2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 541.6 hrs on record (13.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 18 Aug, 2020 @ 1:10pm
Updated: 18 Aug, 2020 @ 1:18pm

I'll update this review as needed after flight time.

Let's start with the current reviews: ignore the negative ones. Most of them are either upset you can't refund the game after downloading it through its launcher (it takes more than 2 hours for 90GB for most people, so people thought it voided Steam's "warranty", it doesn't. Downloads like this are an exception, so stop whining) or that it runs badly on their pc with awesome specs. Remember, the servers are struggling already from high traffic, and you're still downloading the local scenery to wherever you're flying. If you still have issues with performance, make sure you have the new NVIDIA graphics driver RELEASED LAST NIGHT (17th) specifically for the sim.

This simulator has a higher capacity for quite a lot. Some of the default planes aren't perfectly accurate in the computer systems, however it's a massive step up from any other default simulator. If you're on the edge for purchasing, I'd wait a month or two before seeing how the marketplace releases scenery, new plans, and liveries.

Obviously, this is the first sim of its kind to stimulate air masses as actual fluid and not just a directional force against your aircraft. It also simulates the fluid dynamics during different weather situations, as well as over and between buildings.

I pre-ordered the premium ($120) package for more airports and more planes, and I'm pretty happy with my decision. It's a beautiful sim that you can use as a game (there's a difficulty setting that allows you to have a virtual copilot that does all the hard stuff for you if you just want to fly) as well as a fun way to take beautiful pictures of landscapes like you were really there.

The sim is going to have its growing pains, but it's definitely worth the money and the time. While things are smoothed out, hop in the Cessna 172 G1000 (standard plane) and learn the controls and feel. You'll have a lot more fun if you stick to a plane to learn it before moving onto the next.

I'll be doing a flight KTPF - CYYZ in the 172 with a few friends and I'll update the review with my thoughts.
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