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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 21.4 hrs on record
Posted: 25 Mar, 2023 @ 1:03pm

Now this was a weird game. And I loved every second of it.My girlfriend asked me: "What on earth are you playing there?!?" *Me trying to explain* "And.... this is fun? Cause it certainly doesn't sound like fun at all."And you might think something like this as well. But it's hella fun. There is a certain inexplicable joy in controlling random citizens and finding out whether they are just trying to make a living out of delivering goods or whether he tries to smuggle weapons, drugs (or even worse: CHICKENS).Even better: You get involved in deep criminal stuff although this seemed to be a small little police on the border of two countries.Don't wanna spoiler too much stuff: It's worth it. Watch some gameplay videos. Many players might fall in love after just a few hours of gameplay.
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