
oZZyleyuzles 最近的评测

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有 7 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 21.0 小时 (评测时 20.8 小时)
I've finally finished the game, it took quite a bit some time to explore every bit but I had a good run.
Game itself might not be balanced but this is the real reason why there are Early Access games. So devs can fix the balance add the necessary content and finish the polishing. I literally saw fixes improving my progress during gameplay.

You should test the game give feedback, let devs improve and keep exploring the game. Game has a incredible potential. Various areas require to be improved but adding workshop to this game would indeed be crazy good.

Game has a incredible potential so I highly recommend buying the game but please devs, please don't stop improving the game. It could be a top notch game.
发布于 2024 年 7 月 22 日。
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总时数 3.9 小时
If you sell the game as crossplay. People will buy the game according to that. But not letting people be in a crew because of crossplay is straight up deceiving. You can play crossplay but YOU CAN NOT be in a Crew with your friend in crossplay. Buy with caution.
发布于 2022 年 12 月 17 日。
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总时数 187.1 小时 (评测时 41.0 小时)
Paradox games requires a bit of gameplay before reviewing it, so check for higher playtimes for actual reviews.
Let me answer some questions for you;

Are there any issues?
Yes. But not as much as the reviews say.

Is it buggy?
I played couple underdog and couple mid power countries and there wasn't a game breaking issues. But economy does stupid things sometime like from being a steady growth to depression in a day because some pops decided to switch jobs in mass or stop producing everything because you changed a production method for a second and now you are in deficiency so you increase taxes and people now starving so you start to lose even more money and you are now in a debt so you start to pay stupid interest rate but your high taxes can't pay the interest rate so now you are in a loop hole until you go all the way down in the credit AAAANNNDDD start a new game.

Is it boring?
Not if you like economy and the politics. But I'm not satisfied with the diplomacy part tbh. I was expecting some mind games and different type of intrigues behind countries. Like in real life. It requires a bit doing the samething for growing your economy but you are usually distracted with bunch of stuff so it feels like a side chor.

Is it hard?
A bit, so you might require some tutorials. You just need sometime to get used to, so grab a drink, read the tutorials slowly and patiently and play the game. Paradox games tends to be played for thousands of hour so 10 hours of warming up is not big of a deal (for me).

Does it get's fun?
After fixing your economy and start to grow you tend to look for new lands to conquer, unfortunatly I couldn't do what game always promised (everything can be gained by war, can be gained with diplomacy). So you start to agro other countries and things get fun afterwards. But it takes about a 30-40 years in game (3-4 hours irl)

Does it worth it?
If you have played a paradox game before, you would know they always fix and balance the game after some time because they made games with absurdly many variables. It's not a point and shoot game. So it takes time to actually balance the game after getting some feedback. So if you want to play so badly, you can buy it learn it and after updates you can play the game again see the changes and enjoy the game once again. It's meant to be played like this. So I recommend it.
But if you are new to paradox games and have no patience, comeback 6 months later.
发布于 2022 年 10 月 31 日。
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总时数 1,040.9 小时 (评测时 669.8 小时)
After almost 700 hours I can say, I'm almost done with the game for now. There is not much to accomplish besides grinding. So it was fun while it lasted and I thought it's a good time to write a review about it.

I really like clicker games, they are really good at emptying your mind while working or listening podcasts, news etc. So it's hard to find good clicker games like this. Typical clicker games wants you to click much as you can but Tap Ninja requires slightly more attention, you need to click in a specific timing and there are some fun minigames inside. So it's a good balance between a game and a clicker.

I think this game can evolve into something exceptionally good. There are some issues of course but devs just needs time to develop. Don't forget to support the devs with packs, they indeed deserve it. I wanted to buy in app purchases but due to currency issue they are stupidly expensive, I think if devs can localise it in steam as well, that would be great too. I'll check the game in a year or so and change my review according to that. But it's in a current state deserves attention.

