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1 person found this review helpful
88.3 hrs on record (15.6 hrs at review time)
DMC4: Special Edition is a fantastic game that only adds more to the already robust 2008 action game. The new characters all have brand new mechanics, and all play uniquely. The graphics have been touched up, and the combat has some minor rebalances, but the exploits that gave additional depth like Guard Flying and the Lucifer Exstacy glitch are still in.

Special Edition adds new costumes for Nero and Dante in addition to having 2 for all the new characters respectively.

My only gripe is that Capcom added DLC that, while cheap, has no reason for being, such as additional Souls and modes that can be unlocked, and only serves to let you skip content that is already not a hassle. Vergil's air trick being unlimited use seems kinda outlandish, too, but fun.

Overall, this game is a must-have for any action fans, and its combat is still the paragon of what an action game should be.

Posted 23 June, 2015.
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18.4 hrs on record (9.9 hrs at review time)
Suda doesn't disappoint with this collector's edition port Killer is Dead from the consoles. It is a visceral action game that is dripping with style. The dialogue is so damn cheesy you'd think Velveeta wrote for it, which can either be hilarious or cringe-worthy depending on your preferences.

Satisfying combat
Great visuals
Sound design is pretty good
Unique character design.
The combat is easy to pick up for those not well-versed in action games.

The camera can be pretty janky at times.
While the combat is easy to get into, it lacks the depth of other action games ala DMC3/DMC4 or Bayonetta.
The dialogue can be a deterrent to some.
Some finnicky folks may not like the Gigolo side missions, but I found them more laugh-inducing than anything.

All-in-all for the price you're getting a very solid package. Here's hoping Killer 7 and Lolipop Chainsaw find their way onto Steam soon.
Posted 24 May, 2014.
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59.7 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
High octane, fast-paced action abound in this action-oriented approach to the famed Metal Gear series. This game is in a similar vein to the original Devil May Cry games (excluding that mediocre reboot) with it's engauging and dynamic combat that is filled to the brim with challenge and replayability. Words of caution though: This game does take so me time to get acclimated to if you're new to the action game genre.

Platinum really hit this out of the park, it's a hype-filled exstravaganza that still harkens back to the conspiracies and occassional stealth that Metal Gear is known for. This is the third time I've bought and played this wonderful game across all the platforms, and the DLC is included.

TL;DR- This game is priceless, buy it and spread the good word. BULLSEYE!
Posted 18 April, 2014.
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94 people found this review helpful
5.7 hrs on record
As a big fan of Castlevania since Rondo of Blood, I was stoked that Konami is porting over Castlevania games to Steam, even though they aren't the stellar IGA-vanias like Order of Ecclesia and Symphony of the Night, but my fingers are crossed. Hopefully Konami shall at least grace Steam with Harmony of Despair if the sales do well.

Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate is a great blend of the classic Castlevania mixed with the later Metroidvania exploration, all wrapped in a solid combat system.

The Pros:
- Great atmosphere
-Great art and music
-Combat is fluid and rewarding
-The pacing is pretty good.
-Character designs and animations are pretty damn awesome.
-Doesn't have all the QTE's breaking up combat. There are a few, but not as many as on the DS version.
-Alucard with a whip, need I say more?

The Cons:
-Sometimes suffers brief slowdowns when entering a new area, even with a top-notch gaming rig.
-Hit registration and enemy invicibility frames can be really random and wonky.
-The various character's combat styles aren't very unique aside from spells and subweapons.
-As in classic Castlevania style: Expect plenty of B.S. deaths, so your patience may be tried.
-Blocking system is good but needs reworking, not enough reward for timing a perfect block.
-The controls are awkward at first and take getting used to. It is strictly keyboard, and doesn't offer much customization.

Overall it is definitely worth a buy if you like 2.5D action platformers. The art is fantastic, and the combat has weight to it. Most of the flaws can be easily circumvented and the pros definitely outweigh the cons. Hopefully this isn't the last time Steam picks up another Castlevania.
Posted 29 March, 2014.
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24.0 hrs on record (19.9 hrs at review time)
Too much Wang to handle in this brilliantly-executed FPS. The melee combat is superb, visceral, and brutal. The aesthetics are top-notch, and gorgeous. This is a brilliant take on the classic Shadow Warrior. The other weapons pale in comparison to how fluid the swordplay is in this game, yet they are still fun.

This is hands-down my favorite game of 2013.

Buy it.
Love it.
Get some Wang.
Posted 1 March, 2014.
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168.6 hrs on record (148.6 hrs at review time)
Magnificent game. Theatric, atmospheric, and stays True to the PnP game. Definatly a must for anyone who constitutes themselves a gamer, or can appreciating great voice Acting.
Posted 6 August, 2012.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries