Volva   Germany
Someone who is pulling the strings.

The importance of Freedom of Speech
Doesnt mean I have to listen to your stupid ♥♥♥♥ you dumb ♥♥♥♥♥.

Make Germany Second
We want to finally be a second world country.

I'm old and so will you be one day.
Currently Online
What you should know
I'm a Collector and not a trader. 99% of my Inventory is NOT FOR TRADE .
Yes, that 99% includes COLLECTORS, DECORATED WEAPON, GENUINE, HAUNTED, STRANGE, UNUSUAL, VINTAGE, HALLOWEEN SPELLED and most UNIQUE items like Keys and Hats crafted by friends.

I play MvM (Two Cities Mann Up) once a week (Saturday). My timezone is GMT+1.
So if you are into that, want to learn or just play, maybe even have some fun, you can join me.
All I'm asking is that you arent a cheater, Gas user or make games incredibly boring overall.

I highly recommend you to check out Potato's Custom MvM Servers.
You can play the missions of their past events on their Archive Servers. [potato.tf]

I know everyone loves a good Potato, I should know, I'm German after all but you cant live on a single vegetable alone. You need that critical vitamin intake only Pineapple MvM can deliver.
So I highly recommend you to check out Moonlight MvM. A custom MvM community with vanilla-styled missions.
Here you can find their Event Servers [moonlight.tf] when a campaign is in progress.

I also started doing MvM Demo Reviews. If you have any that you would like me to check out and react to, you can add me to talk about the details.
Mann vs Machine Shenanigans
Australiums I received so far:

Nr. 1 - 1st Tour Sniper Rifle #1
Nr. 2 - 20th Tour Force-A-Nature #1
Nr. 3 - 90th Tour Scattergun #1
Nr. 4 - 229th Tour SMG #1
Nr. 5 - 253rd Tour Medi Gun #1
Nr. 6 - 291st Tour Scattergun #2
Nr. 7 - 353rd Tour Grenade Launcher #1
Nr. 8 - 389th Tour Frontier Justice #1
Nr. 9 - 408th Tour Frontier Justice #2
Nr. 10 - 410th Tour Medi Gun #2
Nr. 11 - 459th Tour Blutsauger #1
Nr. 12 - 518th Tour Wrench #1
Nr. 13 - 519th Tour Rocket Launcher #1
Nr. 14 - 531st Tour Tomislav #1
Nr. 15 - 550th Tour Axtinguisher #1
Nr. 16 - 563rd Tour Grenade Launcher #2
Nr. 17 - 573rd Tour Knife #1
Nr. 18 - 580th Tour Flame Thrower #1 Nr. 19 - 70th Tour (Alt) Knife #2
Nr. 20 - 725th Tour Stickybomb Launcher #1
Nr. 21 - 749th Tour Blutsauger #2
Nr. 22 - 754th Tour Force-A-Nature #2 Nr. 23 - 91st Tour (Alt) Axtinguisher #2
Nr. 24 - 782nd Tour Stickybomb Launcher #2
Nr. 25 - 797th Tour Sniper Rifle #2
Nr. 26 - 834th Tour Scattergun #3
Nr. 27 - 879th Tour Minigun #1
Nr. 28 - 892nd Tour Black Box #1
Nr. 29 - 909th Tour Tomislav #2
Nr. 30 - 963rd Tour Axtinguisher #3
Nr. 31 - 966th Tour Scattergun #4
Nr. 32 - 970th Tour Black Box #2
Nr. 33 - 988th Tour Medi Gun #3
Nr. 34 - 1035th Tour Axtinguisher #4
Nr. 35 - 1133rd Tour Force-A-Nature #3

Custom MvM Playlists (Potato.tf and Pineapple.tf aka Moonlight.tf)

Titanium Tank
Canteen Crasher
Madness vs Machines
Memes vs Machines
Potato Archive
Operation Starched Silliness
Digital Directive
Hexadecimal Horrors
Binary Blackout
Operation Peculiar Pandemonium
Anniversary Annihilation
Rewired Rampage
Holographic Harvest
Operation Last Laugh
Voltaic Violence
Operation Galvanized Gauntlet
Operation Firmware Frenzy
Operation Magnetic Mayhem
Operation Osmium Ordinance

