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Posted: 25 Jun, 2020 @ 2:16pm
Updated: 25 Jun, 2020 @ 2:16pm

Early Access Review
I recently bought satisfactory on steam. Finally finished by researching all the tiers and I've completed most of the M.A.M research, so I'll say I'm very close to finishing the game.

For me, Satisfactory reminds me of a lot of Factorio, and in many ways it is similar. If you liked Factorio you'll probably also like this game as well. However, I’ve had some friends that liked Factorio but didn’t like it. I personally found this game to be really fun just like Factorio.
So to make the review more palpable I’ll divide it into the good/bad.

The Good:
  • Satisfactory takes fully advantage of the 3 dimensions. This makes the ability to construct conveyer belts way easier since you can layer each belt on top of each other, if you have a lot of different resources going to one machine you can just build all conveyers on top of each other to get the resources there. Whereas in Factorio getting a lot of different resources can be a bit more of a annoyance.
  • Creating a game that works with logistics in 3D has always been a though thing to nail. And I feel like Satisfactory does this to a satisfactory level. Never have I ever felt like conveyer belts acted weird. It just always snapped together.
  • Satisfactory lives up to its name by being very satisfactory. Their whole UI is designed around feeling very good to use. The “Send shipment” button feels nice to press. The “Seal” lever in the space elevator is also very lovely to pull.
  • The world is custom built, with some very beautiful environments. It has that subnautica on land feel to it. And I like it. And the fact that you have to explore the entire environment to find new resources to exploit is incredible awesome
  • Satisfactory decided to make the buildings use components on construction instead of requiring you make the component (as one) in an assembler. This means you can disassemble one machine and build another; I found this feature incredible nice.
The Bad:
  • Satisfactory has some issues with progression, and how it displays progression to the player. The first 2 tiers are really guided by the tutorial which helps you get along. And each new unlock requirement is there right in front of you. Example once you finished deliver reinforced plating to the unlock controller. You are immediately given new recipes used to craft the next tier. This however stopped around tier 5-6 where you stumble into a recipe(fabric) you don’t know how to craft. And if it wasn’t for me googling my way around figuring out, I had to mine some quartz ore I hadn’t heard of before and then scan it in the M.A.M I would have been lost. The game should have been clearer about that
  • The lack of early game simply overflow system is annoying. It is possible to build these overflow systems using multiple splitters and mergers, but It is quite cumbersome compared to just have an overflow block, like the splitters and mergers.
  • The Train system in this game is horrendous, and definitely speaks of “Early Access”. There is no ability to make splitting tracks, signals. You just build one giant loop and be done. For me I would’ve loved to use it more but it’s sheer scale and lack of scalability other than a single loop is quite sad. This feature is something I think can be fixed with future updates so I’m not super worried about it.
  • The CO-OP is Absolutely Hot trash and not worth your time, your friends will die randomly, get stuck in invisible bushes etc. I would’ve loved to play this game with my friend, but the sheer lagginess made this an unenjoyable experience.
The Neutral:
  • The game has opted not to use inserters like Factorio and has instead opted to use direct inputs.
  • The game opted to make a central Workbench instead of Factorios “craft anywhere” approach decreasing the ability to craft components on demand.
Satisfactory is a satisfactory game, living up to expectations of what a logistics game is, it doesn’t however quite match up to Factorio, but that’s not an insult. The game is awesome and worth a buy.
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