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Đánh giá gần đây bởi youthful_avenger

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Hiển thị 1-10 trong 32 mục
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51.5 giờ được ghi nhận
This one’s tough. Ultimately, I’d give Hogwarts Legacy a 7/10, which is quite solid considering it feels like an incomplete game.

First off, I have to praise the phenomenal female voice actor for the main character. She absolutely nails the bratty, sassy teenager I was going for, and her delivery is consistently outstanding.

I can’t complain about the soundtrack either, it does a great job of evoking the Harry Potter atmosphere and fits the magical setting perfectly. The sound effects—especially for casting spells—are punchy and satisfying, though after a while, the repetitive nature of some effects (like constant enemy grunts) can get a bit old.

As for the game’s attempt to be an RPG... it’s a pretty weak effort. Your choices have no real impact. The only actual RPG elements are the levelling system and the skill tree, as dialogue options carry no meaningful consequences. The levelling system comes in the form of a handbook from one of your professors, full of tasks to complete throughout the year. Why I’m being tasked with killing hundreds of dark wizards while still in school is anyone’s guess. The skill tree is simple but effective, with some abilities dramatically enhancing your spells. There’s even a perk that makes you practically invincible, as long as you’ve brewed a common potion. It’s completely broken.

Character-wise, the cast is hit or miss. The game feels a bit heavy-handed with what I can only describe as forced diversity. It’s set in 1800s Britain. Whatever. Who cares about historical accuracy in the magic game I guess… The voice acting is generally solid (or maybe just average), though a few minor side characters fall flat. The professors are cool but underused; aside from teaching you spells here and there, they don't contribute much. One of the most bizarre examples is the Beasts professor handing you Bombarda, which felt completely out of place.

The four main student companions vary in quality. Amit is barely developed and quickly forgotten, Poppy’s all about the animals, and Natty is particularly irritating, trying to act like your best friend when I couldn’t stand her from the start. The real standout is Sebastian, whose side quest is far more interesting than the main story. His arc has better development, a richer lore, and a cast of NPCs that make it genuinely compelling. Frankly, Sebastian’s story should have been the focus of the entire game.

Combat is fun, though it’s generally pretty easy, with the exception of the third Crossed Wands mission, which took me around 20 attempts. The spells look great and combo well, but the game is sorely lacking in enemy variety. I can think of maybe six enemy types off the top of my head, and they rarely appear together, which makes battles trivial once you know what you’re facing. The battle arenas were some of the most enjoyable moments, as they threw this formula out the window, pitting you against spiders, wolves, trolls, and casters all at once, which was much more engaging.

Hogwarts itself is nothing short of spectacular. It’s one of the best-designed interiors I’ve ever seen in a game, and the surrounding areas are equally impressive. Sadly, the rest of the world is a disappointment, filled with endless, pointless side objectives that exist solely to waste your time. It’s as wide as an ocean and as deep as a puddle.

The main quest is serviceable at best. It’s full of plot holes, poorly written, and often downright boring. Your character has no backstory whatsoever—it’s as if you’ve just spawned into the world and magically become an expert at spells without any explanation.

The side quests are mostly dreadful. Each one boils down to going to point A, fetching some items (or killing something), and returning. It’s incredibly repetitive. That said, I did find it hilarious that you can complete a quest and then refuse to give the item back to the quest giver. This became a running theme for me—like when I retrieved a ‘priceless’ family heirloom from a lake, only to tell the owner I was keeping it. It serves no purpose; you can’t even sell the item, but ruining NPCs' days was one of the most amusing aspects of the game.

There are three major side quests that span the game, though I only found one to be worth my time—Sebastian’s. His quest line features real character development, a coherent plot, and multiple endings (though the differences are mostly tied to a single dialogue choice). Honestly, if they expanded Sebastian’s storyline, it would’ve made for a far better main narrative than the one we got.

As for dialogue, I consistently chose the snarkiest, rudest options available, but it didn’t seem to matter. No matter how much of a jerk I was, characters always twisted my words into something positive and kept treating me like a golden child. Other than a few snide comments from quest givers when I kept their items, there were no real consequences for being rude. You remain the perfect student, and everyone loves you no matter what.

