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Artwork Showcase
ESL showcasing Nuke Minecraft
13 2 1
Workshop Showcase
Map Overview Welcome to Inferno (de_inferno) in Minecraft style! This map was built using the stunning Minecraft version created by Codre. This is my third original Minecraft map, and the most detailed and ambitious project I’ve worked on to date. ;) The m
769 ratings
Created by - w1tcher and CODRE
Workshop Showcase
Collection: Ported CS:GO Maps to CS2 Welcome to my collection of CS:GO maps that I've ported to CS2. Please note that not all maps are currently in their final quality, and I'm actively seeking feedback to address any issues. Once reported problems are fix
136 ratings
Created by - w1tcher
diho 27 Feb @ 11:50am 
If you could port og de_santorini somehow, you would be a champion. Thanks.
Ivan_Evolution_X 25 Feb @ 10:33am 
2800 ello faceit.
but in mm play wlh ))))))))))))
Stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥ bot!
Willem Holleeder 21 Feb @ 11:19am 
Would like to pay you for your help with cs2 hammer and porting if we could have a chat and see from there i would appreciate it wont be wasting your time
SIGMAIGOR 19 Feb @ 1:29am 
я даун
MihasBuyval 7 Feb @ 6:33am 
perfect log reconstruction
Didou 1 Feb @ 3:00am 
hey, i have some questions about map porting plss, i added u