44 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 9.3 hrs on record
Posted: 16 Aug, 2021 @ 10:08pm

With an overwhelmingly positive review percentage in mind; I'm not trying to bash this game, and obviously there are people that love this game, but it has many problems in my eyes. To dissuade those who might be in the same boat I'm just going to list some of the problems I have with it:

- Very clunky simultaneous multiplayer UI - don't play with people who don't like to take their time to read a little.
- the combat is superficial, non-strategic, and boring, even for (video)board-game standards
- Limited classes/class expression and thus play styles
- No story progression. People talk about how much they love the story development but characters come and go like nothing. Maybe there's a better overarching story but it's not interesting enough or skillful enough to have caught my attention.

In short, every element of this game is either flawed or paper thin, and I'm a little sad I wasn't able to return it within the window of opportunity. That being said, play it for under 2hours and figure out if it's for you, if it's not then return it.
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