I'm Roxy. Your average silly gamer from   Finland
I'm 31:femalegender:woman and I love games, foxes and purple! :arcadeheart:
SOCIALS:Delete_arrow: (no OF!) :pingstare:
Currently Online
Hello? Is it my profile you looking for? Feel free to Comment & Rate before you go~♥
:shineq: About me: :shineq:
I'm pretty laid-back and chill lady gamer that tries to prioritize having fun rather than sweating it in games. Kinda of a memer, dirty minded and naughty. Has no filter and just overall kinda silly person.
In games like DBD it's almost a must to keep positive mind or you will just end up getting mad at the game and the people. Then again, Fun is subjective. Therefore some people enjoy the competitive side of the game and like to win at any cost even if it means playing dirty or not so fun way for others.
Some players just like to farm -reps and enjoy making others miserable or mad on purpose and be as unlikable and unpleasant as possible to play with/against. :headstonedead:
My thoughts? It is what it is! GG and move on. :arcadeheart:
:autonautstar1up: I will most likely write a nice comment to your profile. (Steam has a limit though and I sometimes reach the comment cap...)
:wyes: You are welcome to leave comment on my profile too. I love them!
:wyes: You can also comment and rate my artworks and screenshots! It's highly encouraged!
:wno: Racism, threats, spam and offensive comments will be reported and/or deleted!
:wno: Negative comments from profiles that are private or has commenting disabled will be removed.
:wno: Your opinion doesn't matter if you are not willing to let others do same. Simple as that!

:BorealisPurplePlanet: My Steam profile is my baby and I keep it updated and pretty looking :pinkflower:
:BorealisPurplePlanet: I collect heart emoticons in steam, as well as everything colored purple or fox themed
:BorealisPurplePlanet: Addicted to taking screenshots (send help :PinkSkull:
:BorealisPurplePlanet: I like making gaming clips and turn some into GIFs too. If you search DBD gifs in discord or elsewhere there is a chance some of those are made by me :x3:
:BorealisPurplePlanet: In-game cosmetics are my weakness :WL_Happy:
:BorealisPurplePlanet: I love being creative such as drawing, but I rarely find the time or motivation to do so :bgt_sad:

:PurpleNeon::_D_::_B_::_D_: :_I_::_N_::_F_::_O_::PurpleNeon:
:arcadeheart: PREFERENCE: :whiteward: Survivor l━❍────────l Killer :thehook:
:retro_hourglass: HOURS: 6k (I still suck at the game)
:PurpleNeon: DEVOTION: :02::09:
:ShineLikeAStar: ACHIEVEMENTS: 100%:wyes:
:mmo3book: TOMES COMPLETED: 21 out of 22
:monsterthinking: HOW I PLAY: I'm probably one of the nicest and goofiest people you will meet :votetomops:You win some, you loose some that's just how it is. I won't DC from a match on purpose and never have.

:tkd2_stormrunner: :_S_::_U_::_R_::_V_::_I_::_V_::_O_::_R_: :tkd2_stormrunner:
:Star_Z: TOP RANK: Iridescent 1 :red_jewel:
:level_completedSD: PRESTIGES: :down_: LISTED FURTHER DOWN THE PROFILE :down_:
:_QM_: PLAYSTYLE: I would say overall I'm OK at the game. I have good games and I have bad games. I have decent game knowledge and can recognize killer perks during matches pretty easily and know how to somewhat read and predict their next move.
(except when I'm looping. My ADHD brain just gets distracted easily and I loose focus, panic and make mistakes)
I'm not sweaty or toxic nor a tryhard and I don't even want to be. I want to enjoy myself and have fun with friends. Have a laugh when we f*ck up or do silly plays and meme around sometimes with the killer if they are into it.
I don't T-bag or clicky at killers in negative way :FH5DangerSign:
:02:V:08: picks: I'm Scout main. Medic as secondary, Escapist as third. Guide very rarely.

