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3 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
The biggest "problem" of this DLC is that folks at Tuxedo tried to sell a racing game to people who like to blow and smash things to pieces. By itself, it is fairly good. There are 30 cars to choose and while the customization feature is barebones each skin of the car provides unique models and looks instead of being simple recolors. The weakest part of this DLC is track variety, past 50 stars mark it will feel repetitive driving same tracks over and over, just having two or three more maps really could've helped. Getting all 99 campaign stars will take around 3.5 hours and for 8 dollars that's not a bad value.
Posted 13 March. Last edited 13 March.
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6.7 hrs on record
Broken NPCs, confusing map, upgrades that don't carry into the next level(s), bad optimization, atrocious voice acting, flickering shadows and other graphical glitches, typos, instructions that are confusing and straight up incorrect, off putting out of tone moments like some note saying "yo dawg", hilariously oversized objects, random facts screen that praises the response of Polish People's Republic, all this ingredients combined form a disaster that's comparable to Chernobyl. I will lay out the story of this game to save you from this pile of turd.

Prologue. Our story starts right after RBMK's in Chernobyl went kaboom. Hopping off from your ZIL firetruck, you hurry your steps to extinguish fire, link some water hoses, move graphite pieces. As you progress, ones you control will suffer scripted, unavoidable deaths due to radiation, and after seeing their death certificates, you'll be again playing as another responder who's tasked with the same objective as the fallen ones. This is really not that bad from the narrative perspective but honestly I found this part quite ill tasted and disrespectful for the victims for altering the circumstances of their deaths and for the needless presentation of personal information, no matter how public they may be. You ultimately reach the top of the building in front of you, and with that comes the end of the intro mission.

Act I. You now get to play as an actual liquidator of the invincible and legendary Sovetskaya Armiya. Of course, your higher ups didn't exactly tell you how serious everything is, so you treat it as just another tuesday. You clean residues and dust particles, and loot bottles of contaminated high quality vodkas from the restaurant to drink with the boys. The end of Act I.

Act II. After you clean the local sports center, you get an order from a scary KGB man who tells you to destroy sensitive files and film reels. From this point the liquidation work takes a backseat. You can either destroy them like a good soldier, or give them to your female friend Nadia who represents a moral good. You head to the nearby theater to check its radiation level and the act ends right after.

Act III. You have to convince some village people who are refusing to evacuate. Plant ten-ish flags to mark zones with high radiation and to meet some villager who's suffering from a radiation overdose. What follows is an another KGB/Nadia moral choice segment. You clean out the next zone and this act is over.

Act IV. You're suddenly sent to infiltrate the Duga radar installation against GRU military intelligence personnel currently present there. The reason? Because the KGB trusts you, or something.(this is the actual reason stated) You gather passwords that are written on the wall and restore the power of the target building despite the fact that doing that will definitely gather attention from the outside. Back and forth several buildings to find more codes and keys, and after turning off the radar system and pointless moral choice, you return to the starting point. The act ends, at last(I made it sound short but you have to run around over a mile in this level).

Act V, your dear friend Nadia sent you a love letter to gaslight you. As a result, you leap into the deadly depths of CNPP to gather strange substances for a date with her. You break into the control room, gather fuses to power the elevator, jump over flames to flick four switches to drain the flooded section, use another switch to restore power, do some platforming, and bozhe moi! it's the famed Elephant's foot! Just as we're about to take a sample, the protagonist abruptly feels a tiredness and fails to take a sample. You head back to Nadia and tell her to take care of your family because you know you're dying, and the act ends.

Epilogue. You're in control of another guy, who's part of helicopter crew. You get aboard the aircraft, and take a nap. After you awake, the heli immediately crashes and you die as a result. After the cutscene that shows the evil KGB guy plotting evil things, we again control an another guy, a squad leader. On the rooftops, you pull one lever and ♥♥♥♥ goes south, you practically just killed two of your comrades. To make matters worse, you realize that part of your suit is ripped off and now your bleeding skin is exposed to the radioactive surroundings. You meet an evil KGB guy who's wearing no protective gear, and evil guy says evil things, calling you and your people disposable. You say to the evil guy that he's evil, but he doesn't care. After all, he's evil. You part ways, and the work continues. Just about when you're about to pick up your third piece of graphite, heli from the start of this act strikes the cable. A guy falls down, and you go there to help him but there's nothing you can do so you just leave him there. Instead of coming back inside, you for some reason continue your way to rescue the helicopter crew when you are barely holding yourself. You reach the helicopter, and to your surprise they're already dead. Oh the horror! You throw away your mask, grab a cig and accept your now unavoidable death. It is so over. But the good thing is, this game is too. 2/10. Not recommended. If there's something that needs to be liquidated, that is this game.
Posted 2 March.
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40.3 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Fast paced Rainbow Six clone with superb aesthetics and gameplay. Weapons are diverse enough, feel great to use and while some of them may be better than others, their quantities are limited per stage and with the procedurally generated modular maps, it's near impossible to abuse meta and rely on the same strategy and route to reliably secure a win, forcing players to diversify their tactics. You really need to communicate with the team to outplay your opponents, and thankfully communication options in this game are aplenty, you can feed your team with all the information they need even if you don't have a mic using the drawing board feature that's accessible at all times. The game itself is really great and has a lot of potential, except... barely anybody plays it.

