Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Stay Safe and be Happy
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This game had such a huge impact on my life on so many levels that it left me with no words and only tears. How its story mirrors many of my own deepest struggles was painful to no end, but at the same time, helped me tremendously in coping with them. I am and forever will be grateful that I had experienced The House in Fata Morgana in my period of time.
Drugo⚸a 3 Jan @ 11:23am 
...and a Happy New Year to you, too :aidolstar:

A snake? Is it the one that bites its own tale? :timevortex: Cause I'd rather bite something else this year ;) :udom_tentacle:
Noxquietem 3 Jan @ 3:56am 
Thank you, Happy Holidays to you too!
Drugo⚸a 25 Dec, 2024 @ 10:43am 
Happy Holidays, Noxquietem :sc_candy::sc_snowman:
Drugo⚸a 31 Oct, 2024 @ 8:54am 
Hey, I listened to the songs. They're wonderfully melancholic, which is very fitting for a track called: "I talk to the rain" :ayos_sad: But "hear our prayer" is vast and majestic on top of it. They both make me feel nostalgic for some vague time I'm not even sure I remember. I see this music is from an anime I'm not familiar with. Thanks for sharing :Glow_Tulip:

PS: What's Azkajyura? Is it a daemon you summoned with that :YOPentagram: and now it's possessing you? :Demonspawn:
Noxquietem 22 Oct, 2024 @ 8:41am 
Awesome! Use it well, it suits you so much! Golden pantagram is an interesting one, I suppose it could suit me one day once I'm out of my "dark" phase. Muahaha! :)
Drugo⚸a 22 Oct, 2024 @ 7:14am 
Thank you for the offer and for the nice thought <3 I accepted it. Says it's on hold for 24 hours, so it'll show up in my inventory tomorrow, I suppose, as well as your pentagram :YOPentagram: