(Try to give one person in dbd an out and the Left 4 Dead achievement, and yes I am in character as the killer I play it a game i don't take it seriously)
If you're here to leave a salty comment, go ahead, I will reply and say my side of the story and leave it at that unless you keep it up. People are ♥♥♥♥ and i am here to have fun play games and talk to people i like. If you last more than a month on my friends list, then that means I like you/or you talk to me, which is all I ask. I don't keep people around who don't talk/play games with me, I don't have the room for ghosts on my friends list or dead weight. You might read this and think "this guy is an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥," Well, I wasn't like this before, but people/life have hurt me too much for being kind. So unless people deserve it or I feel I wanna be kind to you, I won't be and I won't be pushed around by people on the internet, I get that enough in real life. So in the end I guess I am just a Cruel man
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if your a dbd lore head (like me) you love all the little shout outs and Easter eggs......that's the only positive thing because after the opening with the 1960's cop it went down hill and down hill fast the 1980's teen acting like modern day teens are beyond obnoxious and every time they opened there mouth i was hoping for there to be some thing to off them so much so that i was looking for anyway to have them die the brief bits in 2024 were also just as bad so are the controls and the graphic pop in and chugging on a brand new pc made me realize i can just watch all this on youtube and so should you, hard no from me and im sad this is the state of dead by daylight and now it spin off's
Krewl12 14 Mar @ 7:17pm 
I have a different recollection of events, but since that won't matter to someone like you, I'll say this instead
it's a game
If you got upset, felt cheated, or wronged in one match, move on, let it be a thing in the past, and try to have fun in the next, and if you still feel like that, then leave the game and do something you like outside of the computer.
Toasty 14 Mar @ 3:16pm 
For one your bio is cringe asf stop blaming other people for your actions, two... you play like a rat and try and tunnel people out and come back to hook. You're a clown in this game and a clown irl. Take your sob story somewhere else and stop being a joke. Props for playing teddy bear trapper though that's your only redeeming quality.
Krewl12 22 Feb @ 12:06pm 
That sounds good i see your comments and don't sweat it have a good day right?
Klassical 22 Feb @ 9:56am 
i deleted my comments and basically said sorry, never said I was innocent, but you wanted to then lie and lie. its not a terrible trait to realize an error and then correct it. but you, you are just a clown, you should expect people to come to your profile and leave things especially when you play dbd the way you done with you. Keep farming people and being a bot.
Krewl12 22 Feb @ 9:43am 
I'll be fair and say I misremembered them and what was said, but I didn't come to your profile and say negative things then see I was in the wrong and delete my comments to look like an innocent little guy. That too is a terrible trait
Klassical 22 Feb @ 8:51am 
they were indeed negative, but i came back because you are a liar and put words in others mouth, terrible trait.