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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 441.7 hrs on record (411.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 19 May, 2017 @ 6:05pm
Updated: 23 Jan, 2018 @ 8:59pm

For the sake of disclosure I was a pre-Steam early adopter at the $120 level and ran a fan podcast about the game for 1.5-2 years. The following review is updated from my previous review, but I still recommend this game.

Good - With Eternal Crusade you have a solid multiplayer title that is actively trying to be better than JUST a shooter, and more than yet another entry into the 40k "bolter porn" catalog. You have a title that takes the good elements of Dawn of War and Space Marine and combine it with the same overall concept that governed the old GW global map campaigns. In light of the stuff you'll read below, the community has stepped up and taken the reigns of this games destiny, which is no small thing.

Bad - Eternal Crusade has some problems. Animation glitches, the trademark Games Workshop favoritism towards Loyalist Space Marines, and a game that used to market itself with asymmetric faction design but no longer seems to mention it despite it still being a cornerstone of the game. More obviously, the players left standing in EC are a small community but with a VAST amount of play time logged, making entry into even normal matches a daunting process for your average player.

Ugly - The worst part of Eternal Crusade isn't the game itself. Lack of support from Behaviour corporate in favor of other, more popular/profitable titles, their habit of pulling developers away to said projects, and the sheer salt/rage of the community at how corporate is treating this game is a palpable thing to overcome.

Its a good game, at a great price, and a worthwhile addition to the pantheon of 40k games in existance.
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