Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Blueprints for Space Engineers
DerMakrat Interspace

On 9. Sep. 2019 i released my first Blueprint. for the anniversary this year something special is cooming. End of one series of crafts and the beginning of a new. :)
Workshop Showcase
"A friend and I were mining on a moon. I had designed a new small mining ship that was never tested. My friends big miner was losing altitude. The cargo load was to heavy for the thrusters and it crashed in the mine shaft. I rushed to his ship and connecte
396 ratings
Created by - DerMakrat
Workshop Showcase
Every thing designed by Humans is designed to be used by Humans. for that reason every tool has a similar range of size and weight. the first tool you normaly use in survival mode in Space Engineers is you drill. The Drill Vehicle is therefor one of the fi
158 ratings
Created by - DerMakrat
Screenshot Showcase
Dexterity swinging by
DerMakrat 11 Feb @ 11:39am 
It warms my heart to hear that :) i hope you enjoy the game. let me know if you need any informations regarding my Blueprints :)
Youshedo 11 Feb @ 5:47am 
Hey DerMakrat, I enjoy your space engineers ships. Fun to build and progress on.
Thank you!
9/11 was T sided 14 Jan @ 12:35pm 
could you please upload “Argo Atmosphere XS Mining Ship 1.2“ to
DerMakrat 18 Dec, 2024 @ 4:36am 
Hallo EaZe freut mich zu hören. Die Expo ist ein save game und kann leider nicht in eine Spielwelt kopiert werden. sie kann aber auf einen server kopiert werden und ersetzt die spiel welt. (Backup vorher von der server Welt) Schön das die Agility und Livley immernoch anklang finden :) lass es mich wissen wenn du irgendwelche fragen hast ;)
EaZe ♕ 18 Dec, 2024 @ 2:09am 
Ja ich weiss, es gibt sehr viele schiffe im workshop, aber das Lively Large Interplanetary ist das zweit beste schiff das mir zusagt und das stammt aus deiner feder