Battle Bureaucrat
Modern Hussar   Poland
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:giveityourbest: :empireskull: :frontovik: :frontovik: :frontovik: :TaskForce: :TaskForce: :TaskForce: :TaskForce: :TaskForce: :frontovik: :frontovik: :frontovik: :empireskull: :giveityourbest:
:giveityourbest: :empirecross: :newguy: :infanterie: :Honored: :Honored: :Submarine: :Submarine: :Submarine: :Honored: :Honored: :infanterie: :newguy: :empirecross: :giveityourbest:
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Grognard's words of Wisdom
New Games are mostly utter ♥♥♥♥♥. Souls-games are overrated.
Modern American AAA game devs have tarnished their reputation in recent years. Independent studios beat them in every respect.
ARMA is actually the best JRPG ever designed
Most Anime is trash (Only the one I watch is any good :lunar2019piginablanket:)
Turn Based Strategies are superior to pleb RTSs
Witcher 3 was mediocre :lunar2019deadpanpig:
Assassin's Creed is poor man's Prince of Persia with retarded combat and lame stealth
Blitzkrieg Series > Company of Heroes
Skyrim lacks substance and most of you never finished it, cause you got bored half way through
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was an excelent game with dumb plot :jcdenton:
Mechwarrior Online is STILL World of Tanks with Mechs
Zombies always were predictable and repetitive
There will never be a better 40k game than Chaos Gate and Final Liberation :empireskull:
Dark Omen is the best Warhammer Fantasy release to this date
The best Pirate game is Sea Dogs, Black Flag doesn't even compare
Paradox/Hardsuit Labs WILL ruin Bloodlines 2 and not even Chris Avellone's participation can fix it.
(EDIT: HA! Knew it! They effed it up!)
Speaking of... The reason Obsidian was good, was their writing. Fire good writers and you have a problem. That said, at least they listen to customers and added TB-mode to Pillars 2. :d20:
EvE Online is not a game, it's a second job, and CCP is a one-trick company.
Source Engine is a buggy mess that caused devs more issues and headaches than actual good and is still being fixed, cause it still falls apart.
Half Life is Quake with in-game scripted events.
2D Indie Retro Platformers exist only because of nostalgia and hipster retro-gamer-wannabes who never had NES but don't want to feel left out whenever someone brings up gaming in the 80's and 90's.
Final Fantasy is a Fashion Show :dustpan: (Cloud from Remake is a hot muffin. Better then all women from the series. 100% gay for him)
Kojima is insane. His games are entertaining, cause the mechanics are interesting, and the plot is so stupid it's silly-fun. Everyone who finds his writing deep and complex though, is in dire need of lobotomy.
Workshop Showcase
Gaming Table designed for use with Warhammer 40k RPG Dark Heresy 1st Edition. Contains advice of how to set up your own custom game, how to prepare character sheets, uses a plethora of other 40k related Workshop assets, but also my own Creations. Feel free
28 ratings
Created by - Battle Bureaucrat
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This game is beyond monumental in scale it tackles. A spiritual successor to Lary Bond's Harpoon, CMANO not only focuses on the tactics and strategy of the venerable title, but also turns it up to eleven. It is very clear what is the main goal of this game (or should I say simulation) is - not a shade of pretense about fancy graphical representation found in similar Fleet Command, whereas that game was much easier on the eye, as simplistic as it was it demanded proper 3D representation for the models it utilized... MEANWHILE a quick glance at CMANO's database leaves you speechless. You will find ships, planes and hardware dating back to earliest stages of Cold War, up until now. Mechanics inside compute every single detail on mathematical level and take it into consideration. And the developers keep expanding those databases, fixing and improving their product - explaining a steep price which is by all measures a fair deal given the amount of fullfilling content you simply can't find anywhere else.

Looking into units, you'll find variants, details about electronics, engines, weaponry, capabilities, all those things providing modifiers in already robust simulation of conditions, weather, human reaction time, etc. Think of a bomb dropped on a target. The speed of the plane, altitude, wind speed and direction, all factors have an impact on final accuracy of the bombing run, and those things are calculated every second... for every object... on the entire map.
Despite being a game so simple in it's plain presentation, the collosal work behind the scenes is exactly what a fan of realistic Modern Combat Simulators dreamt of. If ever wandered how it is feels to be a commander in an CiC room on a task force flagship, looking at the LCD screens and giving crucial orders... this is it. This is the game, and just to emphasize my point? CMANO is used by professional military personnel as a training device in it's pro edition.

That said, it is a game we are looking at here and as such it should be judged. The game is not really modable in a sense, we cannot add or alter the databases - that said, I can't say It's an issue given how much hardware is already listed and the devs constantly adding, expanding and fixing already existing content. The UI still is quite jarring and upleasant though, it screams for overhaul that would utilize something as simple as color coding or icons to make it more managable. As it is, CMANO relies heavily on shortcut keys - which also can be quite unforgivable to returning players, who need to 'ease themselves back' not into a thinking man's game (which it absolutely is), but rather into the whole macro-memorandum. So get ready to sit on pause for hours, while browsing drop-down menues for what you actually wanted to select.

The game as it is ships with a hefty load of Scenarios, including elaborate tutorials, which in my case were more then enough to get a firm grasp of the mechanics. If that's not enough for you, Steam Workshop has fantastic community scenario packs, which provide you ten times as much content. How is it possible? Well, CMANO comes with a scenario editor, allowing you to design disgustingly complex and deep operations, and share them with the community, if that is your wish.

My only two gripes with the game is still lack of official multiplayer support, which could elevate this product to my favorite thing ever... Another thing is, although the game has tutorials explaining HOW to play, it doesn't explain WHAT to do. What I mean by that is, this game is very realistic, it's job is to emulate realistic operations the best way possible. You are given tools, but not the knowledge how to utilize them properly. Of course, part of the game is figuring that on your own, however most people don't understand ideas behind modern air/naval tactics, which can be quite intimidating for newcommers. You certainly can learn everything you need about picket ships, screening, suppression and doctrin the hard way, so it's not a big issue for me personally, but trying to put myself into shoes of a potential client and enthusiast, I think that can be an intimidating aspect.

CMANO is certainly worth it's price, as I said. Writing this review in 2018, quite late to the party, I still see regular updates and expansions being produced, providing hours of quality content, where some games with similar pricetag get completely dropped in support a year after it's original release.

Review Showcase
Quite possibly the best Immersive Sim ever developed, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a breath of fresh air in monumentally stangant RPG genre.

There was a time when RPGs were about Role Playing, building your character, starting from bottom and climbing up, overcomming obstacles and challenges, mastering the mechanics and immersing oneself in worlds convincing in presentation, or at least complex and involving in it's gameplay or story. And whereas RPGs devolved into easilly consumable showpieces, linear or filled with repetitive templated MMO-style one-objective fetch-quest, Kingdom Come is a shining beacon that proves there is a market and an audience famished for true Immersive Sim formula.

In KC:D we step into shoes of Henry, a young Blacksmith's son, who's whole life is being turned upside down during turbulent times of Medieval Bohemia's darkest chapters. He is being thrown out of his comfortable life and into insanely raw world where he either makes a name for himself or dies trying. And that said KCD does not hold your hand, it is truelly open world experience! You can go anywhere you wish, get involved in dozens of well detailed activities, forging Henry into a man you want him to be: A noble soldier in his lord's service? Or perhaps a thieving scoundrel? It is up to you to define Henry, through system of stats and perks, customizing equipment to suit your playstyle.
This is a game that transports you into Medieval World (figuratively speaking of course) - all thanks to beautiful depictions, attention to details but also actual activities you'd have to experience in medieval era: There are books filled with legends, lore and knowledge, but you are a peasant, so Reading and Writing is an essential skill you will have to acquire, and you have full quest of that - showing you how in broad terms a person from that time would acquire such skill. Some other time you'd be walking down the city street during midnight, and you'll be approached by a guard, who'll remind you that after sunset you're supposed to walk with a lantern or a torch, cause only theives sneak around in the shadows at such late hours - and that's actual law. Some quests will have you attend medieval hunting trips, or a mass, or perhaps a tournament. Some other time you'll be asked to investigate a monastery, by assuming role of a novitiate monk, going through routines and daily chores of your brothers, while trying to solve the mystery.

Soundtrack is excelent and voiceacting is also top notch, although it has some blander perfomrances here or there.
My biggest gripe though, is that we lack Czech voice option for this game - I'd love to listen to original sounding dialects with subtitles as I play ;) for those extra immersion points!

Now for the flaws, the game uses Cryengine, and as expected, it is quite a resource hog, so be ready for some graphical jank and bugs. Thankfully after 2 years, devs really ironed out most graphic issues.

The game is hard, and you start as a peasant... don't expect you'll be able to ice anyone from the start. It takes time and training to get good at combet, it'll be combination of stats in game, perks, but also your skill, as the system is quite complex and will require maneuvering, countering, parrying. It's safer to run, take enemies one by one, then to rush them, sword swirling like you're some whit haired fantasy ninja.
Combat is methodical, brutal and deadly - take your time, train, master it, and you'll be rewarded with exceptionall experience, you'll feel the improvements, you will get better, and you eventually earn confidence to take on multiple opponents. My only critique here is the lack of scalable UI, with the stance marker being small. Although it is not a problem per se, but when fighting some opponents donning lots of yellow and red colors, I found my eyes loosing it for a moment, but I admitt it's completely due to my poor eyesight. A small increase in scalable ui could fix the issue, certainly look for proper mods if given a chance.

Overall great experience, true RPG, absolutely best Immersive Sim I've played for years, can't wait for sequel, will buy it day one. Do support this small developer who did a terrific fresh experiment with old formula, invested into something that was never done before, maybe with expetion of Rome: Pathway to Power, but that was ages ago, and more adventure game then RPG. This game is a must have for history buff, go get it!
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[TPPL] King Leonidas 8 Dec, 2022 @ 9:27am 
you don't play rogue trader by any chance do you?
seROBOT 8 Nov, 2022 @ 1:33pm 
yo ♥♥♥♥♥ ass need to play more Warhammer 1'sza Edycja - 'Szara Eminencja' - Sesja RPG
LLBKI 11 Jan, 2022 @ 4:48pm 
Kostki, karty, w klatce lisy,
Obyś nigdy nie był łysy :doggie:
Generał Revius 7 Jan, 2022 @ 10:17am 
Babki wróżby, woda grzana. Miejże w sercu Ty Szatana.
The Piwnic 4 Aug, 2021 @ 2:21pm 
Chałwa Ci i kindziuk dnia każdego, towarzyszu!
The Heir of the Holy Rat 23 Dec, 2019 @ 6:51pm 
Wesołego Zimowo-Przesilenia i Szczęśliwego Rogatego! 🐭🐹🐀🐁
Niechajże Rogaty Szczur, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Hashut, Khaine, Gork, Mork i Wszyscy Inni Demoniczni Bogowie będą z Wami! 😈👹👺💀☠️