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Posted: 2 May, 2024 @ 10:53am

Early Access Review
Honestly super fun, I've only played the PvE mode (and honestly have 0 interest in the PvPvE). Haven't encountered any major bugs or crashes so far. I usually get 30ish fps with maxed out graphics settings on a 3050 using DLSS, I'm sure there's a million guides already on how to optimize the game but I literally don't care. For day 1/2 EA I'd say it's pretty solid. Don't buy this game if you are expecting it to be fully completed and polished as we are literally on day 3 of EA currently.

The devs seem super responsive to player feedback as they have just demonstrated by adding a character wipe feature. They also seem to be rolling out 1 hotfix per day which all seem to be fixing major bugs and issues with the game. Hoping they are able to optimize the game a bit on their end but like I said earlier there are tons of videos which will show you how to get 120+ fps in-game for all you framerate nerds.

Overall I'd give the game a solid 7/10 in it's current state (keep in mind I haven't had issues with bugs, I would rate the game much lower if I did) but I would like to see more variety in quests as the overall majority of them require you to go somewhere and grab something or just locate an item/body/building.
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