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Posted: 3 Aug, 2015 @ 1:35am

More Men of War? Could this ever be a bad thing?

Well that depends, how many times can you capture a German trench? Believe me, by the time you get to the end of Condemned Heroes you should have pretty much mastered the art of assaulting an occupied trench.

Condemned Heroes can be difficult at times. Nearly every battle is a Soviet attack and as the game follows a Soviet penal unit, that means your guys are the tip of the spear. As grisly as that sounds, it's the counter attacks you have to watch out for.

No sooner have you shot, bashed or exploded the last German soldier must you begin to prepare for the inevitable counter attack. I bet you wished you hadn't thrown anti-tank grenades at the PAK or MG positions now, da, tovarich?

I don't think there was ever a counter attack where I wasn't just holding on by the skin of my teeth and hoarded anti-tank grenades [Hard difficulty]. You can begin to appreciate how soldiers felt in such situations when relief finally turned up and helped beat back the attackers.

Condemned Heroes is a visually pleasing and tactics intensive game that's only short fall is the focus on the Penal Heroes. Yes, they are the focus of the game but again, how many times must I assault a trench line then defend that trench line.

Other games in the Men of War series provide a more varied pallete of missions, Condemned Heroes should only be played by those wanting to truly test their infantry assault tactics.

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