My suggestions would be there is a exceptionally bad grind between treasury and shrine, some of the ascensions needs to speed up the process. There is also nothing to boost coin gain after shrine so we need one more building to finish the ascension perks. Maybe every 500 or 1000 level could give you 10x or 5x so you go back and grind those old buildings too. Currently there is hardly a difference between 500 and 1000 for old buildings.
发布于 2022 年 8 月 20 日。
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总时数 10.6 小时
It's more of a concept rather than a game. I understand what devs are trying to create and I find it brilliant. It is unique and innovative. However the gamification element is far from being implemented. This game just needs time to be "a game". Anyone interested should feel free to play less than 2 hours or watch videos but they should know if they are buying the game they are supporting the dev and trying a concept of idea. If developers are serious they should find someone to invest in this game and start working on it seriously. Otherwise I feel like they are going to get bored eventually (as they said in the EA notes game should be released by now) and stop developing the game. Therefore I can not recommend this is as a game.
发布于 2022 年 7 月 16 日。 最后编辑于 2022 年 7 月 16 日。
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总时数 5.1 小时
I really miss games like this. Brilliant idea for a game, easy to finish in a day and really enjoying gameplay mechanics. To sum up I would say it has the This War of Mine vibe but controls are far better, easy and enjoyable. Game is funny and gruesome, leaves a lovely memory.
Chop chop the long pigs...
发布于 2022 年 7 月 12 日。
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总时数 11.9 小时 (评测时 11.0 小时)
I know you want to satify your samurai need until the Ghost of Tsushima. And I know this game looks incredibly good and atmospheric. But this is not a good game. You will be decived by the panache and greated with an absolute terrible gameplay mechanics which will give you no joy until the end.

Game is not reponsive and will not listen your commands. So you will fight with the controllers till the end of game. You will try to pass enemies with same combo until the end of the game. You will figh bosses with the same attack combo until you figure out their pattterns. This game needs total gameplay mechanic remade and guys/girls who made this should left the gaming industry and do not come back.

Stay away or simply watch gameplay walkthrough if you are so curious...
发布于 2022 年 5 月 28 日。 最后编辑于 2022 年 5 月 28 日。
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有 117 人觉得这篇评测有价值
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总时数 11.1 小时
Be aware this game has the mobile game vibe with planting and waiting for x hours in realtime mechanic.
It might be fun in the first few hours but gets annoying real quick and you might find yourself exhausted rather than relaxed. Also there is no planting, growing and farming mechanic. You have a tractor you click on 9 tiles and tractor jumps and digs/farms/plants/irrigates with same animation. So imagine doing this for basically everything. I would highly suggest watching 2-3 hours of video first. If you can bear watching samething for 3 hours. Then you can buy the game.
发布于 2022 年 5 月 26 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 7.7 小时
It's beautiful to see ww2 tanks and seeing every individual part really close. In most games we don't focus on tanks that much. The BIG BUT is there is major gameplay flaws in this game. This "tools" basically have the same purpose; the right clicking until bar is filled.

Gameplay needs a total rework, this is not a fun game and far from a finished game. I'm telling this because devs seems really nice and care about the game alot. So may I suggest working with the Car Mechanic Simulator developers? It's PlayWay's game too and they did absolutely great on reparing and fixing car parts. I actually imagined something like that in the first place.

Maybe ditch the content for a while reworked the gameplay and "digging" mechanic. And add contents for years.
发布于 2022 年 4 月 22 日。
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一名开发者在 2022 年 4 月 25 日 上午 8:09 作出回复 (查看回复)
有 4 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 11.7 小时
Idea is really nice, there is ranch elements already. But it looks sooooo asset flip I can't believe the very positive reviews. This might be the reason why visuals are pretty good but gameplay mechanics and UI is absolute joke. and Sure this is a early access game but this game released last year and it looks already v0.1 right now. Since the game is nowhere near balanced there is also stupid amount of grinding.

If you're thinking about giving a try, watch 3 hours long videos doing the same thing before. I highly suggest waiting 2 years at least.
发布于 2022 年 4 月 22 日。
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