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12.9 hrs on record (12.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I like the game, its fun, doing battles n all that, but the whole fast forward and pause system is painful. it needs a turn based system implemented, which will never happen but yeah would of been good. If you are interested in this game, just know you kinda have to have patience to get things done or built up but using fast forward mode i find is the only way to progress without pulling your hair out and even then your getting engaged constantly by other army's out of the blue. it's that part what makes me quit after 30 minutes of game play each time. I cant recommend it even though its pretty fun. its just a very bad progression system involving a pause play and fast forward routine.
Posted 4 February.
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0.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Launched game, got in blue ship, started ramming into red ship to see damage physics, after reaching a faster speed on my 5th attempt at ramming, boom, explosion. game crashed with a fatal error. game looks promising, will wait a few months and check back.
Posted 27 January.
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31.6 hrs on record
Still after buying the complete package a year ago, This coh is still a step behind the older ones. The tanks are full cartoon spec, The size of the tanks in coh 1 and coh 2 look alot more life-like, the ones in this are squashed cartoon spec tonka. come on, Only new thing in this coh are the effects are more polished. Bloody TEMU Coh 3 over here. I'll still rate it a thumbs up because it aint a bad game if you can get over the squashed tank tonka look and cartoon spec infantry.
Posted 3 December, 2024.
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46.1 hrs on record
Can you please make This war of mine 2, Frost punk is boring. Cheeers.
Posted 21 September, 2024.
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436.6 hrs on record (315.9 hrs at review time)
Finally got to sink a bunch of hours into this X4, And so far i'm liking it. I'm still a long way off from learning everything but right now, I'm enjoying every moment. Some missions are pretty difficult but googling some guides, At least you will still have half your hair intact. Have yet to do any of the building side of this X4, Slowly but surely. Recommended.

On a side note, The majority of space games that are out or have come out recently, they all are using that really saturated cartoon look which is pretty trash. This game use's that crisp HD look as in the pic's and vids on the store page. Just wish this X4 had multiplayer that u could visit other players universe's and dock/have multi universe wars. Maybe X5?

UPDATE: After a bunch of hours learning and countless midnight to early morning sessions i can now confirm this game is worse then my zyn addiction. Recommended.
Posted 18 September, 2024. Last edited 22 October, 2024.
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7.8 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
Reforger has gotten waay better since it's release. And looks great in 4k. Modded servers are the way to go since they add a ton more content. There are some bugs still but nothing near the amount it had a year ago that i noticed. And the ppl who play are pretty helpful and keen to squad up if your new.
Posted 22 August, 2024.
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94.8 hrs on record
Who give's a Sh&t about another skin, Add more dev missions or another story to complete. bloody skins, yeah let's play the same story mode over and over with a new skin, Sick, hey guys! check my new imp skin out, I'm surely gonna have a fun time looking at this new skin while completing the same story mode over and over. Great game overall but put more love into the community with more dev campaign's.

UPDATE: September, They just released a new plushie and another F&cking imp skin!, Yeah great, Awesome! ... I'm definitely going to play the campaign for the 7th time with the new imp skin! ... side note, The imp skin update came with a promo for there new game which is a cartoon version similar to War for the overworld or a VR version... Not Happy ANDREW!.
Posted 8 July, 2024. Last edited 20 September, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
34.9 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
After an hour playing, Not one bad thing to say. Performance is fine and i'm running everything on ultra and in 4k. Looking forward to the progression of this one. Recommended.

UPDATE: After a couple days playing (30hrs) I'v done all i can do in this game until more is implemented, Fun game though. does need lots of tweaking and bug to be squashed going forward. The enemy AI is too OP imo. and the damage your army does needs to be fixed (not enough compared to the boarder army)
Posted 26 April, 2024. Last edited 29 April, 2024.
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9 people found this review helpful
43.2 hrs on record (42.7 hrs at review time)
Science faction VS (Player) Spy faction = Don't even bother, Sci fact has the upper hand late game. Maybe getting troops into there base early game you might have a chance but then there is no point in unlocking there entire tech tree for there end game tech. Other factions VS, Is doable and feels way more balanced. Also i'll add, The industrial faction have the only late game defence that can go up against each factions late game tech. The rest don't. Industrial faction Nuke's don't count, I'm talking static defence. But good luck going Sci fact vs Spy fact on Hard or brutal lol. Good game though. Recommend for a good challenge. Let me know if you manage to beat on hard or brutal (Late game) I'v tried over 20 times different tactics. no dice.

Go (AI) Sci fact & (Player) Spy fact. Good luck!
Posted 26 March, 2024. Last edited 26 March, 2024.
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14.0 hrs on record (13.4 hrs at review time)
What's with the full grey scale UI with buttons and grid box's all over the place and the planets and moons look like trash. that's what kills it for me, Back to Empyrion until SE2 comes out.

Pros, Great in depth game that's got pretty cool physics and creation with endless things you could come up with in SE that Empyrion does have somewhat but no where near as in depth as SE.

Cons, Game world/s look like complete trash compared to Empyrion (And the UI Crafting screen makes me gag) plus you cant even take you're suit off in ones own base. Not that i could work out anyway. Alot more flaws to note but probably be fixed in SE2. I'll recommend SE only because of the physics it has implemented that EGS does not have (yet)
Posted 5 February, 2024.
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