Performance inside the castle is a mess. The constant stuttering and frame pacing issues are so persistent that it feels like the QA team overlooked them entirely. It’s genuinely unacceptable. It always says a lot about a game when the most downloaded mod is a performance fix (that makes only a minor difference anyway). Fortunately, the game runs more smoothly outside the castle, which is where you’ll spend most of your time anyway, but the performance issues within Hogwarts are hard to ignore.

I can’t write this review without mentioning the atrocious lockpicking mechanic. Bethesda perfected this over 15 years ago—so why on Earth did they try to reinvent the wheel here? I was absolutely losing my mind over it. The sheer number of locks in the game is absurd, and I grew to despise this mechanic with a passion. Even worse, you’ll sometimes unlock a door only to find a dead-end room with another locked chest inside. Why even bother with that second lock? To make matters worse, you have to complete a tedious side quest to unlock higher-level lockpicking skills. The quest itself is just a boring collectible hunt, with the added frustration that the items can only be collected at night. This means you’ll constantly find yourself pausing the game just to wait until nightfall. It’s a dull, pointless grind.

All of this negativity aside, I did enjoy the game, I just want to rant because it could have been so much more. Actually after writing all this out I’ve changed my mind. It’s a 6/10.
Đăng ngày 2 Tháng 10.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
2.0 giờ được ghi nhận
I've played through the first two cases, and I’m done with this game. It’s clear to me that it’s just not up to par. If you're looking for something better, I highly recommend Orwell or Cyber Manhunt – they do everything this game tries to do, but far more effectively.

In neither of the two cases did I feel like I genuinely cracked or solved anything myself. The second case relied heavily on circumstantial evidence at best, yet somehow that’s enough to make a conviction? And it's written in such a way that several characters have clear motives, the game deliberately wastes your time chasing dead ends.

The English translation is awful, and that’s a huge issue for a game that relies entirely on text. Honestly, deciphering the broken English required more effort – and felt more rewarding – than playing this mess of a game.

The UI is equally bad. The copy-paste system is clunky, and if you’re off by even one character, you get zero results. Worse yet, selecting the right text is a nightmare. There’s no highlighting or indication of what exact phrase the game expects, so even when I know the clue, I'm stuck hunting for the specific wording the developer wants. Orwell gets this right by highlighting relevant passages so you know what can be used as evidence. If you're going to remove that kind of assistance, then at least make sure the game is able to recognise a reasonable input!
Đăng ngày 21 Tháng 09.
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18.9 giờ được ghi nhận (13.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
This is actually pretty good, despite being pretty bad.

I will try and justify that statement.

It's very hard to explain why it's fun, the gunplay feels off - weapons have no weight to them, and plasma weapons make you feel like you need to lead your target, leading to infuriating misses. So the shooting is *(ironically) a bit hit or miss, but what else is there? Maybe it's the story, but that has it's ups and downs too.

There's a lot of content. There's lockpicking, hacking, stealth, shooting, crafting, inventory management, exploration, levelling, gun upgrades, dialogue trees, optional objectives, multiple endings, romances - all of these are done serviceably at worst, and well at best. I think this is what makes it good, there's so much stuff going on, and none of it ever feels bad. Even the gunplay felt better when playing infiltrator mode after the main campaign - the problem there is more likely to be the spongy enemies.

The soundtrack is very, very good - it's a shame the terrible default audio mixing makes it so it's the only thing you can hear. Dialogue is completely drowned out with the default settings - I turned all other sounds down to 75% and STILL couldn't hear characters at times.

The checkpoint system can at times feel a little sucky, but the game isn't that hard anyway - I played on max difficulty and only had 1 frustrating experience in a 12 hour playthrough.

And it's also a great tie in for the first two films.

Overall it's probably a 7/10, far better than I expected, and good enough that I've purchased the DLC to play more.
Đăng ngày 19 Tháng 09.
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37 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
76.0 giờ được ghi nhận
It's an insult that Andromeda currently sits at a 'mixed' rating on Steam. The game is genuinely great!

No, it's not on the same level as the original trilogy, but very few games are. As a standalone title, it's a solid 8/10. The main issues holding it back are occasional patches of weak writing (though the voice acting often compensates) and a few too many bugs and performance issues. Plus, the unskippable cutscenes for takeoff, landing, and moving around the galaxy can become seriously infuriating over time.

