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Posted: 22 Dec, 2018 @ 11:52am
Updated: 25 Mar, 2019 @ 2:18pm

Early Access Review
Review Of Beatsaber
Beatsaber is a game where in you slice blocks in the rythem of different songs from various generes (mostly electronic).
The game very high reviews and you'll get the same sentiment from the other comments. The game is excellent and i would like to explain it through some bulletpoints.
- The game feels good to play even on Easy mode. This is very good since it is probably the first difficulty you'll play, and the diffiulty is easy enough for you to complete the mode the first time you play it.
- Normal mode elevates the diffiulty quite a bit, whilst you might fail a bit in the beginning. The sheer awesomeness of music encourages you to do it, and contiune.
- Hard mode amps in up a bit more, this is the most where a lot of people play their levels. The mode is challinging and beating it the first time feels so amazing.
- Expert modes puts your slicing and hand spazzing to the test by putting you through very challinging sabering maps. It might take a lot of time to be able to complete these. Almost all maps are mapped in expert so once you can beat these you are good to play almost any song you want.
- Expert+ is incredible hard and some people might not have the physical condition to even be able to complete it. There is a huge difference between Expert and Expert+, i personally have played for about 20hr and i'm close to beating them.
- The game is exicting and features awesome gameplay that make you feel very good. One thing this game nailed is it's addictiveness to improve and become a ninja-brick-sliceing-god.
- The sound and visual effects are incredible and help with your immersion.
- Due to the fact that you dont move, atleast not more than leaning to the side.
- The game has a big modding scene, allowing you to install a lot of different mods, everything from anime characters and epic swords from various videogames.
- The game seems to have problems with registering your cuts, especially on expert+. First i thought it was my vive having bad tracking, but looking around then internet shows it is a more common issue
- The turorial doesn't show you how the scoring system works. You have to google how you get a "Perfect" slice this is not very good. Since it could perfectly be put in the tutorial.
- The game has some very good songs. However it is very lacking. That's where the modding community comes in, the modding community has made lots of songs for you to enjoy. I modded the game just 2.5hr after playing.

The game is absolutely amazing and a must have, however it has minor flaws that means i cant really give it full marks. However giving it 9/10 isn't even deserving
Final Verdict 9.5/10
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