is my break point : After snake killed me BOOM storm gone away and sunshine was there. Plus wind was going with me. It was like a day in the heaven after i die.

After that experiance and relentless 3 hours of torture i finally decided to quit the game for a while.

Thats why im thinking the algoritm of this game works aganist you.

Thanks for reading.
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