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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 21.7 hrs on record (14.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 20 Feb, 2022 @ 3:34pm

There's many good elements in this game, lots of equipment to play with, open maps where you can go whichever way you want, either following missions or just picking your own targets (although missions are required to unlock more equipment and the other maps).

But there are so many weird elements too, like how certain keys can't be rebound, and if you dare to rebind any of the functions that use the E key, you will not be allowed to put them on the same key, you can't even put them back together on E without resetting to default. And this might sound weird from someone who plays with keyboard and mouse, but there are far too many different keys, U, E, and V are all used for different forms of picking up stuff, I can't even reach U when I've got one hand on the mouse and one hand on WASD.

Also, I just died to my own mine, because I thought those could be picked up, since that works so well with the enemy mines, quite the nasty surprise when I was an hour from the last checkpoint.

The enemies apparently have godlike skills with the mortars, if you overhear that they will use it, either shoot the guy manning it, or run like a madman, because there will be 3-5 shells hitting your exact location in a few seconds, regardless of whether they have spotted you or not.

Climbing walls and ladders feels clunky, actually the first fence I encountered in the game gave me a prompt to "hang", so I gave that a try, and when I pressed the button to let go, I fell through the earth. It didn't even kill me, I just kept falling forever, and I decided to reload from last checkpoint when the surface was something like 5km above me. And when you climb onto a roof, you will default into a standing position, and you have to take a step forward before you're allowed to crouch or prone, which feels uncomfortable in a stealth game.

Perhaps I just haven't learned the mechanics well enough yet, but it feels like crafting and buying are redundant features. Everything I can craft can also be bought, and both transactions can only happen at a safehouse, and while purchases uses a single currency, crafting requires a large variety of ingredients.

The fact that your silencers and body armor actually requires maintenance is cool though. And using a drone to scout for you, while also having to be mindful of how and where you fly the drone, is really cool.
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