Brandenburg, Germany
F@ck you scammers!
rataj 23 Mar, 2022 @ 5:52am 
Dead Island Definitive Edition Series
Dev Menu by Cobra and Wahkah - Fixed by rataj

-Background Fix for Inventory-Map

01. Extract the original game data0.pak with WinRAR
02. Download my fixes
==Dead Island Definitive==
https:// www.mediafire .com/file/s0idxkpxd0h442c/DIDE_fixed-menu-bg.rar/file
==Dead Island Riptide Definitive==
https:// www.mediafire .com/file/dtsg4dq00nymmn7/DIRDE_fixed-menu-bg.zip/file
04. Paste it into your original extracted data0
05. Now repack the "data" folder with WinRAR
(Set type of archive to .ZIP, name file data0.pak, press okay, pack proceed begins)
06. Place or replace the new created data0.pak into DI/DIR directory
07. Done, start game and have fun

Credits still goes to Cobra and Wahkah
BUT I've added "Fixed By: rataj" to the bottom of it!
Please give me a Kudo to say Thank you ;-)
rataj 23 Mar, 2022 @ 5:44am 
RUNE Halls of Valhalla - Play As Female 0.9 Mod
PREVIEW Screenshots:

https:// www.mediafire .com/file/gm5l84s5mdvujgp/PlayAsFemale.rar/file

-Female Viking Jun through a Mutator (JunSP.u)
-Golden Valkyrie through a Mutator (ValkyrieSP.u)
-Modified RMenu for version 1.07, 1.08 & 1.09
(start the game like vanilla with New Game and choosing a difficulty)

-VikingBroadSword to start the maps RagnarVillage2, SinkingShip & Thor1 with the Sword
-For SinkingShip map you need to override your current Runei.u file
+Includes backups of all mod files (maps and menus (Runei.u & RMenu.u)

EN and DE Readme is included

Copyright & Credits
@HumanHead Studios
@Gathering of Developers
@Take 2 Interactive
@Loki Software
@Buka Entertainment
@LithTechGuru (moddb)
@Victor Albert Delacroix (Discord)
@Z4N3/potato (Discord)
@AldarithVK (Discord)
@slade (Discord)
rataj 23 Mar, 2022 @ 4:58am 
Max Payne 2 - Infinity 1.2 Mod
After my Infinity 2.0.1 Mod for the first award title i decided to create a nearly identical Mod for The Fall of Max Payne. This time it DOES NOT have a dual weapon function!


+Level Selector (1 line addition)
+Ultra long Bullet Time
+Infinite Ammo (with reload function)
+Infinite Painkillers
+More Decals (9999 per room)
+More Blood
+Bonus Survival Chapters

First Person version with every other mod feature!
In order to receive unlimited ammo, it is necessary to pick up a weapon of
a certain type a second time or ammunition once.

Copyright and credits
©3DRealms/Remedy ©Rockstar Games
@Original Authors in 2003/2004
rataj 23 Mar, 2022 @ 4:57am 
Max Payne - Infinity 2.0.1 Mod
Everything except Level Selector and Dual Weapons was created by me. It's nothing complicated and all changes and the repackaging process were completed in an hour. I had both originals archived since 2001 and after 19 years I decided to merge them and to add additional cheat-like functions to get rid of the 2001 Trainer +3 from IceCheat (1.01).


+Level Selector (new code addition)
+Dual Weapons 1.1
+Ultra long Bullet Time
+Infinite Ammo (with reload function)
+Infinite Painkillers
+More Decals (9999 per room)
+More Blood

First Person version with every other mod feature!
In order to receive unlimited ammo, it is necessary to pick up a weapon of
a certain type a second time or ammunition once.

Copyright and credits
©3DRealms/Remedy ©Rockstar Games
@Original Authors in 2001/2002
rataj 23 Mar, 2022 @ 4:55am 
Aliens vs. Predator 2 - INFINITY 1.0 Mod
-Gives infinite ammo for ALL Marine and Predator weapons (includes grenades)
-Pulse Energy Cannon now has the automatic targeting system
-Changed crosshairs of Pulse Energy Cannon (three dot), Spear (three brackets) and Disc (movie like)

rataj 24 Jan, 2022 @ 5:58am 
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Windows 7 Fix Workaround