Devs apparently got their publishing rights back from Annapurna(which had a full implosion as a form of resignation of all employees last autumn) to get full control, and now some of them are even back to keep working on the game for free. Now this decision made by them is of course commendable, huge respect, but sadly the peak concurrent players are still only about a thousand players and judging from my past experiences with this sort of revivals it is highly unlikely for this game to be alive in the long term. Before the current discount there were less than 50, even less than 5 people playing this game in some time period. If you want to play this game ever, buy and play NOW.
Posted 1 March. Last edited 1 March.
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0.7 hrs on record
Ow the edge. The developer of this one did not mess around and went for a full mile and extra. You can assume what kind of story this game presents by reading mature content warnings, and well, it really is about all of these things. I am giving this game thumbs down because this game really only is appealing to the troubled souls that finds the protag relatable(they shouldn't play this to be frankly) and perverted minds who find amusement in edgy content(such as me). I have no questions on why the dev is now finding this an embarrassment, but it is still sad to see it's delisting in April as the art and general writing style on this isn't half bad. Good night, Peregrine. You will be remembered.
Posted 16 February.
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5 people found this review helpful
2.9 hrs on record
Story of two weird ugly deformed creatures pursuing their essential need of food.

Has the same premises as those episodic kid shows, with one simple joke repeated multiple times with different scenarios and no overarching plot. The word "Chuchel," which appears at the end of most chapters adds to the cartoon feel even more. 50 percent of classic Hanna-Barbera slapstick humor and 50% of psychedelic fever dream episodes, reminded me of many shows I watched in the past as a kid.

While it was quite funny to observe the little things jumping around and getting frustrated over a fruit this is more of an animated featurette than a game... Don't expect much.
Posted 16 February.
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4.0 hrs on record
A cute little indie product that hits most markers right.

Featuring a ton of lightly toned hand painted watercolor art, situational use of blank white space(mostly as borders) all done without utilzing distracting thick black outlines not only fits the melancholic theme of the game it's the first game I played that actually felt like it achieved true watercolor visuals. In some cases, the less is better, and the art of Dordogne exemplifies that saying. Combine this with varied minigames and multiple 'zen zones' placed throughout enabling players to just observe their surroundings and the world further help to build immersion, and while the plot ends quite abruptly it lines up with the message the game tries to deliver.

Overall, a solid production. The world needs more linear story games of this quality.
Posted 11 February. Last edited 15 February.
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10.0 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
The limitation of freedom in this game is suffocating. This is not your typical hidden objects game which provides you with a list of things and lets you do your thing, there's no legroom for you to do anything else other than that one thing they ask you to find at the time. And every time you click something correctly this so called AI "helper" intervenes and bombards you with 5 dialogue pages about childish mumbo jumbo quantum atomic interdimentional spacetime continuum in universe lore you couldn't care less about and boots up the similarly stereoypically named(they're always named as temporal fart smell analyzer or something) subroutine minigames, and they are so, so trivial, they're more fitting as a bot filtering captcha rather than a proper puzzle.

2/10, I gave it a two because the art is consistent and nice, but even if you really like to follow a set of instructions buy a Lego set or an Ikea product, because I've seen more interesting instructions to follow from the manual of a Mitsubishi air conditioning unit.
Posted 22 January.
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13.1 hrs on record
Stylized artstyle that's treat to see, well composed mix of 2D and 3D graphics, varied levels which comes with just the right size and bunch of lighthearted witty dialogues that adds to the fun factor. It's almost perfect recipe for a little hidden gem... Except you are forced to play unholy amount of dodgeballing.

But but why are you mad mister commie sir, you decided to buy and play a game with name of Dodgeball Academia, did you really not expect to Dodgeball all the time? Ah of course I did, little Jimmy. But hear me out. Dodgeball in this game is really basic and lacks variety, and no one likes to do the same thing in repeat for 10 hours just to read some okayish jokes!

And this is where accessibility options comes in, you can set your damage to 400% and your defense to infinite and just cheat matches if you're sick of catching and throwing balls. I treated it as an another walking-talking RPG and I still found it fun. I am recommending this game because it screams quality and effort but all things considered, this concept would've worked way better as an animated feature rather than the game format.
Posted 18 January.
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4.2 hrs on record
Remember when Battle Royale was the hottest thing ever and everyone with their dollar sign eyes tried to jump in the scene before Fortnite dominated the whole genre? Pepperidge farm remembers.

If I were to say, the thrill of battle royale comes from its free-for-all central theme, being forced to team up with total strangers you can't rely on and the fact that your competitors are just people like you looking for a win, not a bunch of evil men in evil black uniform. And this theme takes a huge hit, because this game follows yet another goodguys vs badguys trope. You only get to battle one, one group for the entire game which is actively backed by the evil guys, and you can never aim for the win as your primary goal. That is right, you are not fighting for a life changing cash prize like the store description says, the main character has an agenda that cannot be abandoned. I know this is a low budget production but I expected at least 3 groups to appear, even if just to fill obligatory gunfight scenes, with a story path to just ignore the entire drama and win the damn thing.

Game's setting doesn't make any sense if you give it a thought, they keep reminding players about how it's all broadcasted live through the internet by showing streamers and watchers reactions at random intervals but I found the segments very distracting and disengaging and they don't say a single thing that's worth any value. Who are we, a main character or an observer? Acting, okay. Some combat scenes felt overacted but who am I to judge. Story. You can barely deviate from the main path like I said above and the the path itself is not even good. seriously, deepfakes?

Not worth your time and money, rewatch the Hunger Games movies for a better experience even if you're sick of them.
Posted 16 January.
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29.0 hrs on record (11.0 hrs at review time)
I've played countless roguelike games but Balatro hits as a one of most well executed example of the genre for me, with seeing the numbers growing and passing the target that seemed near impossible at first glance is more satisfactory than you can imagine, especially when it's done with only 1 hand(game's even got a fancy fire-y graphic effect for that!).
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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