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46.6 hrs last two weeks / 171.7 hrs on record (25.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 Oct, 2024 @ 8:41pm
Updated: 1 Dec, 2024 @ 7:28pm

Early Access Review
It's fine for an early access game. Haters can't coherently define any of the bugs. Just your typical invisible walls that are easily avoidable and server lag mostly. Red eyes are too common and too tanky but exploiting the environment like the first game is still possible. Wasn't able to easily find stronger melee weapons in my four hours but that's mitigated by the plentiful ammo and guns from completing objectives. Some objectives are more difficult than others but that just means more teamwork is required.

Dec 1, 2024: Some animation bugs fixed but map exploits, poor hit detection, and imbalanced weapons still remain. The new M7 (XM7 in real life) rifle is terribly under-powered, inaccurate, and unsatisfying. Being that the actual pew pew was only fielded this Spring, probably the developers haven't even had a chance to fire it before putting it into the game. Other the side of the spectrum, the 1911 with .45 ACP is hilariously over-powered with one-hit kills, making the M7 completely useless. Each game since the new update has insane amounts of M7s on the map but ammo was always the problem with low stack count, low availability, and low damage output. This is not a 9mm SMG. It uses intermediary 6.8x51mm that kicks more than 5.56 but isn't as heavy as 7.62. Another plus is zombie health is now the same across all difficulties so learn the exploits I mean learn to play the game and even 10 runners will pose no threat except they respawn constantly so solo play is now impossible unless you got some lanterns during the standard finale or lucked out and received the new variation where you have to complete 3 surrounding objectives that are the prior ones to the control room finale itself, skipping the standard finale.
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