Combat, however, is a highlight. Despite a lack of enemy variety, the powers combo well together, and the guns feel varied and useful for different situations. The N7 Valkyrie assault rifle is a bit overpowered, turning the Insanity difficulty into a joke, but hey, I still had fun.

Where the game stumbles most is with its characters. Compared to the original trilogy, they feel weaker overall. With the exceptions of PeeBee and Drack, most of the squadmates come across as somewhat bland — though they're still better than Jacob. That said, the interactions between squadmates, both during missions and in downtime, are a nice touch. Bioware excelled here, with 15 possible combinations of squadmates, there’s a lot of unique dialogue to discover. While I frequently had PeeBee or Drack on my team, I found myself rotating through the others just to hear more of their banter.

The explorable planets are stunning and vast, even if they are a bit sparsely populated. Thankfully, fast travel is available if you’re not in the mood for a long drive. Navigating with the Nomad is surprisingly enjoyable — turns out Bioware can make a decent vehicle — though I do wish it had a higher top speed. Each world is filled with side quests (likely to compensate for the relatively short main plot), and they’re generally interesting enough to keep you engaged.

My advice: don't jump into this right after finishing the original trilogy. Give it some time, then pick it up. It's absolutely worth the sale price, and considering the amount of time I got out of it, I'd have happily paid full price too.
Đăng ngày 10 Tháng 09.
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7.4 giờ được ghi nhận
I had no idea what was going on half the time and I just finished playing the first one. 7/10.

Pretty fun FPS with annoyingly OP enemy AI. They can easily spot you at ludicrous range and through walls.

Buuuut you're more OP so it's fine. As with the first game, fighting humans is way more fun than dealing with aliens.
Đăng ngày 22 Tháng 07.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
8.9 giờ được ghi nhận
If you're not in tears within the first five minutes, then something is wrong with you.
Đăng ngày 12 Tháng 07.
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5.9 giờ được ghi nhận
For a game from 2006 it still has a lot of charm. Even if it's poorly optimised. Oh and prepare for major motion sickness in the 'Core' mission.

Overall it's fun, but quite a bland experience in 2024.
Đăng ngày 7 Tháng 07.
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6.0 giờ được ghi nhận
The best out of the first 3. Still not Until Dawn levels of quality but much closer this time.

In terms of characters, Jason in particular is very well written, and Salim is also really good. The other 3 main characters are serviceable, but nothing special. I did manage to kill one of them off pretty early, so I'm under the impression that I missed out on some content there.

The plot is significantly more coherent than the previous two entries and has good pacing throughout. Dialogue is a bit hit or miss, I didn't care for the unnecessary love triangle thrown into the plot, and there's the odd bit of daft dialogue about the Iraq war (the game is set in 2003, but the dialogue is written with the knowledge we have now) but it's not enough to detract from the experience.

Overall it's a good horror film in the format of a game. Just don't play on the top difficulty, unless you want all the characters to die because you can't do a QTE in 4 milliseconds.
Đăng ngày 22 Tháng 03.
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11.8 giờ được ghi nhận
Need for Speed before it went to ****. A solid 8/10, something braindead to play when you have nothing else to do.

It's a fun game for the most part, terrible port though - capped at 60 and has massive input lag. Mods can fix most of the issues.

AI rubberbanding has and always will suck.

The stupid camera showing me something idgaf about, then returning me to my car as I'm hurtling towards a wall at 200mph. Sure the cinematic angles do look pretty cool, but there absolutely should be an option to turn it off. It causes more problems than it's worth.
Đăng ngày 20 Tháng 03.
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4.6 giờ được ghi nhận
Well it's better than Man of Medan... But that was a 5 on a good day.

It did a pretty good job of being creepy for the majority of the story, and manages to tell a mostly coherent plot.

The ending is pretty bad (personally I was 90% of the way to predicting the ending but I don't think many people will have the same experience), it always felt like I knew more than the game expected me to know. There is also a massive drop in quality towards the end.

Supermassive are really trying hard to recapture some of the magic of Until Dawn, but it is only able to reach those heights for brief moments before weak dialogue, or ridiculously predictable jumpscares ruin the moment.

Seriously, expect a jumpscare every 10 minutes, it's way overdone.

Buy it on sale, expect a slightly above average interactive horror game and it's probably worth it.
Đăng ngày 15 Tháng 03.
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Hiển thị 1-10 trong 32 mục