10 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 20.5 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 13 Feb, 2017 @ 10:00am
Updated: 14 Feb, 2017 @ 9:33am

Yo guys, i just write this to inform u about the best Call of Duty which has been released in all the years. This game is like NiP: Bo2 is love, Bo2 is life. Starting with the maps over the guns to the movement and sound, this game has it all in perfection, it is the most recommendable game in common with CS:GO and Payday: The Heist. This game is for fun as for eSports. Even after 1000 hours of playin it's still fun and to Tryhard is always the solution of our gaming. Following i show u my love to this game by listing all 31 maps with their location and country where they are from, have fun guys ^^
1) Raid - Hollywood Hills, U.S.A.
2) Hijacked - Internationale Gewässer
3) Nuketown - Nevada, U.S.A.
4) Slums - Panama City, Panama
5) Standoff - Grenzstadt, Pakistan
6) Plaza - Indischer Ozean
7) Overflow - Peschawar, Pakistan
8) Express - Los Angeles, U.S.A.
9) Jemen - Insel Sokotra, Republik Jemen
10) Drone - Tiefer Dschungel, Myanmar
11) Cargo - Hafen von Singapur
12) Carrier - Ort geheim
13) Turbine - Al-Sarat-Steppen, Jemen
14) Meltdown - Belutschistan Klippen, Pakistan
15) Aftermath - Innenstadt von Los Angeles, U.S.A.
16) Grind - Venice Beach, U.S.A.
17) Rush - Georgia, U.S.A,
18) Uplink - Arakan-Joma-Gebirge, Myanmar
19) Downhill - Rhone-Alpes, Frankreich
20) Encore - London, England
21) Detour - New York, U.S.A.
22) Frost - Amsterdam, Niederlande
23) Mirage - Wüste Gobi, China
24) Dig - Lugar, Afghanistan
25) Pod - Neu Taipeh, Taiwan
26) Magma - Kitakyushu, Japan
27) Studio - Hollywood, U.S.A.
28) Hydro - Der Indus, Pakistan
29) Takeoff - US-Hoheitsgewässer, Pazifischer Ozean
30) Cove - Internationale Gewässer
31) Vertigo - Mumbai, Indien
That's it ;D - Bag Raiders Shooting Stars, Not Over my friends, just get this game to get a better life, cu ingame ma bois ;D
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pT-TyZe | ProX AKRacing 14 Feb, 2017 @ 9:32am 
Ye, if possible ^^
chossel69 14 Feb, 2017 @ 6:19am 
would change this review to black ops II multiplayer if I were you