Mann Up Playlists

Dramatic Encounters
The Next Generation of Useless High Tours
Hackers in MvM
The Degeneration of Pyro on MvM
Legends of MvM
Oil Spill
Steel Trap
Mecha Engine
Two Cities
Gear Grinder

Item and Miscellaneous Playlists

Australium Drops
Garbage Loot Chronicles
Strange Decorated Weapon Trade Up
Scam Awareness PSA
Valve Server Experience
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
If nothing is listed here, I am trading nothing. NOTHING.
Favorite Group
A home for MvM mappers, mission makers, modders, and players interested in creating and playing MvM content!
In Chat
Favorite Group
Moonlight MvM - Public Group
A custom MvM community with vanilla-styled missions
In Chat
Favorite Guide
Created by - Soldier Claus
608 ratings
Sorry about the mess. This guide is rather disorganized and structureless. I thought I was done writing guides, but here this is. Lately, I've had my intelligence insulted a lot by low-tour players in MvM pubs. Why are low-tour players calling more experie
Video Showcase
Unusual Professional Killstreak Connoisseur's Cap
8 5
Video Showcase
Hackers in MvM #29
3 1
Screenshot Showcase
Look at her melons!
7 1
Screenshot Showcase
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Featured Artwork Showcase
Featured Artwork Showcase
Zero Update Day
3 3
Artwork Showcase
The Big Oof Moment - Personally Identifiable Information
1 1
Artwork Showcase
Steam Support says Usernames are Personally Identifiable Information
3 2 1
Review Showcase
111 Hours played
If I had to sum up Tales of Berseria in one word, it would be tedious.
If I had to do it in two, it would be infuriatingly tedious.

PC controls for this are better and you can actually map every action to a button of your choice. Good on you for letting me fix your awful default key binds.

One thing of note are the settings for camera movement on map screens and the like.
Maybe its just me but I always thought that when those are set to "Normal", that it means that up goes up and down goes down, left goes left and right goes right.
Apparently not because pressing the up arrow meant that I go down and the left arrow meant I go right.
So that option is either set wrong or I live in opposite world.

One of my biggest complaints with this game is how unbelievably slow your movement speed is.
Even with the items that give you 30% faster movement speed, you are excruciatingly slow to walk around.
This isnt helped by the fact that areas become bigger and longer the more you progress through the game.

They even introduce a faster travel option later on but thats not saying much when that alternative is marginally faster than your walking speed.
To even be able to use that alternative you also have to walk to a certain point of a given area to enable it.
Thank you for increasing my speed from snail pace to ant pace.

Even traveling around the world by warping to areas has become so much more limited.
You can warp to major areas like towns but thats pretty much it. No more direct warping to save locations you discovered.
We wouldnt want you to miss the exciting times you are going to have when you snail through mostly uninteresting areas and cave corridors filled to the brim with enemies.

To alleviate the issue of boredom walking around, you get the privilege of collecting Katz orbs which are strewn about the landscape without rhyme or reason and other shiny items in the environment.
I can only wholeheartedly recommend everyone to ignore every Katz orb they see. Its not worth the trouble to go out of your way to pick these up at all.
And should you truly care to get them for the Attachment unlocks they are for, there is an end game dungeon that has a chance to spawn randomized rooms filled to the brim with the damn things.
Its still tedious as all hell to collect them there but at least you will have about 600 of them lying around in one spot instead of the maybe 10 to 20 sprinkled around.

Now about those shiny items that you can also find. Those can be materials for upgrading equipment but most of the time will be pure trash items.
I call them trash items because they serve no purpose beyond giving you something to pick up and to sell for money at a shop.

You might say money is good, that isnt trash. But I was never strapped for money despite the fact that I never bothered selling any of them after I came to the realization just how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ useless it was to even bother with them and the minuscule amount of income they actually provided.

Of course you can still find the occasional treasure chests ranging from copper to silver to gold chests, giving you various items ranging from the same upgrade material you can find in shiny items or by dismantling equipment to items you can use during battles and equipment itself.
Once found those treasure chests get marked down on the area map and do refill on their own over time but are mostly not worth seeking out again due to the random nature of the item pools, making them not worth the trouble.
Another time wasting prospect for the most part.

