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8.9 hrs last two weeks / 3,433.3 hrs on record (1,172.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 Jun, 2015 @ 12:45am
Updated: 22 Nov, 2023 @ 8:34pm

***11-22-2023 REVIEW UPDATE***

New map, Castle Volter, is fun but not optimized. New 93R starting pistol is a disappointment since it doesn't actually kill and is meant for staggering. Metal Gear 3 Shredder is pretty good and even if that's not the real name, it's what I now call it. New update also allows choosing the weekly for Solo and Multiplayer so that is super great. Sharpshooter still sucks compared to Demo or Support for killing big zeds and trash zeds. Zerker is now much better with 200 hp and 100 hp instant-heal during zed time. Maybe we'll see KF3 in 2024.

***11-23-2022 Review Update***

Christmas Beta introduces 4 new weapons, balance changes to some existing weapons, community map Crash (not the KF1 map), and a Perk Roulette weekly outbreak. HRG Ballistic Bouncer is kind of fun but impractical. HRG Medic Missile is weak and doesn't leave a lingering healing cloud after exploding. ZED MKIII is overpowered and an odd choice for Demo with random rockets. HV Storm Cannon is the best weapon ever made for Sharpshooter. Rewards headshots and still strong on body shots. Sharpshooter is now a practical choice again IF this weapon is used.

Berserker defense got nerfed a few patches back so no more tankiness. Don't face check a fleshpound or boss. Arc Generator got buffed so it's very decent now. Gravity Imploder got buffed so it shoots faster and is quicker to equip. HRG Beluga alt-fire works better now as firing a different shot rather than charging. Doshinegun still sucks no matter how it's buffed. It's the concept, not the damage or cost.

2745 hours and still going. Just glad this 7 year old game is still getting content. Game still has hick-ups even with a 3080 12GB. Eagerly awaiting the next iteration but with TWI now owned by Koch Media, who knows what will happen and when. At least Saber Interactive is helping to keep the game alive (somewhat).

***11-26-20 Review Update***

Latest Xmas update map isn't even holiday themed. It's very visually appealing but the sewage room isn't even remotely survivable without exploiting, and even then it's not guaranteed. Re-skinned husk launcher for medic, Vampire, is fun but totally not practical at all for the 2 higher difficulties. Frost Fang is super fun as either perk though.

Mosin Nagant still sucks and sharpshooter still isn't practical for HoE unless you like not doing anything except killing Scrakes and Fleshpounds. Mac10 still sucks even though it was buffed. It's too expensive and weak compared to other guns around its price. Maybe if dual-wielding it was possible it would be much better and fun. Arc Generator is a complete trash weapon for an already fringed perk. 1858 revolvers are the worst starting weapons for any perk. 9mm pistol is still better slightly.

Glock 18c, M16M203, Ion Thruster, Blunderbuss, and Dragonsbreath are the most fun weapons for me. Compound Bow is fun too but too expensive and definitely not practical. Minigun is also fun but not practical.

Don't be a sharpshooter unless you like crouching while scoped in and getting killed from behind. Be a Gunslinger for head-shooting and mobility or Demo for killing big zeds with ample ammo and 2 practical weapons instead.

Game is ok again after removing auto-kick features from servers. After five and a half years, I still really enjoy this game, popping in daily to complete the 3 dailies and 1 weekly. I only have 2400 hours played.

***Early Acess Review***
As of 6-22-15, the game is very enjoyable and playable with only a handful of glitches and exploits, which are being resolved. This Early Access version of Killing Floor 2 is optimized extremely well for playing even on older machines from 2009 as it runs on a heavily modifired version of Unreal Engine 3. However, to max out settings on 1080, a GTX 970 or better is recommended.

The most positive aspect of this game is how satisfying it feels to eliminate each type of Zed and the variety of said elimnation. Whether it be getting headshots during slow-motion or gasing a crowd with a medic grenade, it feels great killing Zeds. Bullet speed is taken into account to provide a simple touch of accuracy to the guns. However, bullet arc is not existent. All weapons perform to their level of power accurately besides the katana, combat shotgun, and eviscerator, which are in dire need of total rework or damage buffs.

Another positive aspect is the behavior of the Zeds themselves. Maintaining the same health while gaining more abilities and moving faster provides a better experience than simply gaining more health as the difficulty progresses. Each Zed has their own distinctive sound and animation to identify them besides how they appear. Sirens are only threatening when combined with a crowd that a grenade would take out because her scream eliminates that option. Flesh Pounds and Scrakes become a problem when there's 2 or more of them simultaneously. Each alone can be avoided easily or taken out quickly with the stronger weapons.

The most negative aspect, as of 6-22-15, is the underwhelming power of the Berzerker perk. Gone are hefty damage reduction, satisfying damage output and stopping power, and survivalability from the first Killing Floor in favor of a lackluster perk unable to kill anything up close or far away before teammates clear the room. The only thing positvely noticeable about being a Berzerker is moving faster, which the Medic also has the exact same bonus. Melee swing is faster but currently inaccurate as players fumble to determine exactly where the weapons will hit. Swinging higher when aiming for heads leaves crawlers undetected, which quickly become a nightmare as jumping over them is no longer an option even though jumping over railings higher than them is possible.

Another negative aspect is the lack of local hosting. Without another computer or dedicated server, there's no way to enjoy the game with only a select group of friends. A nice touch to offset this minor inconvenience is the party system, ensuring all friends in the party will be on the same server. However, if the party is not full or the server max players is more than the party then there's a chance of random people joining the fray.

One aspect that's found with mixed feelings is the teleportation and respawning of Zeds. On one hand, moving a threatening Zed forward and closer to the player provides more difficulty but could also be seen as unfair and a lazy developer tactic to increase difficulty without actually making Zeds smarter. Husks have a noticeably odd spawning mechanic, despawning for minutes as players are left to scavange for ammo and weapons freely, while Scrakes can spawn anywhere instantaneously to catch players off guard.

Overall, Killing Floor 2 is fairly polished considering its early access state. With loads of blood, bullets, gore, custom maps, mods, and skins, there's already enough content to keep players coming back for more despite Tripwire only releasing 4 perks, 4 maps, and 18 weapons. Highly recommended for those who enjoy dismembering mutants, earning Dosh, and feeling really awesome while doing all of it.
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