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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 47.1 hrs on record (6.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 Oct, 2023 @ 11:54am

Leaps and bounds ahead of Cities: Skylines I in terms of game play and choices for the player in the building of their city. The elephant in the room is just how bad the performance is; it's been 'fine' for me but not great. I'm typically getting 30-40 frames with my 3080 and my i7-8700K; an older CPU for sure and a decent graphics card but they're performing okay.

I will applaud the development team for their transparency and commitment to fix the game's performance but I will also criticize Paradox for sending this game out clearly before it was ready. This game should have been delayed till the spring to coincide with the console release.

8/10 gameplay 4/10 for performance.

If you're on the fence, wait till it comes on sale in the coming months.
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