1 person found this review helpful
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5.7 hrs last two weeks / 915.1 hrs on record (14.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 28 Jun, 2020 @ 12:10am
Updated: 15 Aug, 2024 @ 6:56pm

The new UI needs some tuning, we don't need a menu that looks like Netflix or CoD. Needing to click into different menus just to view things like friendly loadouts should go back to a one click on their character. Having to manually go into multiple menus just to equip an item, then do it again to equip the same item in another slot is tedious. You have all this screen space that could be used to give us information, why hide it in so many button clicks? Lists aren't the scariest things in the world, even the in-game options menu choices aren't even displayed on screen when there are literally 4 options, WHY USE BLOCKS TO DISPLAY THEM, at least make them all on the screen...I swear I feel like this UI designer worships at Netflix or something.

The game ran great till after a few games in I seemed to get a memory leak and went from 100 to 24 fps that didn't go away till I restart. It has promise but this UI really needs a fix.
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Mindustry 4 Jul, 2020 @ 11:48am 
i dont have friends