A spice merchant? Not likely.

Screenshot Showcase
"A shadow of Father Gwyn and Sister Gwynevere, a blade that shall hunt the foes of our lords..."
6 1
FranHelike 22 Feb @ 3:32am 
Hola, estoy creando un parche que aplica de forma automática el contenido de la guía Traducción al Español - Sacred Gold por Raskaipika y Wartinald
Para ello necesito usar los archivos de recursos en castellano, cuando haga la guía os añadiré como co-autores, si queréis más información o cualquier otra cosa no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo.
Lard 17 Nov, 2022 @ 12:39pm 
Hello, I would like to ask if you trade humble bundle cd-keys, even if you do not trade them, I am looking for a few old bundled ones, so you might have a few and I'm ready to offer some games from your wishlist, in case you are interested - accept my friendship, I'm also ready to go first if we find decent trade for both of us, thanks(seen your profile on games collectors group)
machine 5 Jul, 2021 @ 3:33am 
Hola, te he agregado por tu pasión con Gothic, déjame un mensaje.
Clover 14 Feb, 2021 @ 2:37pm 
perdón, cómo cambio la calidad de vídeo del quake 4? desde el autoexec
Wartinald 6 Jan, 2021 @ 12:52pm 
Hello there! Go and check the guide again, I've updated it with a Pastebin containing the MEGA link. Enjoy! :wololo:
Patrick 6 Jan, 2021 @ 8:23am 
Hi! are you the person who has a Xpadder profile for BO2? If so, could you link me your profile? Your current link was deleted.