1 person found this review helpful
8.9 hrs last two weeks / 516.7 hrs on record (119.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 Jun, 2020 @ 3:08pm
Updated: 8 Jun, 2020 @ 5:24pm

An online game with a big world to explore where the player depending on the race he chooses he will belong to one of the 3 alliances. In addition to the main story of the game, the player can make his alliances quests, side quests, dungeons, world bosses, etc. on each map. Where each map has its own "historys".

Let's not forgetting the expansions and DLC's that have already come out that complement this game, as extras.

The crafting system i did not find anything special, where the player can crafting everything he needs.

However there are pre-made builds in the game where it helps the players like me to build the chosen build. The housing system is interesting because you can have several houses of different styles and sizes.

Perhaps the only negative point besides some bugs that I found in the game is the non-existence of the conversion of gold to crows (where in the Guild Wars 2 has this system and is very useful for those who do not want to spend real money), in this game.

But I think it's a great game to play with friends or solo.
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