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This game is LEGENDARY!
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Created by - ShelLuser
46 ratings
Once Human is an incredible free to play MMO, but with a specific mechanic: every scenario will come to an end after which the server resets. If you're not careful you could lose your stuff. So... why don't we make sure that we get to keep our house?
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3 Hours played
Hack & slash with a dose of fanservice!

Disclaimer: don't let my short playtime on Steam fool you with regards to my experiences with this game; I have played this game to hell and back (almost literally ;)) on my PS3 and the main reason I haven't been playing it as much on PC is because I have tons of other games to enjoy as well.

But yeah, if you're into the classic hack & slash type of games then I'm sure that Bayonetta is going to be tons of fun, because this game is honestly a classic of its own. A bit absurd, totally over the top here and there and it has an intriguing (but maybe a bit shallow) story as well! And if you're not into this genre then... you still might want to pick it up anyway when it's on sale because this game experience is honestly something else.

Besides the hack & slash fighting you're also going to have to solve some puzzles, get your character better weapons and equipment, use everything you find along the way to craft new helpful items which can boost your health, strength and some can even make you invincible for a small period of time and... you can play the video game "Angel attack" :)

This game has 'silly' written all over it, which makes it so much fun!

Bayonetta is a powerful witch who practices the dark arts. She also has no problems flaunting her feminine features which is also where the fan service comes into play. And I definitely need to warn you because this will be all over the place. Nothing over the top in my opinion but still hard not to notice. From kicking an enemy and immediately posing after that for a specific photo snap right down to using her hair (which she normally uses for clothing) to attack enemies with a really powerful finishing move. Where does this leave her clothing you ask? Exactly ;)

During the game she takes on a fight with the light side: angels sent from the heavens. And as you progress through the game you will encounter more powerful enemies where every boss has a specific feature to overcome. To counter for all this you can upgrade your weapons and even get better and other types of equipment. And Bayonetta sure likes her toys! Just having 2 pair of guns even isn't enough for her: instead she also wears a pair of guns on her feet as well. You know: for that extra force behind a kick ;) And when you take on the bosses you're going to need all the help you can get!

And boy do those bosses look impressive.. Fortitudo for example: a gigantic winged dragon which also has a giant upside down face in between which it can use to speak. Those bosses are huge. Which also means that taking them down usually requires something I like to refer to as a "staged fight". During your fight you take down smaller parts of the boss to weaken it and if you weakened it enough you can eventually finish it off entirely.

The story, which I obviously won't spoil in my review, is a bit shallow but still very entertaining. Just keep in mind that you will have to deal with plenty of commonly used plots. The main protagonist who is trying to recover their memory, forces of light and dark or 'good and evil' if you will where even the whole definition of what's good or evil is taken for a ride. Add in a bit of a small romance, a young child who can't miss their stuffed toy and of course a mysterious "frenemy" who seems to follow you where ever you go.

This game even has 'cheats', but fully legitimate ones which are actually a part of the game itself! All you have to do is go out and find them :)

Summing up...

I spend hours on Bayonette on my PS3 and I plan to pick up the pace soon enough on PC. Sure, hack & slash types of games aren't for everyone, but despite all that I still think you may find Bayonetta to be a pleasantly surprising change anyway. The game is already very affordable with its normal price but whenever we have a Steam sale then this is honestly a steal. A few bucks for a game that's bound to give you hours of enjoyment and even has a good replayability value?
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ShelLuser 7 Mar @ 4:43pm 
First: Steam brings people together. ♥♥♥♥ politics. Second.... Steam friendships work in weird ways. (no I havem't been taken over by a scammer).
ShelLuser 1 Mar @ 2:06pm 
"Steam girl" is IMO one of the best things that happened to our platform since a long time.
ShelLuser 1 Mar @ 9:40am 
Steam really does bring players together if you ask me! :47_thumb_up:
ShelLuser 9 Feb @ 12:29am 
Superbowl Sunday baby! I'm super excited for the big game later today!
ShelLuser 8 Oct, 2024 @ 5:37pm 
Gotta love Steam! I made a doo-doo this evening (= my local time) and fellow Steamers pointed me at the errors of my ways. Yah, I goofed up. And I corrected it. This post is for you guys who may be wondering.. did that happen? => it did, and I am grateful for your comments.
ShelLuser 25 Sep, 2024 @ 2:20pm 
@Guru: Neon Genesis Evangelion. My all-time favorite (dated!) anime series. That's where my avatar orignates from.