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0.0 hrs on record
I'm recommending this because the developers deserve the support for the work that they put into the game, and while a good chunk of this package isn't my cup of tea, I know there's enjoyment here for people who can get into it.

The new songs are good (Not a fan of Melissa's song because the BPM is so slow, but that's just personal gameplay preference.)

The Leviathan mode has a lot of potential to be something really cool from what I can tell. I get that it's a rogue-lite mode, but do you really need to take away basic abilities like ultimate abilities on weapons, and my DASH? You can permanently unlock them, sure. Though you still have to grind a bit to get all of these things before you can move onto the cooler augments and whatnot. The abilities you get during a run are pretty cool. Chance to bleed, chance to curse, chance to negate damage, etc. The only issue with this though is that maybe you have a lot of heavy weapon modifiers, but you are usually constantly swapping weapon types. Which leads to my next issue.

Another pretty big gripe that I have with Leviathan mode is that weapons essentially have durability. (Without upgrading) your guns last four rounds. So you may be able to get a cool ability when you get the choice, but if you've got one round left on your weapon, the following round you'll have to complete the round using Paz, and your sword. I understand that this is implemented because it's a fun little way to play with all of the weapons in the game. I personally cannot say I'm a fan of this though. Having a bunch of blade modifiers is cool and all, but what happens when I lose those? Hopefully I've put some points into heavy weapon, or precision weapon damage for the random weapon I *might* receive from the altar at the end of a round. Maybe you go more than four rounds and haven't unlocked access to another weapon yet. So now you have to fight a boss wave with Paz and your sword. There are permanent upgrades to get weapons more frequently at altars, but again... it's a grind to get them.

It's also worth noting that a lot of the arenas feel pretty awkward to fight in. Of the four I played, maybe one felt semi-fun to fight in. They feel really cluttered, and there doesn't feel like there's much room for maneuverability. In your early runs you won't have your dash unless you get lucky and get it in the alter, or until you permanently unlock it so I guess that won't make a low-maneuverability arena an issue.

The new weapon Telos is a bow that feels pretty awkward to use. When you can get into the zone with it, it's a really strong weapon. Of all of the weapons in the game though, I think this one might be my least favorite. Because if you charge up a shot, and release too early or too late you don't loose your arrow at all. With other weapons you can hit off beat and still do a little damage at least. This one is definitely a 'skill-issue' for me though, but again this is personal preference. In the right hands, I'm sure it's great. It feels very awkward to me though, and even when I am doing well with it, it doesn't feel very fun.

The new skins are pretty underwhelming. They are essentially just re-skins of the main character design. Personally I don't think that's a huge issue because they do look pretty neat, but they all share the same power.

There's something here for people who are into it. The bow has potential to be great, and the Leviathan mode seems like it could be super fun. I don't see myself grinding out everything in Leviathan mode or using the Telos bow at all. However, it's still a great game and deserves to be supported.
Posted 7 December, 2023. Last edited 7 December, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
After playing through the base game recently, despite all of its flaws I did enjoy my experience. I was very eager to play this DLC, though it's difficult to recommend this. Basically, this is supposed to give us the true ending that the base game denied us with its cliffhanger ending. The actual ending of this ends up being so ridiculously cliche, that it left a sour taste in my mouth. I don't need a great story for games like this, but with how this one ends it was greatly disappointing.

They advertise a new weapon as one of the big additions for the DLC. It's unfortunate that you don't get it until you're practically done with the DLC in its entirety. While the new weapon is pretty entertaining, it's more or less just a big upgrade of one of your base weapons, but stronger to fight the new enemies this portion of the game throws at us. It's satisfying because it makes standard enemies melt, but there's also the fact that this weapon replaces your prior one, the one that you've been upgrading the entire game. Again, not the biggest problem, but again left me with a sour taste in my mouth.

Despite some valid criticisms, I am still going to recommend this because some of the things they do with Jacob's newly acquired mental condition is incredible. They took the dementia-driven aspects from Dead Space 2, but made it so you have to engage with them rather than just seeing things that aren't there, and leaving it at that. Wondering if you're really fighting something, or if it's just a hallucination. This was hands down the best part of this whole package. Just for this aspect alone I can easily recommend this DLC.

If you liked the base game, this DLC is worth getting. I'm under the impression that the game's story ended the way it did because they knew there wasn't going to be a sequel with this IP which is rather sad. I'd recommend getting it on sale if you can.
Posted 16 July, 2023. Last edited 16 July, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
The Mandalorian table is a lot of fun, and I highly enjoy playing it. The music is nice to listen to, and the story lines are pretty straight-forward and simple once you get them started. When you lose a ball, being able to hear Mando say "what the hell?!" is pretty funny as well. It definitely isn't my favorite table to play, but it's fun all the same.

The Classic Collectibles table, while being a cool concept and pretty cool aesthetically, is not a very good table. A lot of the time you can't see where the ball is, and the table feels crowded. It also feels as if you need to rely on the upper bumpers far more than I personally like doing. Cool idea, pretty bad execution.

Overall I'd recommend it for The Mandalorian table alone. Whether you like the show or not, it's a pretty solid table. It would have been nice if this, and the Boba Fett table (You know, because they're both bounty hunters, and the bundle is called Thrill of the Hunt) were paired up instead of the Classic Collectibles table, but it is what it is.
Posted 20 April, 2023.
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15.5 hrs on record (11.7 hrs at review time)
I originally wrote a review for this game on launch. As many know, the game was pretty much unplayable on most PCs, including the high end ones. Some time after launch though, and with the game currently on sale I figured I would give it another try despite all of the negativity surrounding the game.

I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this game. It is by no means a perfect package, and I do not think it is worth the $60 price tag, but there is a good game in here despite having a decent amount of flaws. On sale, I would say this game is rather easy to recommend if you are a fan of survival horror games. The game gets compared to Dead Space a lot due to it being created by the original creator of Dead Space, but while the game does take some inspiration from Dead Space, it is its own game entirely.

The Combat: Really nothing too spectacular once you figure out how it works. It can be pretty satisfying a lot of the time, though I wouldn't say it's too difficult to get the hang of, nor is it all that complex. It is very melee-focused and the shooting is pretty standard for a third person shooter. I got through the entire game on the medium difficulty setting really only using my guns when I absolutely needed to (bosses, mini-bosses, & transforming enemies). There is a pretty long portion of the game where you have to rely heavily on stealth takedowns and such. It was fun and intense for a little while, but it did get to a point where I wanted to get back to the combat action sequences. There are also a LOT of random jump scare enemy moments where you have no real chance to react, and then just end up taking damage for little to no reason. I think of the multiple ones in the game, I was able to avoid maybe two. Taking damage like that in a rather unfair way didn't sit right with me given how many times it occurred. I'd have hated to experience that on a higher difficulty. Overall the game isn't too hard and doesn't do anything too creative with its combat, but I still enjoyed myself.

The Exploration: There isn't much to go off of here. Games like Resident Evil, or Dead Space are very rewarding to look around and explore because you get to see some new locations, while also gathering some kind of supplies for your adventure forward. In this game it seemed like aside from the really nice views or occasional audio log going over some details in the story, there was hardly ever any real incentive to explore outside of that. Most supplies came from stomping on enemies after dispatching them, and admittedly fully exploring a rather large area with a bunch of different rooms and only leaving with some pocket change was not very enticing for me to explore areas further most of the time.

The Story: Definitely not amazing, but also not the worst story I've experienced in a game. It is pretty predictable even early on, but the performances by the main cast are really great. The setting itself was a pretty cool idea too. The ending to the game as most know is a bit of a cliffhanger which inevitably sets up the DLC for the game to ultimately conclude the story. Had I beaten this on launch, I would have been greatly upset. Though even now it feels pretty lousy to see that the conclusion of this story is locked behind a paid DLC. I've yet to play the DLC, but will review it when I do if it seems right to do so.

The Progression: In games like this, one of my personal favorite things is power progression. Going from a feeble pistol that barely helps you scrape by to a complete masterclass of a weapon that can turn most enemies into mincemeat. Progression in this game does not feel very good at all, unfortunately. There are some upgrades that you can get here and there that feel significant, but a good chunk of them feel pretty irrelevant. Not only are the valuable items you find not worth much most of the time, but pairing that with mostly picking up pocket change most of the time leads to upgrades feeling taxing to get, while not entirely feeling worth it. When I fully upgraded my melee weapon, I didn't see any reason to upgrade my guns, or gravity glove thing unless I just had some extra credits and figured an upgrade here or there may help with a boss encounter. Overall, not very satisfying.

The Graphics & Performance: Most will probably see at first glance just how great this game looks. I was able to run the game on ultra settings and the level of detail on the character models and environments were a real spectacle to look at. The game thankfully is nothing like how it was on launch. I experienced a few frame drops here and there, but it was never an issue. The game ran smoothly without any hiccups. That isn't a lot to ask for, but recently PC has been getting the short end of the stick performance-wise.

The Characters: While the performances in the game are done well, the characters are pretty forgettable for the most part. None of them feel very significant aside from the main character, and when they show up for a little bit they don't really do much aside from "oh, we need to do this", or "hey we need to cut through there and go over this way". Nobody really stands out, and sometimes the interactions between them are laughably bad. One character starts out hating your guts for like 3/4s of the game, then without any real change or interaction they suddenly start asking if the main character is alright, genuinely sounding concerned for the well-being. It's just kind of awkward, doesn't feel deserved, or earned.

Now, there's a lot of pretty bad things I mentioned here in this review. The game is really flawed in many aspects. However, at the end of the day I really enjoyed playing this game, and I am excited to hop into the DLC and see the 'real' ending since this game will more than likely not get a sequel.
Posted 1 December, 2022. Last edited 4 July, 2023.
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1.0 hrs on record
Very disappointing. The combat in this game is so stiff, and doesn't feel fluid at all. There's definitely something here for some people who are able to put up with the clunky controls, and repetitive combat. I'd have liked to continue playing for the story because it's such an interesting premise, but I can't say it's a game I can play through, even if the story ends up being decent.

Didn't get a chance to try the co-op because with how slow paced the start is, I didn't want to risk playing over the necessary refund play-time. Maybe co-op makes the gameplay a bit more bearable since even at the start of the game enemies are damage sponges. However, I didn't want to stick around long enough to find out since I'm primarily a solo player anyways.

Really wanted to like this one, but spamming the one singular combo string in the game for each character just isn't very appealing when it feels as awful as it does. The final hit finishers are pretty satisfying, but it's a darn shame that you have to mash Light > Light > Light > Heavy two or three times before you can see it.
Posted 21 October, 2022.
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33.6 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
When the demo came out for this game, I played it quite a lot, and was a little worried as to how the rest of the game could hold up to the quality of the original demo. It's safe to say that the game put those worries to rest quite easily. This game has definitely become one of my favorite games that has come out this year, if not my favorite so far.

The game is fast paced, and visceral. Getting to maximum fury, and having the vocals kick in for the songs is a great incentive to continue slaying well, and on beat. It can be frustrating when you are struggling a bit, but once the mechanics click, the game is a real joy to play. Not to mention, the entire soundtrack for this game is real nice.

Even though the story is relatively straightforward, it has its own charm to it that I really ended up enjoying. I cared a lot more for the main characters than I thought I would, which is always nice.

The only real downside I can think of to this game is that it's very short, and can probably be completed in about four or five hours. Though the fun comes from replaying the levels, slaying to your favorite songs, and improving on your previous score.

This game is an easy recommend. Now that there's mod support for adding your own songs into the game it will be very interesting to see what goofy stuff we will end up seeing/hearing.
Posted 1 October, 2022.
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27.9 hrs on record
- Managing your cult can be addicting, and doesn't feel like a chore while progressing.
- Music is very good.
- The combat can be very fun, and challenging at later points in the game.
- Most NPCs are charming in their own right, and the voice acting for the game is comical in a good way.

- There is not much left to do once you beat the game. You can go for achievements or find secrets, but that's about it.
- I experienced quite a few crashes. It has gotten better since launch, but it still happens on occasion.
- Only two of the weapons feel good to use, everything else is usable, but not necessarily fun (my own opinion, of course.)
- Once you max everything out with your cult, managing it begins to feel like a chore.
- I wish that some of my cult friends lived a little longer... :(

Overall, I can definitely recommend this game. I had tons of fun managing my cult, and the dungeon runs were very fun to play through. The difficulty spikes up a bit about halfway through the game, but this is definitely a game that most people can probably find some joy in playing.
Posted 1 September, 2022.
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13.3 hrs on record (9.9 hrs at review time)
(Negative review subject to change if Multiplayer is fixed.) The game at its core is good. The gameplay is fun, and it can be extremely intense. There are definitely some scares in there too, which is really nice. I can recommend this game if you enjoy playing the game solo, or have a group of friends to play it with.

Games like these, I purchase to play with people. I don't have any friends to currently play the game with, so that leaves me to play with randoms. I don't mind playing with randoms. Sometimes they can be a real pain, but more often than not you can at least have some kind of fun with randoms. Matchmaking/joining lobbies/hosting lobbies has been busted since launch.

I send out a distress signal for help? Nobody joins. I try and search for a lobby with any quest, and at any difficulty? "Unable to join game. The connection could not be established." After literally twenty attempts, I can finally get into a game with a random person? Either one of two things happens: The host is sitting AFK, or I hear "who is this guy?" Then I proceed to get booted from the lobby. The host being AFK wouldn't be an issue, but in order to do any missions, all players in the lobby need to be present, and you can't really do that if even a single person is AFK.

I loved the original Dying Light, and I want to love this one. I could play this game solo, sure. However, I bought it to play with people because I enjoy co-op games. The developers have addressed the matchmaking issues, and have said the issue is fixed. Successfully connecting to one (two if you're lucky) lobby out of twenty attempts is pitiful. It is very clear that the issue is not fixed. Out of the nearly 10 hours I've played, probably about five of those hours were spent trying to find a multiplayer lobby. I got lucky and found a lobby with two other fellas, but in the middle of a mission one went AFK for like ten minutes, then the other guy got impatient and left.

Honestly, at this point I'd ask for a refund if I could. I hope they do actually fix the multiplayer in this game because it's a very fun game.
Posted 13 February, 2022.
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23.1 hrs on record
The game tells an excellent story. A lot of the charm comes from knowing at least a little bit about the main characters and their backstories, but the game does a very good job re-telling those stories for newer audiences. A lot of solid character development too, which was predictable, but ultimately nice to see.

The gameplay leaves a lot to be desired, and the little bits of exploration can be fun for the sightseeing, but it does get a bit tedious after a while. When it comes to combat, it is very easy for the most part. Even while playing on the hardest difficulty setting, I didn't have much trouble getting through the game. Upgrades don't feel major, or significant. The combat does get very repetitive, but the story definitely carries this game's quality. The dialog choices can be fun here and there, but it generally doesn't change the story, or have any significant effect. The visuals are very impressive and pretty to look at, and it has a fun soundtrack.

I purchased it at full price, but I'd recommend getting it on sale. If you are big on narrative-driven games though, then the full price tag might be justifiable.

If I have to hear the word "flark" one more time though, I am going to scream.
Posted 29 January, 2022.
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403.9 hrs on record (292.6 hrs at review time)
While the first few hours of the game will be rather challenging for newer players, as well as learning the ins and outs of how the several classes work, this game becomes very addicting to play. Whether you're a hot-headed deducer, or if you're looking for a relaxing game to play from time to time, for the price, I'd say it's definitely worth it. I've spent hundreds of hours on this game so far, and look forward to putting hundreds of more hours into the game. Especially with all of the new cosmetics they keep adding into the game.

The devs are constantly updating, and making improvements to the game. The community is also usually quite friendly, and helpful to new players. Like all communities, there are some bad apples in the bunch, but for the most part, it's a great community to be a part of. (I highly recommend joining the official Throne of Lies discord. It's informative, and a lot of fun.)

The only real complaint I have with this game is that sometimes, luck is a very apparent factor in how some matches are won, or lost. Sometimes you're lucky, and find two evils back-to-back without any promising leads, or you're unlucky, and redirect an investigative class onto you, and get caught as a member of the evil faction. (A converted drunk debauching a sheriff. FeelsBadMan)

My piece of advice for newer players would have to be; try not to get frustrated. Sometimes, you'll die the first night. Sometimes, you'll get caught as evil the first night. Sometimes, you'll get randomly executed for no good reason. If such things happen, simply move onto the next round. Like any game, it can be frustrating, but there is more good to say about this game than there is bad.

There is a lot of fun to be had with this game, and I highly recommend it if you're a fan of Mafia/Town of Salem style games.
Posted 26 March, 2018.
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