:PinkSkull: :_K_::_I_::_L_::_L_::_E_::_R_: :PinkSkull:
:Star_Z: TOP RANK: Iridescent 1 :red_jewel:
:level_completedSD: PRESTIGES: :down_: LISTED FURTHER DOWN THE PROFILE :down_:
:_QM_: PLAYSTYLE: Mostly fair killer who is just doing dailies/archives. Hardly never tunnel or camp and likely will end up letting 1 or more people go unless I have challenge to do otherwise.
:02:V:08: picks: Trapper>Legion>Spirit>Wraith>Nemi>Wesker>Huntress>Dslinger

~ Info Last Updated: February 2025
Artwork Showcase
158 6 7
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Nea ♥
7 3
DBD Prestige Progress
Current Project:
- Level Jane to 75
- Level Rain (Ellen)

👓 Dwight Fairfield :ns_purple: :01::01: ---------- 💀The Trapper :ns_purple: :06:

🏃‍♀️ Meg Thomas :ns_purple: :01::00::00::royalcrown: ----------- 👤The Wraith :ns_purple: :06:

🌿 Claudette Morel :ns_purple: :02::01: ---------- 👨‍🌾The Hillbilly :ns_purple: :06:

🔇 Jake Park :ns_purple: :01::01: ----------------- 💨The Nurse :ns_purple: :06:

🛹 Nea Karlsson :ns_purple: :01::00::00::royalcrown: ---------- 🪓The Huntress :ns_purple: :06:

🚬Bill Overbeck :ns_purple::01::01: --------------- 🔪Daddy Myers :ns_purple: :06:

💪 David King :ns_purple: :01::01: ---------------- 👇🏿The Hag :ns_purple: :06:

🏠 Laurie Strode :ns_purple: :02::01: ------------- ⚡The Doctor :ns_purple: :06:

🃏 Ace Visconti :ns_purple: :01::01: --------------- 🥩Bubba :ns_purple: :06:

🎮 Feng Min :ns_purple: :02::01: ----------------- ⏰Freddy :ns_purple: :08:

💤 Quentin Smith :ns_purple: :01::01: ------------ 🐷The Pig :ns_purple: :06:

👮🏿 David Tapp :ns_purple: :01::01: ---------------- 🤡The Clown :ns_purple: :06:

🎻 Kate Denson :ns_purple: :02::01: -------------- 🌬️The Spirit :ns_purple: :06:

📖 Adam Francis :ns_purple: :01::01: -------------🏃The Legion :ns_purple: :06:

🤘 Jeff Johansen :ns_purple: :01::01: ----------------- 🤮The Plague :ns_purple: :06:

🦾 Ash Williams :ns_purple: :01::01: ---------------- 📸Ghostface :ns_purple: :06:

🎙️ Jane Romero :ns_purple: :07::04: ------------- 🐕Demogorgon :ns_purple: :06:

👩 Nancy Wheeler :ns_purple: :02::01: ---------- 👹The Oni :ns_purple: :06:

🧑 Steve Harrington :ns_purple::02::01: -------- 🤠Deathslinger :ns_purple: :06:

🏍️ Yui Kimura :ns_purple::02::01: --------------- 🔺Pyramidhead :ns_purple: :06:

🎥 Zarina Kassir :ns_purple: :02::01: ------------- ⚗️The Blight :ns_purple: :06:

🏫 Cheryl Mason :ns_purple: :02::01: ------------ 👩‍👦The Twins :ns_purple: :06:

📐 Felix Richter :ns_purple: :01::01: -------------- 🎶Trickster :ns_purple::06:

🔎 Élodie Rakoto :ns_purple: :02::01: ------------ 🦠Nemesis :ns_purple: :06:

🎵 Yun-Jin Lee :ns_purple: :02::01: -------------- ⛓️Pinhead :ns_purple: :06:

🥪 Jill Valentine :ns_purple: :02::01: ------------- 🎨The Artist :ns_purple: :06:

