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Recent reviews by RekTzaN

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19.0 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Wow. just wow.

This game is so smooth running, well thought out with so many synergies.

And on top of that, its alrdy dubbed as the hands down best coop rogue-lite i have played so far.

and i have only hit the tip of the iceberg! with so many places i can develop my character, so much to advance, and even more updates comming, i see myself playing this alot!!

Must have amoung rogue-lite/like fans!!!!!!!
Posted 9 November, 2024.
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185.1 hrs on record (184.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This is my honest opinion of this game. it was really great once. like a basic, fundamental survival game on the level with so many others. thats why i returned.

but i returned to a totally diffrent game disguised as the first i played. i read alot on the internet cuz i couldnt understand it. but basically, what i found great about this game was the way it somehow forced you to play in teams or with friends, if u wanted to progress fast. fx; we had a guy who went a mix og agi and fori to farm food, and the ability to craft bows and knifes for the team. one with strenth that could farm rly hard. one with int that could make the neccesary crafting stations, and the turrets for the base, and so on.

I came back to this element COMPLETELY WIPED from the game. how? ok i like the idea somewhat of a techtree that u progress through exploration. reading 6 books to get highest tier 1 bow, and reading the same books to get on the tree with tier 2 and so on. but that destroyed everything team based about this game. fx i found my game with 2 friends, we all read the books on our journeys or something. one guy can craft lvl 2 primitive bows, the other lvl 2 actual bows. if ppl had talked together then one could maybe allrdy craft carbon fiber bows. but thats hard to have that communication on an online server. so the result is that everyone progresses in snails pace, and it gets worse the more ppl there is....


U removed essential crafting and farming components like the empty glass jar so we cant stack water and stuff. i get it, more exploartion. but now this colony of maybe 5-6 ppl playing together have to make the though decision; craft glue so we can get triversal (Like bikes) "(cuz u need glue for duct tape to craft bikes)", or drink to not die and get insane xp penalty or even worse, (which is decidet by server settings).

And that just sucks man. u took a survivalgame to the bone and ripped it in half with rng and solo type slow progression play. i just invested lik 15 ingame hrs realizing we will not get that bike when it take litteral human hrs to get what we need just for a few pieces of tape... cuz ppl have to survive the drought of movable water containers? freal?

My question is devs. why do u srsly do this, destroy something great with this... ♥♥♥♥.. sry, i will not return again cuz this game is not what i invested in in the beginning, back in the day where u payed alot of money to become a skinned zombie. back in the day where ppl played survival, this wa a longshot strategy for the devs. it dosent work, unless ur a sologrinder who wanna invest 100+ hrs into a single save just to see something accomplished that i could 2 major patches ago in no time with good team play.

Im sad, bring back the old mechanics or at least make a branch of the near roguelite to par with survival. cuz this isnt a general survival game anymore. this is an 11 year old ALPHA that changes like the wind, that i lost track of now. completely.

Sry for this long rant. but this is my opinion of the games state.

Take this to mind before u buy.
Posted 28 March, 2024.
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19.4 hrs on record (17.0 hrs at review time)
Posted 16 November, 2019.
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485.6 hrs on record (324.0 hrs at review time)
Its awesome as f
Posted 31 October, 2019.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries