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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 36.1 hrs on record
Posted: 19 May, 2024 @ 5:38am
Updated: 19 May, 2024 @ 5:41am
Product received for free

The Thaumaturge is an original, turn based RPG, that excelled in the narrative sections of the game and I loved it.

If you are someone who enjoys a good story with lots of side quests and exploration then I am sure you will love this too.

The combat sections were beautifully portrayed with some interesting and imaginative fighting scenes, but ultimately you'll want to play on a harder difficulty if you require a challenge.

Overall, after completing the game with most endings, I would highly recommend this for its atmospheric story and vivid locations. It's a strong game of the year candidate for me personally.

There are a generous amount of locales to visit, all within easy travelling distance by tram or coach. I appreciated the quickness of going from one district to the next, whilst pursuing quests, and locating where you had to go was a breeze with Viktor's sixth sense of direction taking you straight to the heart of the quest. This only becomes a little confusing when you have more than one quest active, as I noticed sometimes that multiple points of interest were located on the map, and it can leave you visiting the wrong place because you visit the wrong quest. There is no more instruction than a red exclamation mark which pinpoints which district you need to visit, so perhaps this could be a little clearer.


When you reach destinations they are wonderfully rich with characters going about their daily lives in bustling environments. Sometimes, a text based comment, usually rude I might add is said, but there are a surprising amount of characters you can talk to with branching narratives. Viktor can explore places and use his senses to detect traces of emotion on everyday objects which can help him deduce what happened in certain situations. He can then use this information in conversations, often giving him an advantage by opening up branches that would otherwise be closed.

The mechanic is very interesting to begin with but it tends to get a bit stale towards the end of the game, and I realised it was just the conclusion I needed to read once all the objects had been found and examined. It is definitely worth using Viktor's sixth sense as much as possible whilst you are running around locales as often unexpected items can be detected which trigger side quests.

Besides the main quest, which has eight different endings depending on which factions you swear your allegiance to, there are a multitude of side quests which can be discovered. A lot of these will result in being awarded a stereograph photograph, which is sometimes a disappointing conclusion, but needs to be collected if you want that achievement. Some of these side quests have time limits or can only be performed at certain times of the day or night, but there is an easyy waiting mechanic and as long as you pay attention to your quests, I never ran out of time. There are also achievements for collecting clothes patterns, which you can change into throughout the game, and why not get a haircut at the barber shop too. There are gramophone records to find and listen to, and local landmarks which can be found and admired. There are lots of collectibles to find if that is something you enjoy.



I absolutely loved the narrative in the game. Everything is just so atmospheric. Rasputin is an intriguing character, who keeps you guessing his intentions throughout the game, and every character is professionally voiced with believable emotions and a wealth of different avenues to follow in the branching narratives. If a branch is closed, it will either display that previous decisions have caused this branch to close, or it will tell you that you need more information, so you will need to search the area for further clues.

Talking to characters effects the story line and options open to you, so I happily found myself talking to everyone to maximize the possibilities. There is a lot of lore in the game and characters are very well developed. I think if you love conversations and characters you will do the same as me and just explore as much as you can. You can get rewarded for more knowledge, and may open up possibilities to manipulate characters using your senses.

There is quite a deep examination of yourself and your relationship with your father and your sister in the game which I enjoyed, and there is an unusual connection with your salutor, a demon that is attracted and latches to flaws in a character. Viktor can have conversations with his salutor, although he doesn't say much in return, and use his powers in battle.

Fighting is interesting, with a few mechanics you will need to learn and master to win battles, like disabling enemy traits and replenishing your health at crucial moments. Enemies can inflict damage on you which if not monitored and countered can start to multiply damage, like bleeding from gun shots and knife attacks. This is where you can use your salutor to heal you or take away these effects.


There is a bar at the top of the scene which allows you to see who is next to attack, which if you can understand, as it does take a while to comprehend, can be useful in knowing when to send in your salutor. You will pick up salutors throughout the game through main quests and side quests. I collected all eight of them, and you become almost invincible with them all in your corner. There is a skill tree, where you can assign traits relating to the salutors, and also apply Thaumaturge points to learn new skills or increase your senses, because certain situations throughout the game require you meet a certain level of senses, for example, reaching level five in word to read a certain clue.

The attack scenes are quite enjoyable to watch with characters running towards you slashing you or shooting you with guns whilst you stumble around in pain. The reactions to your magic attacks are good too and fighting salutors requires different tactics to win. To be honest, once you get used to removing enemy traits and watching your health carefully and reacting, I didn't have much difficulty winning the vast majority of battles on normal difficulty, so if you want to be challenged put the difficulty up.

I absolutely loved The Thaumaturge with its interesting and original story lines full of atmosphere, and deep character interaction. There is a mixture of everything being woven as you progress, from examinations of family history to politics and woman's rights. There are new plots being discovered constantly and I relished in following each one.

If you love narrative games then I would highly recommend this, if you are into turn based combat then I would advise playing on a harder difficulty to get the most enjoyment, but the difficulty adjuster means you can tailor your needs to your preferred way of playing.

We love games like this so follow IndieGems for more regular reviews like this one.
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janner66 28 May, 2024 @ 3:37am 
Thanks Two Clicks. :)
Two Clicks 28 May, 2024 @ 2:27am 
Great job. One day Ill have time to play my games. This will be one of them. :D
janner66 19 May, 2024 @ 11:58am 
It has about 8 or 9 endings but they are split into two main decisions you make towards the end of the game. It's best to save your game at a certain point which means you can complete the endings with one faction, and then go back and complete the endings with the other faction, if you so wish.

There are a few decisions which can prevent you from experiencing some endings though which happen earlier in the game, so choices do matter, and if you are an achievement hunter it is difficult to get all these endings and avoid certain pitfalls without a guide.
Miyakuli 19 May, 2024 @ 8:13am 
Seems pretty interesting, thank you for this review! does it have multiple endings, since you appear to make choices?
janner66 19 May, 2024 @ 7:54am 
Thanks Wok

Yes it was Robilar. Once I do a review I tend to stop playing the game, but I didn't want to stop playing this one so the review is a bit late. Oops.
robilar5500 19 May, 2024 @ 7:38am 
Definitely was a quality experience.
Wok 19 May, 2024 @ 5:56am 
Great review! :FrogChamp: