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Posted: 29 Jun, 2017 @ 2:03am
Updated: 29 Jun, 2017 @ 2:04am

Early Access Review
222 hours ingame - so what about doing a review?

I bought this game right at the start. I actually wanted to buy H1Z1 although it received heavy criticism because the developers stopped to work on the game and ignored many problems like bugs and hackers.
So when I was about to buy H1Z1, I heard that there is this new game coming out and that the developers were putting really much work into it.
I changed my mind and bought this game without even watching gameplay videos or screenshots.

The game started sloppy and had many bugs, performance problems and even a few hackers.
But now that it's out for a few months, it improved in many ways, the performance is good right now, the graphics are somewhat nice and even hackers are getting dumped.

At the beginning the developers brought many patches in no time to face really annoying bugs and worked really hard.
Now the patches are getting realeased rarely, but they do bring a lot of content and fix many issues at once. Furthermore, they contain lots of new stuff (weapons).

This game is at a very good point. I totally recommend buying PUBG, since the performance is great now and it outclasses H1Z1s in every way.
So if you're looking for a King of the Hill based game - this game is your game of choice. Enjoy.
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