👮 Leon S. Kennedy :ns_purple: :01::01: ------------ 📺Sadako :ns_purple::06:

🔮 Mikaela Reid :ns_purple: :02::01: ------------- 🚪The Dredge :ns_purple::06:

🧮 Jonah Vasquez :ns_purple: :01::01: ----------- 😎Wesker :ns_purple: :06:

📼 Yoichi Asakawa :ns_purple: :01::01: ------------- ⚔️The Knight :ns_purple: :06:

👻 Haddie Kaur :ns_purple: :02::01: ------------- 💩Skull Merchant :ns_purple::06:

👠 Ada Wong :ns_purple: :02::01: --------------- 🤖Singularity :ns_purple: :06:

👍 Rebecca Chambers :ns_purple: :02::01: ------ 🐈Xenomorph :ns_purple::01::02:

📜 Vittorio Toscano :ns_purple: :01::01: ------------ 🖕🏻Chucky :ns_purple: :06:

🏄🏼‍♀️ Thalita Lyra :ns_purple: :02::01: -------------- 😬The Unknown :ns_purple: :06:

🏄‍♂️ Renato Lyra :ns_purple: :01::01: ------------------ ✨Vecna :ns_purple: :07:

👨‍🚀 Gabriel Soma :ns_purple: :01::01: -------------- 🧛Dracula :ns_purple: :07:

🎭 Nicolas Cage :ns_purple: :02::01: -------------- 🐕‍🦺Houndmaster :ns_purple: :06:

👽 Ellen Ripley :ns_purple: :02::05: ---------------- 🤪Tokyo Ghoul :ns_purple: -

🔦 Alan Wake :ns_purple: :02::01:

🕷️ Sable Ward :ns_purple: :02::01:

🧝 Aestri Yazar :ns_purple: :02::01:

🧗‍♀️ Lara Croft :ns_purple: :07::05:

🗡️Trevor Belmont :ns_purple: :01::01:

🙏🏻Taurie Cain :ns_purple: :02::01:

~ Info Last Updated: Feb 2025
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Ada heard you talking sh!t
Screenshot Showcase
Wesker: Time to finish this! Me: It's Naughty Time!
Video Showcase
Roxy_Foxy.ttv in a nutshell | DBD compilation
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Artwork Showcase
Jane ♥
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Yuki 10 Mar @ 1:07am 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢿⣿⡿⠿⠛⠁Why the hair dryer? xD
Egg Inspector 9 Mar @ 8:39pm 
HOT 🔥 Claudettes 👩🏾‍🦱 in YOUR AREA 🗺 are playing ⏯ DEAD BY DAYLIGHT! ☠️ Are YOU 👨🏻 hung 😏 like a HOOKED SURVIVOR 🎣 or is your ♥♥♥♥ 🍆 exhausted 🥵 from being DEAD HARD??? Share 🤝 with ONE friend 👩🏻 and NURSE 🏥 will click 🖱 your FLASHLIGHT 🔦 until your SPINE CHILL 🐈 activates. Share 🤝 with FIVE friends 👧🏻 and JANE ROMERO 💁🏻‍♀️ will suck 🌬 your SLIPPERY MEAT 🥩 in the KILLER SHACK 🏚 Share with TEN friends 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 and get POUNDED 🔨 by a red rank SWF 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 and covered in MURKY REAGENT 💦 Better HURRY 🏃🏻 and BLOW 🌬 another survivors GEN 💡 before ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 🐇 uses NOED 💀 (No One Escapes ♥♥♥♥ 🍆)!
♡Claire♡ 3 Mar @ 1:16pm 
Hi steam Roxy :D
KVK | Cresco 1 Mar @ 6:19pm 
10/10 profile, also a great gamer! :steamthumbsup:
Adellia 27 Feb @ 8:15am 
Harambe⠀ ⠀⠀⣀⢄⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Icky Vicky 26 Feb @ 12:54am 