Elwood   Cork, Ireland
RimWorld modder and 40k fanatic
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Ogliss 29 Aug @ 11:47am 
No, sorry, thats beyond me remit of maintaining the mod
crafty1983 19 Apr @ 6:31am 
Well Ogliss I figured it was worth a shot. It was time to put up or shut up. Unfortunately you are right, I don't have the money to pay for the work hours. If I did I really would pay you the commission. That's how much I love this mod.
You're probably going to think I'm BSing you when I tell you what I'm about to. I started playing Rimworld at 1.1 and I've only ever played it modded (600 + hours). When I first started playing the first real mod I used was the AvP mod and a few others. My colonist were Colonial marines with one WY Synthetic supervisor. That was a hoot of a playthrough. Poor supervisor got shot in the back of the head and being my lead negotiator.... well prices were sometimes high for goods.
That's only one memory I have as probably 2/3 of my play time is with the mod and I LOVE it so much I just don't want to see it die.
I'm glad you were courteous in your explanation. If you do need anything I can provide (not a programmer or artist) let me know.
Ogliss 19 Apr @ 3:35am 
it wasnt exactly a commission. there was no agreed amount or price, it was a work trade between myself and the artist who wanted AvP built, id build the Yautja mod he wanted in return for him doing art for my 40k mods, the plan was to finish AvP then work on the art for my mods, then feature creep kicked in and we ended up adding the xenomorphs and USCM, but sadly (and through no fault of his own), reality got in the way and he stopped having any time to game, let alone mod- that was several years ago. pre 1.1's release, by that point id already spent upwards of 2000 hours working on AvP and gotten about 6 textures for my mods.
As you can imagine, having spent the equivalent of over 50 40 hour work weeks on it, its hard to put a value on it, what would you expect to be paid for that amount of work?. Alot more than is sensible to spend on a mod, thats for sure!
Ogliss 19 Apr @ 3:35am 
Glad folks enjoy it, the 1.5 update is comming along, its just gonna take awhile due to changes to how pawns and apparel are rendered

@Johnny Macabre
if someone wants to utilize the code, they are more than welcome, however i dont own the textures, youd need to contact the artists regarding their use
crafty1983 18 Apr @ 7:35pm 
Ogliss If I wanted to take over the commission of the AvP mod, how much would it cost? I figure the person who originally commissioned it is either MIA or doesn't care.
zDoctor 17 Apr @ 11:58pm 
I am here because of my love for the [WH40K]Adeptus Mechanicus: Armoury modification, and I would like to thank you very much.You make the world a better place and people happier.