Lets get to the crux of the situation: the combat.
For all the negativity Tales of Zestiria gets for its combat, it absolutely blows me away how this game gets a pass when the combat in Tales of Berseria is unfathomable magnitudes worse.

Yes, you do have more freedom of movement during battle right from the start but thats also where the positives end.
Every other aspect of the combat has become so much worse that I honestly couldnt believe it.

Lets lay some ground work first though. The amount of times you can attack and form combos is limited by your SC. This is the case in both Zestiria and Berseria.
In Zestiria it was hard capped at 100. In Berseria it doesnt have a number anymore and instead is called "Souls."

These souls affect how many attacks you can do in a row and start out at 3. These can be increased to 5 through actions during battle but can also decrease through actions during battle to only 1.
You can later increase these through upgraded equipment and even start battles with more than 3 souls.

The problem with this system is how it all works in combat. Everything goes both ways. What can happen to you can happen to your enemy and vice versa.

You can break a soul to do a special combat move. This means expending 1 of your 3 souls, leaving you with only 2 remaining. Which in turn means that you cant attack and form combos as well anymore.

To regain a soul you will either have to inflict a stun or status ailment to an enemy or kill an enemy.
You can also quick evade attacks with proper timing which throws a soul onto the battlefield for you or your team to collect.
However, if you get stunned or afflicted by a status ailment, you also lose a soul.

Being stunned is just the absolute worst nightmare because you cant do anything for 2 to 3 seconds, you take increased damage and are more likely to become afflicted by status ailments.
This can result in chain reactions of being stunned and losing a soul, getting a status ailment and losing another soul.
This can also turn into you being stunned, coming out of the stun and immediately being hit again for another stun.

All this greatly diminishes your ability to fight back and regain souls. You get basically overly punished for things that might be entirely out of your control.
What are you supposed to do about being juggled in attacks, being stunned directly after, coming out of the stun and then going right back into a stun or juggle again when you had no chance to react to any of it.
A single stun happening to you while multiple enemies attack you can also mean that you will die nearly instantly, depleting thousands of health.

I found that the easiest way to control fights was having spell casters on your team.
Spells usually result in attacks that hit multiple times and lock enemies in place for sometimes seconds and while one attack happens another spell can hit them, making them unable to perform any actions at all while also having the ability to stun and inflict status ailments to them.

This means that fights are focused on not allowing your enemy to do anything while you stun and inflict status ailments on them and then hammer down on them with everything you got.
Just hope that the enemy doesnt get the chance to do the exact same thing to you.

There is a significant different between how attacks and spell work in Berseria compared to Zestiria.
In Zestiria certain attacks and spells could only be interrupted by specific counters to them.
In Berseria anything can interrupt anything.

Even the most basic attack can stop spells from being completed. Putting increased importance on defending your spell casters from disruptions and disrupting the enemy from completing any spells of their own.

It might sound plausible and simple but good luck controlling up to 6 spell casting enemies that have not only thousands upon thousands of health but also cast faster, have insane spell ranges and inflict you with status ailments faster than you can tear your hair out in frustration.

Another aspect that is way more important in Berseria than it ever was in Zestiria is your equipment.
But since Steams character limit wont allow me to write much more I'll continue my review in the comments section.
Thank you Steam for inhibiting my ability to fully tear this game down.
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4.9 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
9,380 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
197 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
guard dog #unmutef2ps 11 Mar @ 2:39pm 
that sounds good
Volva* 10 Mar @ 2:11am 
You posted in a thread from 2016 in which the last response was from 2021. Its normal for these things to get locked up.

You could just make a new thread and outline your issue in more detail. What you queue for, how it looks when the mission ends and what exactly you want to have fixed.

Beyond that I can only offer you that I queue with you and to take a look at this while it happens.
guard dog #unmutef2ps 9 Mar @ 11:37pm 
Since some silly valve moderation bot muted the no rewards mbm thread, empire escalation is the one that I don't get rewards on
fyre 9 Mar @ 3:26pm 
like your vids
Durla 3 Mar @ 2:42am 
hey man i've sent you an offer
+rep good mvm player