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Posted: 22 Oct, 2020 @ 3:50pm
Updated: 22 Oct, 2020 @ 3:52pm

Tough to decide whether to recommend this or not.

If you enjoyed Eternal's main campaign, and are ready for the difficulty to ramp up from what you saw there, you'll enjoy this DLC. Totally recommended as an expansion to Eternal.

Platforming is more frequent, but more straightforward. Excellent refinement from Eternal.

The only issue I can see is the price. 100% completion at UV difficulty took right around 2-2.5 hours. Nightmare might take a smidge longer, but overall it's extremely short. Not enough new content and toys to justify the launch price tag of $20.

If it had come with additional multiplayer content or even just a few new master levels, I think they could justify the price just a bit more.

As it is, even for fans of the base game I can't recommend this DLC at more than $10. And this is coming from a staunch fan and defender of D16 and Eternal.

Basically, if you really enjoyed Eternal and want more, right now, go for it - just be aware that unless you're really big on replaying it multiple times, it doesn't offer much content, at all, for the price.

Edit: Check my achievements for Eternal, I did finish the DLC at 100%. Due to the funky way this has been released, Steam shows no playtime for the DLC. Apparently since I got it through the Year One Pass.
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Salamand3r- 23 Oct, 2020 @ 3:57pm 
Oh, it was intentional.
Phoenix 23 Oct, 2020 @ 3:56pm 
I wish I could give you another upvote just for the "doomed" pun, intentional or not. :heartoful:
Salamand3r- 22 Oct, 2020 @ 8:41pm 
Oh yeah, if you buy the DLC standalone and expect to even get past the first arena without having played Eternal first - you're in for a really bad time.

As to Battlemode - it's not truly dead, but it's not widely played - counts have dwindled to the sub-2000 concurrent mark, sub-1000 for most of the day. It's doing vastly worse in terms of player counts than D16 or even QC was doing at this point in their release cycles.

As a proponent of D16's MP, I will acknowledge fully that doesn't qualify as fully dead, but it's pretty well locked in a death spiral. It's already at the point where new players are going to generally be intimidated very quickly by experienced players.

They either need to add more content to keep current players playing, or release some new modes to draw in new blood, or it's pretty well doomed as far as I can see.
Phoenix 22 Oct, 2020 @ 8:15pm 
I pre-ordered Eternal so I already had the DLC in the pipe. I've only completed the aquatic section so far, but I don't think anyone should buy and play the DLC before playing the main campaign. I know IdThesda made it available as a stand-alone, but it's just not a good idea.

I don't have trouble finding matches in Battlemode. I'm not sure why it's considered "dead", but then I don't know what the actual player base is either. It does seem like they keep nerfing the Slayer every chance they get, which if that continues it eventually will be dead as nobody will want to play Slayer except Immortals, which means only Immortal Slayers, which leads to more nerfing... Not a good trend. You can only balance a game against player skill so far before you start making it unplayable for the people you're trying to help. Been there done that. Learned the balance lesson a long time ago.
Salamand3r- 22 Oct, 2020 @ 6:48pm 
Ahh, so if you buy Ancient Gods standalone, you still get Battlemode even without owning Eternal. I guess that makes a bit more sense for pricing. But given how dead Battlemode is and is likely to stay, not much of a value add. And still zero value add for anyone who already owns Eternal.
Dmcybe 22 Oct, 2020 @ 6:28pm 
20 price tag is the dlc and battle mode because battlemode is the base game and the campaigns are not
PREDATOR™ 22 Oct, 2020 @ 5:55pm 
That’s true. Iv only put an hour into it so still need to finish it
Salamand3r- 22 Oct, 2020 @ 5:23pm 
At least this one isn't recycling the same maps.
PREDATOR™ 22 Oct, 2020 @ 5:14pm 
Was a problem for wolfenstein 2 dlc. All 3 parts were an hour or 2 most of gameplay.