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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 46.3 hrs on record
Posted: 27 Jan, 2023 @ 11:51am
Updated: 27 Jan, 2023 @ 11:55am

Despite being very, VERY dated by today's RPG standards, there is still some fun to be had in the very first Elder Scrolls game, confusingly called Arena. Despite my love for this game, it simply doesn't deserve a recommendation unless you're a die-hard fan of oldschool RPGs, for many reasons.

Technical reasons are number one. The Steam version is the CD version which is great (better music, voice acting etc.), but it still runs under DOSBox and unfortunately, it isn't configured very well (CPU cycles are way too low, for starters). If you are delving into this, keep in mind what this is - a game from 1994 running on an emulator. Remapping the keys is also fairly tough without mods, and it uses some really oldschool controls like arrows to move and turn, hold right-click and move mouse to swing weapon, etc.
With some messing around in DOSBox's settings and following the Wiki, you can get it to and run look halfway decent, but I'm assuming the average user won't mess around with this. So this already hinders the accessibility of this game.

As far as gameplay is concerned, there's actually a pretty decent dungeon crawler RPG on hand here, once you finally figure out this game's logic. I suggest you check out this excellent guide, it summarizes a lot of info you'd otherwise need hours on wikis to figure out. I didn't follow this guide personally, but I do agree with everything stated in it and also I did end up doing a lot of things that are mentioned in this guide on my own:


Basically, Arena has a LOT of balast and procedurally generated quests that you can get from NPCs, and they're not terribly exciting either (mostly just deliver this or kill that and come back). Most dungeons are also procedurally generated and very samey. The wilderness is barren and boring.
However - I felt that the main story dungeons, which are handcrafted, are REALLY good and I thoroughly enjoyed every one of them. I only took a few quests to level my character and then went to complete the main story as early as I could. They're interesting both visually and from a level design perspective, the enemies in them make sense, the music and atmosphere is great, what little story they tell through their environment and NPCs they tell well. This was where I had the most fun in Arena and what I spent doing most of the time.

Unfortunately, the procedurally generated dungeons and quests mean that you can get screwed over by the system. You can have quest items or enemies appearing in impossible to reach places, or not appearing at all, or appearing in walls. I never had this happen in main story quests, but in the random dungeons, I did get sent on a wild goose chase every so often.
That said - this is a Bethesda RPG, and that means there are absolutely no bugs or odd interactions of-PFFFFFFFT, no I can't say it with a straight face. There are many, many things that you have NO way of knowing unless you read it somewhere, and a lot of bugs too. Save often, save all the time and in different slots. Have potions or spells against every single thing you can imagine because this game pulls absolutely no punches. You will catch disease and die. You will get incredibly lost. It's a pretty hard game overall if you don't build your character right. However, it is also fairly easy to get insanely overpowered if you know what you're doing (especially with magic). It is a true RPG in the sense that if you double-down on your choices, you will eventually come out on top.

Except when the game just plain stands in your way. I don't know if this happens every time, but to me, the game was unfinishable untill I got Passwall because the final boss didn't drop the key to the final quest item. Luckily I could just passwall into the room with the item, but this is another reason I'm giving this game a thumbs-down. After 40 hours of gameplay, and having spent a lot of those hours having a blast with the handcrafted dungeons and playing around with the game's numbers and systems, finding artifacts etc., it really feels bad to have the carrot yanked from your face like that. Again, not sure if this is a hardcoded bug in the game or if it just happened to me, but you have been warned.

Arena was a stepping stone for things to come. The world of Tamriel (the map itself) hasn't changed from Arena, for example. To Elder Scrolls fans who have never played this ... I honestly think you're better off giving Daggerfall a spin because it is a lot more akin to Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim due to the skills system (Arena has only attributes), the quests, the factions, the overall lore and so on. Daggerfall expanded on basic concepts set in Arena tenfold and IMO is a much, much more engaging game (which also has an awesome community-made Unity port) if you want to delve into Elder Scrolls' roots. This game is a quaint relic of its time, but unless you're a die-hard oldschool RPG fan, I'd give this one a pass.
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rawk4jesus 2 Apr, 2023 @ 8:55pm 
Fun fact: it was called Arena because the game was originally conceived of as a gladiatorial type game then they decided to change it to an RPG dungeon crawl (I don't remember why) but because they'd already done marketing for the game as Arena they kept the name
AutistikWaldo 1 Mar, 2023 @ 8:59pm 
Morrowind is my favorite by far but each title has something that makes is great.
Elthrael 1 Mar, 2023 @ 1:21am 
no biggie :)

I've been going through the Elder Scrolls main entries in order (I played Oblivion a lot when it came out but that was it) and I have to say I love them all so far, Arena's story dungeons were really good, so much so that I even found Daggerfall's a bit lacking in comparison. Daggerfall has a lot of other qualities though and is my favourite so far, but going deeper into Morrowind that might change soon :lunar2019laughingpig:
AutistikWaldo 28 Feb, 2023 @ 7:43pm 
Alright, you mentioned a lot more than DOSbox but i can understand where you're coming from. I just have a deep love for elder scrolls and Arena is part of that, to the point i blindly defend it; plus I like old RPG games and Dungeon Crawlers. Also sorry for assuming.
Elthrael 28 Feb, 2023 @ 11:47am 
and FWIW, the game isn't older than me, but thanks, I guess :lunar2019grinningpig: :ranald:
Elthrael 28 Feb, 2023 @ 11:32am 
Thanks for reading!

The main reasons I can't recommend Arena are purely technical. The default Steam build is broken and badly configured by default. You and I as established fans might enjoy tinkering with DOSBox and scouring wikis and mod sites, the average player won't. And the main quest being basically unfinishable without "cheating" is also a huge let-down.

Also, I'm not saying Arena is a bad game. I loved it and I had hoped that came through in my review despite my »not recommended«. Just because someone doesn't recommend something, doesn't mean they totally hate it or it has absolutely no merit whatsoever. I said as much in the conclusion - if you're a die-hard RPG fan (like we both are, as I gather), this is worth playing, otherwise, those holding this to modern standards should look elsewhere. If we are talking about being disingenuous, wouldn't it be more so if I said "hey, this game is great on all fronts, including accessibility and configuration"?
AutistikWaldo 28 Feb, 2023 @ 4:37am 
You're holding a game older than you to modern standards, i like how in depth your review is but it's just a bad faith review none the less. the implications you cant recommend the game because it's obtuse and dated is a bad take because that's exactly what someone looking for Arena wants. you shouldn't rate a game on a modern plane if it's almost 30 years old and it's disingenuous to do so.