-MCG- Pork Butt
Maumelle, Arkansas, United States
Bachelors Degree BBA, Major MIS
Masters Degree, MIS, working title

I love my K98 rifle...this is my rifle...my rifle is my friend...
Currently Online
-MCG- Pork Butt 23 Dec, 2010 @ 2:05am 
♥♥♥♥ You Valve, for ruining my gameplay w/ Battlefield: BC2. After lowering the price recently and now putting it on sale...playing sucks because of the overwhelming number of new players, which in turn make the teams suck total ass!
-MCG- Pork Butt 18 Oct, 2009 @ 8:01pm 
The Hogs got ripped off by the refs vs. the Gators