Luna plays
Sorry guys friendship means something to me, I don't add random strangers just because they got questions about any of my work. In case you need to talk to me you can put a comment anywhere. Friends will be close to me and not just anyone.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also I am not supporting anything or anyone from Russia or from any state that supports Russia, because of this war.
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Created by - Luna plays
849 ratings
This guide is not supported anymore because some guy from Turkey did steal the content, as well as he stole from my other guides and generally steals from all steam guides to do traffic on his non steam related page. Steam does know about that, but doesn't
Luna plays 22 Jan @ 6:41am 
Happy to see that you understand my view :)
bunny de fluff 22 Jan @ 6:37am 
Thanks for the kind words : )
Luna plays 22 Jan @ 3:22am 
Dear Bunny I do believe that in different cultures and countries politeness and friendlyness is different weighted and common. I believe in asian countries it is often a sign of impoliteness if someone criticises something, but in my opinion critique is a sign of intelligence, because it means that the person does not just accept everything without questioning its sense and looking for improvement if something is unsatisfying.
Nice people are often just looking for acceptance and being liked and put that above trueth and deeper relations.
Stay as you are even if you did let out some frustration on the game, it does have its down sides and they should work on those, so you aren't wrong at all, I can also remember your post meanwhile, it was not too harsh, no worries ;)
bunny de fluff 22 Jan @ 3:10am 
At the time, I was frustrated with the game, I just felt like complaining about it in any thread that I happen to come across. It was nothing really, don't worry about it, I made up my mind to not crap on the game anymore : )
Luna plays 22 Jan @ 2:41am 
Although I can remember that I looked up your profil out of curiosity I can't remember which comment you made that lead to that :D Help me please with my really bad brain to memorize what you meant :) And thank you very much for the recommendation of Dust to the end, will take a look at it.
bunny de fluff 22 Jan @ 2:10am 
Hey OP, sorry to post on the page like this, I didn't mean to attack Dustland Delivery like that in your thread, I just realized that you like that game, sorry I came off as a rude inconsiderate guy which I am. I just wanted to apologize, and to tell you about one trading game that plays like Dustland Delivery, but easier to beat and maybe just as fun. I highly recommend that game if you like those relaxing trading games made by Chinese. It is called Dust to the end . Hope you like it.