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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 167.2 hrs on record (109.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 23 Nov, 2016 @ 3:15pm
Updated: 22 Nov, 2018 @ 8:56pm

This game, oh boy, this game. It has given me so many sleepless nights and I'm still playing it. Does that mean it's a perfect game? Well, no, not really. So, why do I love this game so much?

- Big ass monsters. You climb on all sorts of mythological monsters so you can hit their weak points and do a lot of damage. It has that one mechanic from Shadow of the Colossus; except that in this game, you can actually regenerate your stamina so you don't fall off a monster and receive falling damage.
- 9 different vocations. You have everything from vocations that use bows and daggers, shields and swords, longbows, greatswords that are just lovely to use, and staffs so you can conjure magick (more on that later).
- Pawn System, there isn't any type of real multiplayer, so if you're looking to play this with a friend, you will not get that experience. However, there are two kinds of "multiplayer": The first one is the pawn system, basically, you create two characters, your main one, and your main pawn. You can choose what will be their vocation and how they will attack and you can even decide how much you want your main pawn to talk. So what's so special about this "pawn"? Well, your main pawn can go to other Arisens (players) worlds to be one of their pawns. And you can also have two other pawns from other Arisens that can be different from your main one, so this is the way you create a party. The second type of multiplayer is reserved for late game and for New Game Plus.
- Most, if not all of the abilites feel so unique and feel so go to use, you actually feel like you're the one doing the action, the animations are fluid and the magick attacks are hands down perfect. Capcom nailed the magick like no other game has ever done.
- The exploration is very inmersive, you can be on your way to a quest, and suddenly you can find a band of bandits fighting against a pack of wolves, and suddenly a Griffin can come down from the air and you can either slay it or run away, there is no punishment for not fighting against powerful beasts, but do know that you will not get any materials, experience nor gold.
- The late game is hard as balls, it's up to you if you like that or not, most of the game feels like a very fair challenge, but at late game, there are some monsters that will crush you. But if you do manage to slay them, you will be rewarded handsomely.
- Enhancing system: Why do you want to slay all these monsters you say? Well, for one, they give xp and some drop gold, while others drop materials which you can use to upgrade your weapons and armor, you can upgrade them up to three times (the first upgrade only needing gold, second and third need money and materials), but there's another way to upgrade your equipement: Dragonforging, which is essentialy having your armour and weapons consumed by the fire of a dragon, which you get by slaying a dragon. The weapons and armour you have equiped at the time will have a chance of being Dragonforged when you kill any dragon, with some dragons having more chance of dragonforging than others. There's a fourth type of enhancing called rarefing, which you can only do once you get to Bitterblack Isle, which is a DLC area with more difficult enemies than before, but you can get loot that you will not get anywhere else in the game.

It's not all good though. The game is rough in some edges.

- The AI can sometimes be very bad, yes, you can give orders to them, but these are very limited, you have exactly three orders for all pawns (You can customize the actions of your main pawn, but you will not have such luck with the other two pawns) Go!, Come! and Help!, you will be using these a lot as sometimes you may just want to go to a inn and rest but your pawns will keep attacking everything they see.
- The fast travel system is very limited, you can have up to ten places you can fast travel, if you're a person that wants to get to a place quickly, you'll have to decide which places have a higher priority. This doens't really bother me as I like to explore and get materials and other stuff.

If you can get past these negatives, it is honestly a fantastic game to get lost in, quite literally. The pawn system is such an interesting idea that get's executed extremely well. A personal favorite, 9/10

Don't forget that wolves hunt in packs Arisen! 'Tis weak to fire!
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Linksupersayan 25 Jan, 2018 @ 7:16am 
Bad review :^)
Kalade 23 Dec, 2016 @ 12:17pm 
I would add the main plot and overall side-quests as one of the negative aspects of this game. As you play, it becomes very very apparent that some side-quests are just left unfinished and leave you hanging and that the main story progresses in confusing and rather sudden leaps. I love to hae this game (more so than any other game that I've ever played), but, at the same time, I probably have a collective of 150 hours.
FugNugt 15 Dec, 2016 @ 11:32am 
Are there any giant enemy crabs for massive damage?
Keractagon 27 Nov, 2016 @ 7:06pm 
how the heck do you exit the game without Alt+F4 XD
Dorf 27 Nov, 2016 @ 6:55pm 
'Twas a pleasure ser. You will not regret buying the game, trust me. Most computers can run the game, it is certainly very well optimized. Enjoy!
DedZedNub 27 Nov, 2016 @ 6:44pm 
Thanks for the replies, Dorf. Answers all my questions. I bought the game and it is pretty interesting. I'll need to install my video card to enjoy it more, but it is running on my Intel HD 2500 currently, enough for the early phases of the character which will start off as a Strider to make easier to handle lower fps.
Dorf 27 Nov, 2016 @ 1:20pm 
Also, yes, there is a NG+, but at the time of the review I hadn't gotten to that part, so I decided not to talk about it. Basically, in NG+ you get all items you had on your previous playthrough, and I mean all items, wheter is armor, weapons, curatives or gold. You also retain the experience your main pawn and you had before; you can change both of these look on NG+ but you will lose nothing, so a change is recomendable so you have a different experience.
Dorf 27 Nov, 2016 @ 1:20pm 
There is a manual in-game, in fact, it's one of the main options you get on the Main Menu. Yes, the other two pawns you rent do not level up when they're with you, this encourages to change your pawns constantly, or you could get a pawn that has some levels more than you so you don't have to change it so fast. If you hire a pawn with the same or lower level with no cost at all, but if you want to hire a pawn with more level than you, you will have to use RC, a currency you can either get in game in the form of loot or you can get it when your own main pawn gets hired by other players.

There's one way for the other pawns to level, if their owner goes to an inn, their pawn will get actualized, this means, if the pawn has more level when this is done, then you too will see the changes.
DedZedNub 26 Nov, 2016 @ 5:33pm 
Thanks for answering. I think I'm going to get it. I'm guessing the manual is built into the game, maybe like Kingdoms of Amalur (which had a ton of help, even little clips of every skill available). Because I remember the huge Dragon's Dogma Guide in a shop, and I mean it was as large as Skyrim's.

Other players rented pawns do not level as you use them, correct? If they don't, then that would make one want to swap them out occasionally, which is probably a good thing (or re-hire if it has been leveled since).

The in-game pawns do not level or do they? I mean the 2nd and 3rd pawns, not the Main Pawn which clearly levels.

I saw someone say there is also a New Game Plus mode?
Dorf 26 Nov, 2016 @ 3:37pm 
You can choose other pawns either by going to the Rift and searching for an especific pawn, or you can find them lurking around in the world. You cannot change how other pawns behave, but you can change their equipment. Again, you can choose the pawn you want and you can see what it knows and it's techniques and such.

Also, it was a pleasure writing that review, it is certainly a game I have much enjoyed.