Louisiana, United States
PlayStation ID: FroheMilchmann
Xbox ID: FroheMilky

Open to everybody and love a good sense of humor :happycthulhu:
My fav genres of games - RPG, FPS, Action :praisesun:
I adore good screenshots and rate them in steam activity whenever I have time :emofdr:
Currently In-Game
Hello friend!

Nowadays I mostly collect games that I find interesting and play whenever I have enough free time. Besides that I make sure to check the activity to see the creative side of Steam - your screenshots, arts, opinions, etc (but please don't ask me directly to rate or promote something, if that's the only reason you want to communicate with me, I'll remove you, sorry, I'm too old for that :emofdr:)

However, anyone with genuine appreciation for good video games or someone who just wants to chat about random topics is always welcome :praisesun:

My favorite genres are RPG, Action, FPS. Besides that I love anything related to music and have some pretty strong appreciation for cinema as well.

Have an amazing day, and shine on :8bitheart::spiffo:
Screenshot Showcase
Bridge to the Novigrad
2182 259 119
Screenshot Showcase
Morning walk
507 168 71
Favorite Group
Beautiful Screenshot Lovers
In Chat
Favorite Game
Favorite Game
Hours played
Review Showcase
250 Hours played
I hate this game
Recent Activity
13 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
0.9 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
250 hrs on record
last played on 15 Mar
Caelus 5 hours ago 
May your heart be your guiding key

my tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I

got out of bed at all

the morning rain clouds up my window

and I can't see at all

and even if I could it'd all be grey

but your picture on my wall

it reminds me that it's not so bad it's not so bad
Caelus 15 Mar @ 10:51am 
:FFXIIIlightning::fukidashi:Have a great weekend warrior o/
𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐇 ᯓ★ 15 Mar @ 9:22am 
   :we_are_your_children::we_are_your_children:   :we_are_your_children::we_are_your_children:   
:Implo::atomical:   :we_are_your_children:   :atomical::Implo:
   :Implo:         :Implo:   

Mγ deɑɾ fɾiend, :sadfaye:
I wish γou ɑ wondeɾful dɑγ ! :pinkflower:
Mɑγ this dɑγ bɾing γou joγ ɑnd love, :pg_heart:
The pleɑsuɾe of living in ɑ positive vibe, doing whɑteveɾ mɑkes γou hɑppγ. :amethyst:
Jax the Peaceful 15 Mar @ 5:00am 
Have a lovely weekend mate!!
Caelus 14 Mar @ 11:02am 

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Have a great day!